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14:37, 15 March 2016 BiographieUniverselle1826P1611.jpg (file) 618 KB Wythe's entry from volume 2, part 2 of ''Biographie Universelle et Portative des Contemporains'' (Paris: Bureau De La Biographie, 1826), 1611. Category: Biographies (Articles) [[Category: French Literatu... 1
14:37, 15 March 2016 BiographieUniverselle1826.pdf (file) 394 KB ''Biographie Universelle et Portative des Contemporains'' (Paris: Bureau De La Biographie, 1826), 1611. Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: French Literature 1
13:08, 14 March 2016 EncyclopediaAmericana1904Title.jpg (file) 328 KB Title page from vol. 16 of ''Encyclopedia Americana,'' ed. Frederick Converse Beach (New York: The Americana Company, 1904). [[Category: Biographies (Articles) 1
13:06, 14 March 2016 MitchellEncyclopediaAmericana1904.pdf (file) 1.24 MB Wythe's entry from vol. 16 of ''Encyclopedia Americana,'' ed. Frederick Converse Beach (New York: The Americana Company, 1904), written by S.C. Mitchell. Category: Biographies (Articles) 1
09:59, 13 March 2016 SmithBookOfTheSigners1860.jpg (file) 691 KB Letter to editor of the Philadelphia ''Weekly Press,'' from William R. Smith, dated November 20, 1860. From a copy of Sanderson's <a href="" rel=... 1
16:09, 9 March 2016 RosenbachCatalogue1926P95.jpg (file) 205 KB Page 95 from ''1776 Americana: A Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents Relating to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War'' (Philadelphia: Rosenbach Company, 1926). Category: Letters and Papers 1
16:09, 9 March 2016 RosenbachCatalogue1926.pdf (file) 58 KB Wythe items listed in ''1776 Americana: A Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Documents Relating to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War'' (Philadelphia: Rosenbach Company, 1926), p. 95. [[Category: Letters and P... 1
11:04, 7 March 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheAmericasFirstLawProfessor1933.docx (file) 584 KB Word document transcription of W. Edwin Hemphill's master's thesis, "George Wythe, America's First Law Professor and the Teacher of Jefferson, Marshall, and Clay" (Emory University, 1933). 1
14:25, 29 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheTheColonialBriton1937Title.jpg (file) 175 KB Title page from W. Edwin Hemphill's doctoral dissertation, "George Wythe the Colonial Briton: A Biographical Study of the Pre-Revoultionary Era in Virginia" (University of Virginia, 1937). Category: Title Pages 1
14:24, 29 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheTheColonialBriton1937.pdf (file) 17.64 MB W. Edwin Hemphill's doctoral dissertation, "George Wythe the Colonial Briton: A Biographical Study of the Pre-Revoultionary Era in Virginia" (University of Virginia, 1937). Category: Biographies 1
16:48, 25 February 2016 SargentLifeAndPublicServicesOfHenryClay1852Title.jpg (file) 134 KB Title page from Epes Sargent's ''Life and Public Services of Henry Clay'' (Auburn, NY: Derby & Miller, 1852). Category: Biographies Category: Title Pages 1
16:48, 25 February 2016 SargentLifeAndPublicServicesOfHenryClay1852.pdf (file) 694 KB Pages relevant to Henry Clay studying under George Wythe, from Epes Sargent's ''Life and Public Services of Henry Clay'' (Auburn, NY: Derby & Miller, 1852), 13-16, 319. Category: Biographies Category: Title Pages 1
14:45, 19 February 2016 HarrisonAccomplishdPractiser1790P67.jpg (file) 237 KB Pages 67 from Harrison's ''The Accomplish'd Practiser in the High Court of Chancery,'' 7th ed. (London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall, 1790). 1
14:44, 19 February 2016 HarrisonAccomplishdPractiser1790P67-68.pdf (file) 92 KB Pages 67-68 from Harrison's ''The Accomplish'd Practiser in the High Court of Chancery,'' 7th ed. (London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall, 1790). 1
14:43, 19 February 2016 Gazette18June1806P3.jpg (file) 266 KB Text from "Communication," ''Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser'' (Richmond, VA), June 18, 1806, signed "A.B." Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
14:42, 19 February 2016 VirginiaGazetteAndGeneralAdvertiser18June1806.pdf (file) 6.6 MB "Communication," ''Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser'' (Richmond, VA), June 18, 1806, signed "A.B." Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
10:44, 17 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheAmericasFirstLawProfessor1933.pdf (file) 12.72 MB W. Edwin Hemphill's M.A. thesis, "George Wythe, America's First Law Professor and the Teacher of Jefferson, Marshall, and Clay" (Emory University, 1933). Category: Biographies 1
14:23, 15 February 2016 JeffersonToLouisGirardin15January1815.jpg (file) 203 KB Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, dated January 15, 1815. Image from the [ Library of Congress], The Thomas Jefferson Papers. Category: Letters and Papers 1
14:30, 12 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheAmericasFirstLawProfessor1933TitlePage.jpg (file) 240 KB Title page from W. Edwin Hemphill's "George Wythe, America's First Professor of Law and the Teacher of Jefferson, Marshall, and Clay" (MA thesis, Emory University, 1933). 1
10:13, 8 February 2016 FinchNomotexnia1613Spine.jpg (file) 740 KB   1
16:52, 5 February 2016 InWythesMemory12January1901.jpg (file) 97 KB Item from the ''Richmond Times'' from 1901, concerning a monument to George Wythe. 1
16:51, 5 February 2016 RichmondTimes12January1901P4.pdf (file) 1.53 MB Item from the ''Richmond Times'' from 1904, concerning a monument to George Wythe. 1
13:27, 5 February 2016 WytheRoomShelfE4.gif (file) 424 KB Virtual bookshelf from George Wythe's Library, Shelf E-4, The Wolf Law Library at the College of William & Mary School of Law. 1
12:26, 5 February 2016 HeningNewVirginiaJustice1795Subscribers.jpg (file) 2.67 MB "Subscribers' Names" from Hening's ''The New Virginia Justice'' (Richmond, VA: T. Nicolson, 1795), with George Wythe's name among the subscribers. 1
17:56, 4 February 2016 AndrewBurnabyPortrait1789.jpg (file) 59 KB Portrait of the Reverend Andrew Burnaby (1789), by an unknown artist. Image courtesy of "[ Your Paintings,]" and the Leicestershire County Council Museums Service. 1
17:24, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798P24n.jpg (file) 168 KB Footnote regarding George Wythe, from page 24 of Andrew Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America (London: T. Payne, 1798). 1
17:01, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798TitlePage.jpg (file) 140 KB Title page from Andrew Burnaby's ''Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America'' (London: T. Payne, 1798). 1
16:58, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798.pdf (file) 1.49 MB Section on Virginia from Andrew Burnaby's ''Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America'' (London: T. Payne, 1798). Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
13:20, 2 February 2016 BurkHistoryOfVirginia1816Vol4.jpg (file) 145 KB Title page of volume four of Burk's ''History of Virginia'' (Petersburg: M.W. Dunnavant, 1816), continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. 1
17:24, 14 January 2016 ElizabethCityCountyCourt6September1763P2.jpg (file) 4.42 MB Page fragment from Elizabeth City County court records, in George Wythe's handwriting, dated September 6, 1763. Image courtesy of the [ New York Public Library.] 1
17:20, 14 January 2016 ElizabethCityCountyCourt6September1763P1.jpg (file) 4.53 MB Page fragment from Elizabeth City County court records, in George Wythe's handwriting. Image courtesy of the [ New York Public Library.] 1
17:26, 4 December 2015 WytheHouseShutters.jpg (file) 415 KB Photograph of the interior shutters of the George Wythe House, Colonial Williamsburg, showing oculus for solar observations, taken June 15, 2010. 1
17:26, 4 December 2015 WytheHouseWindow.jpg (file) 409 KB Photograph of the exterior parlor window of the George Wythe House, Colonial Williamsburg, taken June 15, 2010. 1
10:29, 1 December 2015 AndersonTeacherOfJeffersonAndMarshallOctober1916P327.jpg (file) 430 KB First page of D.R. Anderson's article, "The Teacher of Jefferson and Marshall," ''South Atlantic Quarterly'' 15, no. 4 (October 1916), pp. 327-343. 1
16:14, 24 November 2015 JonesCharacterAndServiceOfGeorgeWythe1932P325.jpg (file) 443 KB First page of Allan Dudley Jones' essay, "The Character and Service of George Wythe," from the Virginia State Bar Association's ''Annual Reports'' 44 (August 1932), 325-339. 1
16:00, 24 November 2015 JonesCharacterAndServiceOfGeorgeWythe1932.pdf (file) 522 KB Allan Dudley Jones' essay, "The Character and Fitness of George Wythe," from the Virginia State Bar Association's ''Annual Reports'' 44 (August 1932), 325-339. 1
12:28, 24 November 2015 JeffersonToJamesMadison26July1780P1.jpg (file) 509 KB Page one of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, dated July 26, 1780. Mss. SI Jefferson, [ Special Collections Research Center, Swem Lib... 1
12:27, 24 November 2015 JeffersonToJamesMadison26July1780P2.jpg (file) 491 KB Page two of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, dated July 26, 1780. Mss. SI Jefferson, [ Special Collections Research Center, Swem Lib... 1
12:27, 24 November 2015 JeffersonToJamesMadison26July1780P3.jpg (file) 497 KB Page three of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, dated July 26, 1780. Mss. SI Jefferson, [ Special Collections Research Center, Swem L... 1
12:08, 24 November 2015 JeffersonToJamesMadison26July1780P4.jpg (file) 508 KB Page four of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, dated July 26, 1780. Mss. SI Jefferson, [ Special Collections Research Center, Swem Li... 1
13:43, 13 November 2015 RosenthalMarshall1927.jpg (file) 1.35 MB Chief Justice John Marshall. Etching by Albert Rosenthal (1863-1939), made from the St. Memin portrait in the Corcoran Gallery of Art (now in the National Portrait Gallery). Signed "To Aaron Harris, Esq., Albert Rosenthal, 5/13/27." 1
13:21, 13 November 2015 EdwinJefferson.jpg (file) 1.59 MB Engraved portrait of Thomas Jefferson, by David Edwin (1776-1841). Presented by the Faculty of the Marshall-Wythe School of Law in Honor of William Finley Swindler, John Marshall Professor of Law, April 28, 1979. 1
11:15, 13 November 2015 WytheToJohnNorton7May1770Thumb.jpg (file) 38 KB Letter from George Wythe to John Norton, Jr., merchant in London, dated May 7, 1770. 1
15:48, 15 October 2015 AeschylusHaiTouAischylouTrageodiai1746P129.jpg (file) 1.46 MB Page 129 from Aeschylus's ''Hai tou Aischylou Trageodiai Seozomenai Hepta = Aeschyli Tragoediae quae Extant septem''. Glasguæ: In aedibus academicis excudebat R. Foulis academiae typographys, 1746. Cit... 1
13:20, 23 September 2015 HustingsCourtOrderBookNo623June1806P482.jpg (file) 436 KB Page 482 from the Richmond, Virginia Hustings Court Order Book for June, 1806, regarding testimony and evidence in the murder trial of George Wythe Sweeney. 1
13:18, 23 September 2015 HustingsCourtOrderBookNo6June1806.pdf (file) 4.68 MB Richmond, Virginia Hustings Court Order Book No. 6, for June, 1806. Pages regarding evidence and testimony in the trials of George Wythe Sweeney for forgery and murder. 1
12:25, 23 September 2015 HustingsCourtMinutesBookNo32June1806.jpg (file) 473 KB Page from Hustings Court Minutes Book No. 3 (1802-1806) for June 2nd, 1806, and evidence for the trial of George Wythe Sweeney for forgery. 1
12:23, 23 September 2015 HustingsCourtMinutesBookNo3June1806.pdf (file) 5.55 MB Pages for the testimony in the trial of George Wythe Swinney for forgery, Hustings Court Minutes Book No. 3 (1802-1806), Richmond, Virginia. 1
10:24, 16 September 2015 LockeEssayConcerningHumaneUnderstanding1700ListBack.jpg (file) 8.15 MB Back of a list of seeds found in George Wythe's personal copy of John Locke's ''An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding'' (London: Awnsham and John Churchil, and Samuel Manship, 1700). Wythe's... 1
10:23, 16 September 2015 LockeEssayConcerningHumaneUnderstanding1700ListFront.jpg (file) 8.73 MB Front of a list of seeds found in George Wythe's personal copy of John Locke's ''An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding'' (London: Awnsham and John Churchil, and Samuel Manship, 1700). Wythe'... 1
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