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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
16:15, 5 March 2014 | ArrowsmithANewAndElegantGeneralAtlas1804Inscription.jpg (file) | 745 KB | Inscription, front free endpaper from Aaron Arrowsmith's ''A New and Elegant General Atlas: Comprising All the New Discoveries, to the Present Time: Containing Sixty-Five Maps''. Philadelphia: John Conrad & Co., 1804. ... | 1 | |
16:02, 5 March 2014 | StrabonisRerumGeographicarum1620InitialCapital.jpg (file) | 538 KB | Initial capital, first page of text, from Strabo's ''Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Libri XVII''. Lutetiae Parisiorum : Typis regiis, 1620. Category:Illustrations | 1 | |
16:02, 5 March 2014 | StrabonisRerumGeographicarum1620Headpiece.jpg (file) | 1.34 MB | Headpiece, first page of text, from Strabo's ''Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Libri XVII''. Lutetiae Parisiorum : Typis regiis, 1620. Category:Headpieces | 1 | |
14:54, 5 March 2014 | PausaniouTesHelladoesPeriegesis1583Inscription.jpg (file) | 257 KB | Previous owner's signature, front pastedown, from Pausanias's ''Pausaniou Tēs Hellados Periēgēsis = Hoc Est, Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio, Qua Lector Ceu Manu Per Eam Regionem Circumducitur''. Franc... | 1 | |
14:51, 5 March 2014 | PausaniouTesHelladoesPeriegesis1583InitialCapital.jpg (file) | 587 KB | Initial capital, first page of text, from Pausanias's ''Pausaniou Tēs Hellados Periēgēsis = Hoc Est, Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio, Qua Lector Ceu Manu Per Eam Regionem Circumducitur''. Francofurti: ... | 1 | |
14:50, 5 March 2014 | PausaniouTesHelladoesPeriegesis1583Headpiece2.jpg (file) | 922 KB | Headpiece, first page of text from Pausanias's ''Pausaniou Tēs Hellados Periēgēsis = Hoc Est, Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio, Qua Lector Ceu Manu Per Eam Regionem Circumducitur''. Francofurti: Apud ha... | 1 | |
14:33, 5 March 2014 | GuthrieNewSystemOfModernGeography1794v1Inscription.jpg (file) | 1.06 MB | Inscription, front pastedown, volume one, from William Guthrie's ''A New System of Modern Geography: Or, A Geographical, Historical, And Commercial Grammar, And Present State Of The Several Nations Of The World''. Phi... | 1 | |
16:47, 4 March 2014 | SteuartInquiryIntoThePrinciplesOfPoliticalOeconomy1767Bookplate.jpg (file) | 836 KB | Folkestone armorial bookplate, front pastedown, volume one, from Sir James Steuart's ''[[Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeconomy|An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Oeconomy: Being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Na... | 1 | |
16:38, 4 March 2014 | RowlettsTablesOfDiscount1802p107.jpg (file) | 4.83 MB | Tables of discount, or interest, at six per cent, page 107 from John Rowlett's ''[[Rowlett's Tables of Discount|Rowlett's Tables of Discount, or Interest, on Every Dollar, From Unit, or One, to Two Thousand; on Every Ten Dollars, From Two Thousand to T... | 1 | |
16:37, 4 March 2014 | RowlettsTablesOfDiscount1802Inscriptions.jpg (file) | 570 KB | Inscriptions of "Sam<sup>l</sup>. Dana" and "Sam<sup>l</sup>. T. Dana, Dover, Mss, 1828.", front free endpaper, from John Rowlett's ''[[Rowlett's Tables of Discount|Rowlett's Tables of Discount, or Interest, on Every Dollar, From Unit, or One, to Two ... | 1 | |
15:32, 4 March 2014 | SiderfinsReports1683InitialCapital.jpg (file) | 289 KB | Initial capital, first page of text, from Thomas Siderfin's ''Les Reports des Divers Special Cases Argue & Adjudge en le Court del Bank le Roy et Auxy en le Co. Ba. & l'Exchequer''. London: Printed by W. Ralins, S. ... | 1 | |
15:23, 4 March 2014 | PriceObservationsOnReversionaryPayments1772Bookplate.jpg (file) | 516 KB | Bookplates, front pastedown, from Richard Price's ''[[Observations on Reversionary Payments|Observations on Reversionary Payments: on Schemes for Providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age; on the Method of Calculating the Values of Ass... | 1 | |
14:40, 4 March 2014 | VinersAbridgmentV5inscription.jpg (file) | 123 KB | Inscription, front flyleaf, volume five from Charles Viner's ''A General Abridgment of Law and Equity: Alphabetically Digested under Proper Titles with Notes and References to the Whole''. Aldershot: Printed for... | 1 | |
11:29, 4 March 2014 | YelvertonReportsofSirHenryYelverton1735Inscription.jpg (file) | 248 KB | Inscription, front flyleaf, from Sir Henry Yelverton's ''[[Reports of Sir Henry Yelverton|The Reports of Sir Henry Yelverton, Knight and Baronet ... of Divers Special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, as Well in the Latter End of the Reign of Q. Eliz... | 1 | |
11:06, 4 March 2014 | HobartReportsOfHenryHobart1641InitialCapital.jpg (file) | 355 KB | Initial capital, first page of text, from Sir Henry Hobart's ''[[Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight|The Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight, Late Lord Chiefe Justice of His Maiesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster Resolv... | 1 | |
11:00, 4 March 2014 | HobartReportsOfHenryHobart1641Inscription.jpg (file) | 425 KB | Inscription, front flyleaf from Sir Henry Hobart's ''[[Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight|The Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight, Late Lord Chiefe Justice of His Maiesties Court of Common Pleas at Westminster Resolved and Adj... | 1 | |
10:59, 4 March 2014 | HobartReportsOfHenryHobart1641Bookplate.jpg (file) | 458 KB | Bookplate of Clark, Knedlington, Yorks., front pastedown of Sir Henry Hobart's ''[[Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight|The Reports of that Learned Sir Henry Hobart Knight, Late Lord Chiefe Justice of His Maiesties Court of Common Pleas at W... | 1 | |
11:18, 3 March 2014 | GilbertLawOfUsesAndTrusts1734HalfTitle.jpg (file) | 112 KB | Inscription, half-title from Geoffrey Gilbert's ''[[Law of Uses and Trusts|The Law of Uses and Trusts: Collected and Digested in a Proper Order, from the Reports of Adjudg'd Cases, in the Courts of Law and Equity, and Other Books of Authority. Together... | 1 | |
08:09, 3 March 2014 | PufendorfOfTheLawofNatureAndNations1710Inscription.jpg (file) | 218 KB | Inscription from Freiherr von Samuel Pufendorf's ''Of the Law of Nature and Nations: Eight Books.'' Translated. Oxford: Printed by L. Lichfield, for A. and J. Churchil ..., 1710. [[Category:Signatures and Inscripti... | 1 | |
16:41, 28 February 2014 | PubliiPapiniiStatiiSylvarum1671HalfTitle.jpeg (file) | 547 KB | Half-title page from P. Papinius Statius's ''Publii Papinii Statii Sylvarum lib. V. ; Thebaidos lib. XII. ; Achilleidos lib. II.'' Lugd. Batav.: Ex officina Hackiana, Ao 1671. Category:Title Pages | 1 | |
15:35, 28 February 2014 | PhaedrusPhaedriAugLibertiFabularum1713Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 1.64 MB | Frontispiece from Phaedrus's ''[[Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque|Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque: Item Fabulæ Quædam ex ms. Veteri à Marquardo Gudio Descriptæ; cum Indice Vocum & Locutionum. Appendici... | 1 | |
15:34, 28 February 2014 | PhaedrusPhaedriAugLibertiFabularum1713Inscription.jpg (file) | 244 KB | Bookplate and inscription, front pastedown, from Phaedrus's ''[[Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque|Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque: Item Fabulæ Quædam ex ms. Veteri à Marquardo Gudio Descriptæ; cum Indic... | 1 | |
15:13, 28 February 2014 | PlautusAcciPlavtiComoediae1669Inscriptions.jpg (file) | 1.12 MB | Inscriptions, front free endpaper from Titus Maccius Plautus's ''M. Acci Plauti Comoediae''. Lugd. Batav., Roterod.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions | 1 | |
15:12, 28 February 2014 | PlautusAcciPlavtiComoediae1669Cover.jpg (file) | 556 KB | Embossed cover detail from Titus Maccius Plautus's ''M. Acci Plauti Comoediae''. Lugd. Batav., Roterod.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. Category:Book Covers | 1 | |
14:38, 28 February 2014 | PetroniusTitiPetroniiArbitriEquitis1669.jpg (file) | 1.21 MB | 1 | ||
14:24, 28 February 2014 | PetroniusTitiPetroniiArbitriEquitis1669Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 2.34 MB | Frontispiece from Petronius Arbiter's ''[[Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon|Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon: cum Fragmento Nuper Tragurii Reperto. Accedunt Diversorum Poëtarum Lusus in Priapum, Pervigilium Veneris, Ausonii ... | 1 | |
14:18, 28 February 2014 | OvidPubliiOvidiiNasonisMetamorphoseon1751.jpg (file) | 1.87 MB | 2 | ||
14:16, 28 February 2014 | TitiPetroniiArbitriSatyricon1569Bookplate.jpg (file) | 269 KB | Bookplate, front pastedown from Petronius Arbiter's ''[[Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon|Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon: cum Fragmento Nuper Tragurii Reperto. Accedunt Diversorum Poëtarum Lusus in Priapum, Pervigilium Ven... | 1 | |
14:13, 28 February 2014 | OvidMetamorphoseon1751Headpiece.jpg (file) | 507 KB | Headpiece, first page of text, from Ovid's ''Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV''. In hac editione quinta fere notarum pars expungitur. Londini: Impensis S. Ballard, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, D. Browne [and 13 others in Londo... | 1 | |
14:11, 28 February 2014 | OvidMetamorphoseon1751Inscriptions.jpg (file) | 1.87 MB | Inscriptions, front free endpaper for Ovid's ''Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV''. In hac editione quinta fere notarum pars expungitur. Londini: Impensis S. Ballard, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, D. Browne [and 13 others in Lon... | 1 | |
12:24, 28 February 2014 | LucretiusOfTheNatureOfThings1714v2Bookplate.jpg (file) | 737 KB | Bookplate, volume one, from Titus Lucretius Carus's ''T. Lucretius Carus, Of the Nature of Things, in Six Books''. Translated by Thomas Creech. London: Printed by J. Matthews for G. Sawbridge, 1714. Category:Bookplates | 1 | |
12:09, 28 February 2014 | LucretiusOfTheNatureOfThings1714v1Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 631 KB | Frontispiece, volume one, from Titus Lucretius Carus's ''T. Lucretius Carus, Of the Nature of Things, in Six Books''. Translated by Thomas Creech. London: Printed by J. Matthews for G. Sawbridge, 1714. [[Category:Frontispie... | 1 | |
10:54, 28 February 2014 | QuintusHoratiusFlaccus1744Bookplate.jpg (file) | 986 KB | Bookplate of Stair Agnew Gillon, front pastedown from ''Quintus Horatius Flaccus: ad Lectiones Probatiores Diligenter Emendatus, et Interpunctione Nova Saepius Illustratus''. Glasguae: In aedibus academicis, excudebat Rober... | 1 | |
10:37, 28 February 2014 | HoracePoeticalTranslation1747v2TitlePage.jpg (file) | 977 KB | 1 | ||
08:20, 28 February 2014 | TheocritusTaTouTheokritouSesomena1746Bookplate.jpg (file) | 596 KB | Armorial bookplate of G. L., Bishop of Kilmore, front pastedown from Theocritus's ''Ta tou Theokritou Sesomena = Theocriti Quae Extant''. Glasguae: In aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis ..., 1746. [... | 1 | |
19:43, 27 February 2014 | TheocritusTaTouTheokritouSesomena1746Inscription.jpg (file) | 111 KB | Inscription from Theocritus's ''Ta tou Theokritou Sesomena = Theocriti Quae Extant''. Glasguae: In aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis ..., 1746. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions | 1 | |
19:38, 27 February 2014 | TheocritusIdylliumsOfTheocritus1767Bookplate.jpg (file) | 456 KB | Bookplate from Theocritus's ''The Idylliums of Theocritus''. Translated by Francis Fawkes. London: Printed for the author by D. Leach and sold by J. and R. Tonson ..., 1767. Category:Bookplates | 1 | |
19:37, 27 February 2014 | TheocritusIdylliumsOfTheocritus1767Frontispiece.jpeg (file) | 268 KB | Frontispiece from Theocritus's ''The Idylliums of Theocritus''. Translated by Francis Fawkes. London: Printed for the author by D. Leach and sold by J. and R. Tonson ..., 1767. Category:Frontispieces | 1 | |
16:55, 27 February 2014 | SophoclesTragediesOfSophocles1758Illustration.jpg (file) | 1.69 MB | Illustration from Sophocles's ''The Tragedies of Sophocles''. Translated by Thomas Francklin. London: Printed for R. Francklin, 1758-1759. Category:Illustrations | 1 | |
16:53, 27 February 2014 | SophoclesTragediesOfSophocles1758Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 4.52 MB | Frontispiece, volume one, from Sophocles's ''The Tragedies of Sophocles''. Translated by Thomas Francklin. London: Printed for R. Francklin, 1758-1759. Category:Frontispieces | 1 | |
16:49, 27 February 2014 | PindarTaTouPindarou1754v1.jpg (file) | 189 KB | 1 | ||
16:36, 27 February 2014 | PindarTaTouPindarou1754v1Bookplate.jpg (file) | 103 KB | Bookplate, front pastedown, volume one of Pindar's ''Ta tou Pindarou Sesosmena: Olympia, Pythia, Nemia, Isthmia''. Ex editione Oxoniensi. Glasguae : Excudebat R. & A. Foulis, 1754-1758. Category:Bookplates | 1 | |
16:33, 27 February 2014 | PindarTaTouPindarou v2 1754Inscription.jpg (file) | 87 KB | Inscription, front flyleaf, volume two from ''Ta tou Pindarou Sesosmena: Olympia, Pythia, Nemia, Isthmia''. Ex editione Oxoniensi. Glasguae : Excudebat R. & A. Foulis, 1754-1758. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions | 1 | |
14:29, 27 February 2014 | HomeriIlias1740v1Inscription.jpg (file) | 104 KB | Inscription, front free endpaper, volume one of Homer's ''Homeri Ilias, Graece et Latine, cum Annotationibus Samuelis Clarke''. Editio tertia. Londini: Impensis Johannis & Pauli Knapton, 1740. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions | 1 | |
14:27, 27 February 2014 | HomeriIlias1740Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 3.65 MB | Frontispiece, volume one, from Homer's ''Homeri Ilias, Graece et Latine, cum Annotationibus Samuelis Clarke''. Editio tertia. Londini: Impensis Johannis & Pauli Knapton, 1740. Category:Frontispieces | 1 | |
13:22, 27 February 2014 | EuripidesTragediesOfEuripides1781v2Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 3.71 MB | Frontispiece, volume two from Euripides's ''The Tragedies of Euripides''. Translated by R. Potter. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, Pall-Mall, 1781-1783. Category:Frontispieces | 1 | |
12:44, 27 February 2014 | EuripidisTrageodiaeMedeaEtPhoenissae1703Bookplate.jpg (file) | 63 KB | Bookplate of Arbury Library, front pastedown of Euripides's ''Euripidis Tragœdiæ Medea et Phœnissæ: Græco-Latinæ cum Scholiis Græcis Integris''. Cantabrigiæ : Typis academicis, impensis Sam. Smith & ... | 1 | |
12:39, 27 February 2014 | EuripidisTrageodiaeMedeaEtPhoenissae1703Frontispiece.jpg (file) | 621 KB | Frontispiece from Euripides's ''Euripidis Tragœdiæ Medea et Phœnissæ: Græco-Latinæ cum Scholiis Græcis Integris''. Cantabrigiæ : Typis academicis, impensis Sam. Smith & Benj. Walford. D. Pauli Londin... | 1 | |
10:33, 27 February 2014 | ColluthusKolouthouArpageHeleneo1747Headpiece.jpg (file) | 304 KB | Headpiece, first page of text, from Colluthus of Lycopolis's ''Kolouthou Arpagē Helenēo = Coluthi Raptus Helenae: Recensuit ad Fidem Codicum Mss. ac Variantes Lectiones et Notas Adiecit Joannes Daniel A Lennep''. Leovar... | 1 | |
10:29, 27 February 2014 | ColluthusKolouthouArpage1747TitlePage.jpg (file) | 1.52 MB | 2 |
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