Wythe to John Norton & Son, 12 December 1772

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George Wythe asks for John Norton to send him the state of his account because he does not know how it stands and a set of mathematic instruments for Jacob Walker [1], one of his students who lives with him. Wythe also asks for Norton to forward the enclosed letter to Mr. Fauquier.

Letter text

Messrs. John Norton & Son
Merchant in London

Dear Sir,

I lately desired my friend J. H. Norton to send for a few articles upon my account, and to remit a bill of exchange to be placed to my credit. Be pleased to let me have a state of my account, for I do not know exactly how it stands. Jacob Walker, a youth of great hopes, who lives with me, is likely to make a good progress in the mathematics, which he is pursuing with some other branches of useful knowledge. To assist him, I beg you will send me a set of instruments, which his tutor informs me may be had for two or three guineas. You will oblige me by forwarding the inclosed letter to mr. Fauquier. With best wishes for your family, I am,

Dear Sir

Your humble servt.
G. Wythe
12th of Dec. 1772

See also


  1. Wythe the Teacher