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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
15:02, 5 September 2019 | EncyclopaediaDictionary1798v9p621.jpg (file) | 5.79 MB | Lktesar | Page 621, volume 9 from ''Encyclopaedia, or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature''. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798. Category:Text Pages | 1 | |
15:01, 5 September 2019 | EncyclopaediaDictionary1798v9p620.jpg (file) | 7.16 MB | Lktesar | Page 620, volume 9 from ''Encyclopaedia, or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature''. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798. Category:Text Pages | 1 | |
11:21, 3 September 2019 | KebleReportsInTheCourtOfKingsBench1685v1Page1.jpg (file) | 5.54 MB | Lktesar | Page one, volume one of Joseph Keble's ''Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, from the XII to the XXX Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Lord King Charles II''. London: Printed... | 1 | |
11:19, 3 September 2019 | KebleReportsInTheCourtOfKingsBench1685v1TPVerso.jpg (file) | 3.97 MB | Lktesar | Title page verso with the bookplate of Thomas Potter, volume one of Joseph Keble's ''[[Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster|Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, from the XII to the XXX Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereig... | 2 | |
15:10, 7 August 2019 | SelectCasesintheHighCourtof Chancery TitlePage.jpg (file) | 469 KB | Lktesar | ''Select Cases in the High Court of Chancery, Solemnly Argued and Decreed by the Late Lord Chancellor: with the Assistance of the Judges''. 4th ed. In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling. Bound-with ''[[Cases Argued and Decreed in the... | 1 | |
15:01, 7 August 2019 | CasesArguedAndDecreed1735 Spine.jpg (file) | 688 KB | Lktesar | Title page from ''Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery''. London, In the Savoy: Printed by C. and R. Nutt and R. Gosling for J. Walthoe, 1735. Category:Title Pages | 1 | |
12:48, 7 August 2019 | CasesArguedAndDecreed1735 Titlepage.jpeg (file) | 865 KB | Lktesar | Title page from ''Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery.'' London, In the Savoy: Printed by C. and R. Nutt and R. Gosling for J. Walthoe, 1735. Category:Title Pages | 1 | |
13:59, 19 April 2019 | LettersOfJamesRumsey1916.pdf (file) | 712 KB | Kpcooney | "Letters of James Rumsey, Inventor of the Steamboat," by Lyon G. Tyler, from the ''William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine'' (January, April, July, 1916). Category: Court Documents [[Category: Letters and... | 1 | |
12:21, 17 April 2019 | LettersOfJamesRumseyJanuary1916.jpg (file) | 576 KB | Kpcooney | Information on James Rumsey's pioneering efforts in making a steamboat, compiled as a result of a suit brought before George Wythe. | 1 | |
08:39, 5 April 2019 | CallTurpinvLocket1833v6p113 FirstPage.jpg (file) | 392 KB | Lktesar | First page of the opinion "Turpin v. Locket" in ''Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Court of Appeals of Virginia'', by Daniel Call. Richmond: R. I. Smith, 1833. | 1 | |
07:28, 5 April 2019 | CallTurpinvLocket1833v6p113.pdf (file) | 2.97 MB | Lktesar | "Turpin v. Locket" from volume 6 of ''Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Virginia,'' by Daniel Call. Richmond: Robert I. Smith, 1854. | 1 | |
10:00, 3 April 2019 | BalanceAndColumbianRepository14September1802P293.pdf (file) | 4.39 MB | Kpcooney | An 1802 article from ''The Balance, and Columbian Repository'', showing the positive reception by George Wythe and other Richmonders to Benjamin Henfrey's experiment with coal gas for illu... | 1 | |
09:09, 3 April 2019 | BalanceAndColumbianRepository14September1802Title.jpg (file) | 571 KB | Kpcooney | An 1802 article from ''The Balance, and Columbian Repository'', showing the positive reception by George Wythe and other Richmonders to Benjamin Henfrey's experiment with coal gas for illumination. | 1 | |
08:25, 3 April 2019 | RichmondTimesDispatch13October1913P10.jpg (file) | 671 KB | Kpcooney | A 1913 Richmond, Virginia, ''Times Dispatch'' article describing Henfrey's experiment with coal gas for illumination. Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: Newspaper Articles | 1 | |
11:45, 29 March 2019 | RichmondTimesDispatch13October1913.pdf (file) | 1.52 MB | Kpcooney | An article on Benjamin Henfrey's lack of public recognition as to his gaslight discovery. | 1 | |
13:39, 22 March 2019 | UnitedStatesRegisterForTheYear1795.pdf (file) | 2.3 MB | Kpcooney | Excerpt of the "Virginia" entry from the ''United States Register, for the Year 1795'' (Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, 1794). Category: Dictionaries and Encyclopedias | 1 | |
13:28, 22 March 2019 | UnitedStatesRegisterForTheYear1795Title.jpg (file) | 1.18 MB | Kpcooney | Title page for the ''United States Register, for the Year 1795'' (Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, 1794). Category: Title Pages | 1 | |
12:12, 8 March 2019 | GarberArmisteadFamily1910.pdf (file) | 1 MB | Gwsweeney | Extracts from ''The Armistead Family, 1635-1910,'' by Virginia Armistead Garber (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1910). Category: Cases | 1 | |
11:45, 8 March 2019 | GarberArmisteadFamily1910Title.jpg (file) | 267 KB | Gwsweeney | Title page for ''The Armistead Family, 1635-1910,'' by Virginia Armistead Garber (Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1910). Category: Title Pages | 1 | |
12:24, 28 February 2019 | MonthlyMagazineAndAmericanReviewJune1800P401.jpg (file) | 249 KB | Gwsweeney | First page of the June, 1800 issue of ''The Monthly Magazine, and American Review'', (New York). Category: Title Pages | 1 | |
10:34, 19 December 2018 | AddisonWorks1746v3Plate171.jpg (file) | 820 KB | Lktesar | Plate 171, volume three of Joseph Addison's ''[[Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.|The Miscellaneous Works, in Verse And Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.: With Some Account of the Life... | 1 | |
10:34, 19 December 2018 | AddisonWorks1746v3MedalsSer1.jpg (file) | 1,015 KB | Lktesar | List of medals, series 1, volume three of Joseph Addison's ''[[Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.|The Miscellaneous Works, in Verse And Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.: With Some Acco... | 1 | |
15:10, 18 December 2018 | YelvertonReports1735Cover.jpg (file) | 6.9 MB | Gwsweeney | Cover of ''The Reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, Knight and Baronet ... of Divers Special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, as Well in the Latter End of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, as in the First Ten Years of K. James... | 1 | |
14:59, 18 December 2018 | DJustinianiInstitutionumLibriQuator1761Dedication.jpg (file) | 4.36 MB | Lktesar | Dedication depicting Justice and a shield with the Latin motto "verum atque decens" (true and becoming) from ''D. Justiniani Institutionum Libri Quator, The Four Books of Justinian's Institutions''. Translat... | 1 | |
14:04, 18 December 2018 | SalkeldReports1717v2 p593.jpg (file) | 3.55 MB | Lktesar | Page 593 from volume 2 of William Salkeld's ''[[Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench (Salkeld)|Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench: with Some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from... | 1 | |
14:04, 18 December 2018 | SalkeldReports1717v2 p592.jpg (file) | 3.47 MB | Lktesar | Page 592 from volume 2 of William Salkeld's ''[[Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench (Salkeld)|Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench: with Some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from... | 1 | |
13:46, 18 December 2018 | HoraceQHoratiiFlacciEpistolaeAdPisonesEtAugustum1768v2Bookplate.jpg (file) | 1.76 MB | Lktesar | Bookplate, front pastedown, from volume two of ''Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae ad Pisones, et Augustum with an English Commentary and Notes''. Edited by Richard Hurd. Dublin: Printed by Sarah String... | 1 | |
13:45, 18 December 2018 | HoraceQHoratiiFlacciEpistolaeAdPisonesEtAugustum1768v1Inscriptions.jpg (file) | 1.36 MB | Lktesar | Previous owners' signatures, front free endpaper, from volume one of ''Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae ad Pisones, et Augustum with an English Commentary and Notes''. Edited by Richard Hurd. Dublin: P... | 1 | |
12:58, 18 December 2018 | RabelaisWorks1737v3Illustration.jpg (file) | 2.55 MB | Lktesar | Illustration from volume III of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. Category: Illustrations | 1 | |
12:57, 18 December 2018 | RabelaisWorks1737v3p229.jpg (file) | 1.35 MB | Lktesar | Page 229 from volume III of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. Category: Text Pages | 1 | |
12:45, 18 December 2018 | PigottNewPrecedentsInConveyancing1742Advert.jpg (file) | 2.97 MB | Lktesar | Advertisement opposite title page from Nathaniel Pigott's ''[[New Precedents in Conveyancing|New Precedents in Conveyancing: Containing Great Variety of Curious Draughts, Many of Them on Special Occations, Drawn or Settled By Mr. Piggot, Northey, Webb,... | 1 | |
12:37, 18 December 2018 | GoldsmithHistoryOfAnimatedNature1795v1p436.jpg (file) | 1.66 MB | Lktesar | Page 436 from volume one of Oliver Goldsmith's ''History of the Earth, and Animated Nature''. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, 1795. Category:Text Pages | 1 | |
12:29, 18 December 2018 | GoldsmithHistoryOfAnimatedNature1795v1Illustration.jpg (file) | 2.02 MB | Lktesar | Illustration from volume one of Oliver Goldsmith's ''History of the Earth, and Animated Nature''. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, 1795. Category:Illustrations | 1 | |
15:49, 17 December 2018 | BretonBritton1640FrontFlyleaf.jpg (file) | 728 KB | Gwsweeney | Front first flyleaf from John le Britton's ''Britton'' (London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640), with an inscription by Robert J. F. Meyricke (1910). Category:Inscriptions | 1 | |
15:39, 17 December 2018 | BretonBritton1640FrontPastedown.jpg (file) | 822 KB | Gwsweeney | Front pastedown John le Breton's ''Britton''(London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640), with the bookplate of John Harward. Category:Bookplates | 1 | |
16:33, 14 December 2018 | BryantNewSystemOrAnalysisOfAncientMythology1775V2plateIX.jpg (file) | 995 KB | Lktesar | Plate IX from volume II of Jacob Bryant's ''[[New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology|A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity :... | 1 | |
12:53, 14 December 2018 | PlatonisPhilosophi1781FrontFreeEndpaper.jpg (file) | 3.36 MB | Gwsweeney | Front free endpaper from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Praemittitur 1. III Laertii De Vita Et Dogm. P... | 1 | |
12:52, 14 December 2018 | PlatonisPhilosophi1781FrontPastedown.jpg (file) | 3.09 MB | Gwsweeney | Front pastedown from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Praemittitur 1. III Laertii De Vita Et Dogm. Plat.... | 1 | |
15:43, 13 December 2018 | BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784FrontFreeEndpaper.jpg (file) | 3.24 MB | Gwsweeney | Front free endpaper in George Wythe's personal copy of Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres'' (Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784), with an inscription from Thomas Lee Shippen. [[Category:I... | 1 | |
15:42, 13 December 2018 | BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784FrontPastedown.jpg (file) | 3.27 MB | Gwsweeney | Front pastedown to George Wythe's personal copy of Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres'' (Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784), with the bookplate of W.K. Bixby. Category:Bookplates | 1 | |
14:48, 13 December 2018 | BaconNewAbridgment1768v4p465.jpg (file) | 4.25 MB | Lktesar | 1 | ||
14:46, 13 December 2018 | BaconNewAbridgment1768v4p464.jpg (file) | 4.11 MB | Lktesar | Page 464 from Matthew Bacon's ''New Abridgment of the Law.'' London: Printed by His Majesty's Law-Printers for J. Worrall and Co. ..., 1768, volume 4. Category:Text Pages | 1 | |
14:31, 13 December 2018 | GuthrieNewSystem1794v2p483.jpg (file) | 4.17 MB | Lktesar | Page 483 from volume II of William Guthrie's ''A New System of Modern Geography: or, A Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the Several Nations of the World''. Philadelphia: Printed f... | 1 | |
14:30, 13 December 2018 | GuthrieNewSystem1794v2p482.jpg (file) | 4.93 MB | Lktesar | Page 482 from volume II of William Guthrie's ''A New System of Modern Geography: or, A Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the Several Nations of the World''. Philadelphia: Printed f... | 1 | |
14:20, 13 December 2018 | PlutarchLives1727v3p261Illustration.jpg (file) | 2.65 MB | Lktesar | Illustration for "Life of Aristides", volume three, page 261 from Plutarch's ''Plutarch's Lives''. Translated with notes historical and critical from M. Dacier. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1727. Category:Illustrations | 1 | |
14:19, 13 December 2018 | DrydenDramaticWorks1762V6P352.jpg (file) | 969 KB | Gwsweeney | First page of John Dryden's "King Arthur," from page 352 of volume six in ''The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq.: in Six Volumes'' (London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, 1762-1763). [[Category:Text... | 1 | |
14:19, 13 December 2018 | PlutarchLives1727v3p260.jpg (file) | 1.49 MB | Lktesar | First page of" Life of Aristides", volume three, page 260 from Plutarch's ''Plutarch's Lives''. Translated with notes historical and critical from M. Dacier. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1727. Category:Text Pages | 1 | |
14:15, 13 December 2018 | DrydenDramaticWorks1762V6IllustrationP351.jpg (file) | 1.86 MB | Gwsweeney | Illustration for John Dryden's "King Arthur," from page 351 of volume six in ''The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq.: in Six Volumes'' (London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand, 1762-1763). [[Category:Il... | 1 | |
14:12, 13 December 2018 | NelsonCompanion1720p433.jpg (file) | 1.48 MB | Lktesar | Page 433 from Richard Nelson's ''A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, with Collects and Prayers for Each Solemnity''. 11th ed. London : Printed by W. Bowyer... | 1 | |
14:02, 13 December 2018 | EncyclopaediaDictionary1798V4P300Illustration.jpg (file) | 1.98 MB | Gwsweeney | Illustration for "Camelopardalis" (giraffe), opposite page 300 in volume four of ''Encyclopaedia, or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature'' (Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798). Category:Illustrations | 1 |
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