Tucker's Certificate of the Admission

Document text, April 4, 1774
Virginia, to wit. Whereas we have been nominated and appointed by the honourable the General Court to examine into the Capacity, Ability and Fitness of such persons as shall apply to practice as Attorneys in the County or inferior Courts of this Colony, And whereas St. George Tucker hath applied to us for a License to practice as an Attorney and produced to us a Certificate from the Court of Hastings in this City of his Honesty, probity, and good Demeanour, and also paid down to us the Sum of twenty shillings, and we having examined him touching his Capacity, Ability and Fitness to practise as an Attorney pursuant to an Act of Assembly in that Case made and provided, and finding him duly qualified, These are therefore to permit the said St. George Tucker to practice as an Attorney in the County, or other inferior Courts in this Colony. Given, under our Hands and Seals at Williamsburg the fourth Day of April, in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third, King of Great Britain &ca. Anno. Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy four.
Detail of George Wythe's signature and seal, on St. George Tucker's law license. In the Tucker-Coleman Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.John Randolph [SEAL]G. Wythe [SEAL]