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11:49, 27 February 2014 Card 6.jpg (file) 856 KB Arhoward   1
11:49, 27 February 2014 Card 5.jpg (file) 137 KB Arhoward   1
11:47, 27 February 2014 Card 4.jpg (file) 204 KB Arhoward   1
11:47, 27 February 2014 Card 4 Reverse.jpg (file) 452 KB Arhoward   1
11:47, 27 February 2014 Card 3.jpg (file) 140 KB Arhoward   1
11:46, 27 February 2014 Card 2.jpg (file) 266 KB Arhoward   1
11:41, 27 February 2014 Card 1.jpg (file) 251 KB Arhoward   1
10:33, 27 February 2014 ColluthusKolouthouArpageHeleneo1747Headpiece.jpg (file) 304 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text, from Colluthus of Lycopolis's ''Kolouthou Arpagē Helenēo = Coluthi Raptus Helenae: Recensuit ad Fidem Codicum Mss. ac Variantes Lectiones et Notas Adiecit Joannes Daniel A Lennep''. Leovar... 1
10:29, 27 February 2014 ColluthusKolouthouArpage1747TitlePage.jpg (file) 1.52 MB Lktesar   2
10:22, 27 February 2014 NationalCyclopaedia1893Wythe.jpg (file) 130 KB Gwsweeney Illustration of George Wythe from the National Cyclopaedia of American Biography (New York: James T. White, 1893). 1
08:42, 27 February 2014 AntoniniLiberalisTransformationum1676Inscription.jpg (file) 625 KB Lktesar Inscription, front free endpaper from Liberalis Antoninus's ''Antōninou Liberalis Metamorphōseōn Synagōgē = Antonini Liberalis Transformationum Congeries''. Amstelodami: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergi... 1
08:42, 27 February 2014 AntoniniLiberalisTransformationum1676Halftitle.jpg (file) 1.51 MB Lktesar Half-title from Liberalis Antoninus's ''Antōninou Liberalis Metamorphōseōn Synagōgē = Antonini Liberalis Transformationum Congeries''. Amstelodami: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1676. [[Category:... 1
08:37, 27 February 2014 AntoniniLiberalisTransformationum1676Bookplate.jpg (file) 608 KB Lktesar Bookplate, front free endpaper verso from Liberalis Antoninus's ''Antōninou Liberalis Metamorphōseōn Synagōgē = Antonini Liberalis Transformationum Congeries''. Amstelodami: Apud Janssonio-Waesb... 1
08:28, 27 February 2014 AntoninusAntoniniLiberalisTransformationum1676.jpg (file) 809 KB Lktesar   1
17:06, 26 February 2014 AnacreontisOdaria1802Inscription.jpg (file) 169 KB Lktesar Inscription, front flyleaf from ''Anacreontis Odaria ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem Emendata''. Londini: Sumptibus editoris excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Soc. et prostant apud J. White et G. Miller, 1802. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
17:02, 26 February 2014 AnacreontisOdaria1802Bookplate.jpg (file) 165 KB Lktesar Bookplate of Peter Issac, front pastedown of ''Anacreontis Odaria ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem Emendata''. Londini: Sumptibus editoris excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Soc. et prostant apud J. White et G. Miller, 1802. Category:Bookplates 1
16:58, 26 February 2014 AnacreontisOdaria1802Illustration63.jpg (file) 165 KB Lktesar Illustration, page 63 from ''Anacreontis Odaria ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem Emendata''. Londini: Sumptibus editoris excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Soc. et prostant apud J. White et G. Miller, 1802. Category:Illustrations 1
16:55, 26 February 2014 AnacreontisOdaria1802.jpg (file) 390 KB Lktesar   1
16:42, 26 February 2014 AnacreonOdesOfAnacreon1804Illustration2.jpg (file) 1.03 MB Lktesar Portrait of Thomas Moore from ''Odes of Anacreon''. Translated by Thomas Moore. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Hugh Maxwell, opposite Christ-church. 1804. Category:Illustrations 1
16:40, 26 February 2014 AnacreonOdesOfAnacreon1804Illustration.jpg (file) 572 KB Lktesar Portrait of Anacreon from ''Odes of Anacreon''. Translated by Thomas Moore. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Hugh Maxwell, opposite Christ-church. 1804. Category:Illustrations 1
16:39, 26 February 2014 AnacreonOdesOfAnacreon1804Inscription.jpg (file) 242 KB Lktesar Stamp and inscription, front flyleaf from Anacreon's ''Odes of Anacreon''. Translated by Thomas Moore. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Hugh Maxwell, opposite Christ-church. 1804. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:16, 26 February 2014 Balance10May1803.pdf (file) 128 KB Gwsweeney Extract of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Wythe, from ''The Balance,'' May 10, 1803. 1
13:30, 26 February 2014 Connoisseur1757Inscription.jpg (file) 166 KB Lktesar   2
13:17, 26 February 2014 ShakespeareWorks1740v1TitlePage.jpg (file) 926 KB Lktesar   1
12:55, 26 February 2014 MinorMemoirOfTheAuthor1852.pdf (file) 665 KB Gwsweeney OCR 1
12:31, 26 February 2014 PlinySecundiEpistolae1653Inscription.jpg (file) 90 KB Lktesar Inscription, front free endpaper from Pliny the Younger's ''C. Plinii Cæcilii Secvndi Epistolæ et Panegyricus''. Editio nova. Lvgd. Batav.: Apud Joan. & Danielem Elsevier, 1653. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
12:25, 26 February 2014 PlinySecundiEpistolae1653Headpiece2.jpg (file) 148 KB Lktesar Headpiece from Pliny the Younger's ''C. Plinii Cæcilii Secvndi Epistolæ et Panegyricus''. Editio nova. Lvgd. Batav.: Apud Joan. & Danielem Elsevier, 1653. Category:Headpieces 1
12:24, 26 February 2014 PlinySecundiEpistolae1653Headpiece.jpg (file) 167 KB Lktesar Headpiece from Pliny the Younger's ''C. Plinii Cæcilii Secvndi Epistolæ et Panegyricus''. Editio nova. Lvgd. Batav.: Apud Joan. & Danielem Elsevier, 1653. Category:Headpieces 1
11:43, 26 February 2014 LysiasOperaOmnia1783Inscription.jpg (file) 161 KB Lktesar Inscriptions, front free endpaper of Lysias's ''Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine''. Paris: Franc. Ambr. Didot L'ainé, 1783. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
11:42, 26 February 2014 LysiasOperaOmnia1783Bookplate.jpg (file) 432 KB Lktesar Bookplate, front pastedown from Lysias's ''Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine''. Paris: Franc. Ambr. Didot L'ainé, 1783. Category:Bookplates 1
11:41, 26 February 2014 GrigsbyVirginiaConventionOf17761855.pdf (file) 7.9 MB Gwsweeney Hugh Blair Grigsby, ''The Virginia Convention of 1776'' (Richmond, VA: J.W. Randolph, 1855). 1
11:06, 26 February 2014 LucianLoukianouSamosaeosHapanta1743Inscription.jpg (file) 254 KB Lktesar Previous owner's inscription, volume one, front free endpaper from Lucian of Samosata's ''Loukianou Samosateōs Hapanta = Luciani Samosatensis Opera''. Amstelodami: Sumptibus J. Wetstenii, 1743. [[Category:Signatures ... 1
11:02, 26 February 2014 LucianLoukianouSamosaeosHapanta1743Dedication.jpg (file) 2.44 MB Lktesar Illustration, dedication page from Lucian of Samosata's ''Loukianou Samosateōs Hapanta = Luciani Samosatensis Opera''. Amstelodami: Sumptibus J. Wetstenii, 1743. Category:Illustrations 1
10:21, 26 February 2014 LucianLoukianouSamosaeosHapanta1743Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.44 MB Lktesar Frontispiece, volume one from Lucian of Samosata's ''Loukianou Samosateōs Hapanta = Luciani Samosatensis Opera''. Amstelodami: Sumptibus J. Wetstenii, 1743. Category:Frontispieces 1
10:07, 26 February 2014 KusterLudKusterusDeVeroUsu1750Bookplate.jpg (file) 663 KB Lktesar Nineteenth-century armorial bookplate of the Earls of Macclesfield, Shirburn Castle, Oxfordshire, England, front pastedown of Ludolf Kuster's ''[[Lud. Kusterus de Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia a Verbis Activis & Passivis|Lud. Kusterus... 1
09:27, 26 February 2014 HarrisPhilologicalInquiries1781Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.58 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from James Harris's ''Philological Inquiries in Three Parts''. London: Printed for C. Nourse, 1781. Category:Frontispieces 1
09:14, 26 February 2014 HarrisPhilologicalInquiries1781Bookplate.jpg (file) 811 KB Lktesar Armorial bookplate of John Cator, front pastedown of James Harris's ''Philological Inquiries in Three Parts''. London: Printed for C. Nourse, 1781. Category:Bookplates 1
09:07, 26 February 2014 GrammarofTheGreekLanguage1800Inscription.jpg (file) 346 KB Lktesar Drawing, rear pastedown from ''[[Grammar of the Greek Language|A Grammar of the Greek Language: Originally Composed for the College-School, at Gloucester, in Which it has been the Editor's Design to Reject What, in the Most Improved Edition of Cambden,... 1
08:48, 26 February 2014 GrammarofTheGreekLanguage1800Inscription2.jpg (file) 1.69 MB Lktesar Previous owner's manuscript notes, rear free endpaper, verso from ''[[Grammar of the Greek Language|A Grammar of the Greek Language: Originally Composed for the College-School, at Gloucester, in Which it has been the Editor's Design to Reject What, in ... 1
16:40, 25 February 2014 DionysiouHalikarnasseosPeriSyntheseos1728InscriptionRPD.jpg (file) 282 KB Lktesar Inscription, rear pastedown from Dionysius of Halicarnassus's ''Dionysiou Halikarnasseōs Peri Syntheseōs Onomatōn = Dionysii Halicarnassei De Structura Orationis Liber''. Londini: Impensis R. ... 1
16:35, 25 February 2014 DionysiouHalikarnasseosPeriSyntheseos1728Bookplate.jpg (file) 1.11 MB Lktesar   1
16:28, 25 February 2014 AndersonTeacherOfJeffersonAndMarshallOctober1916.pdf (file) 275 KB Gwsweeney   1
15:59, 25 February 2014 GadburyGenethalia1658Inscription2.jpg (file) 3.15 MB Lktesar Manuscript chart from John Gadbury's ''[[Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities|Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities: Containing the Whole Art of Directions and Annual Revolutions, Whereby Any Man (Even of an Ordinary Capacity) May Be... 1
15:58, 25 February 2014 GadburyGenethalia1658Inscription.jpg (file) 113 KB Lktesar Inscription, last page of text, from John Gadbury's ''[[Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities|Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities: Containing the Whole Art of Directions and Annual Revolutions, Whereby Any Man (Even of an Ordinary C... 1
15:55, 25 February 2014 GadburyGenethalia1658Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.46 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from John Gadbury's ''[[Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities|Genethlialogia, or, The Doctrine of Nativities: Containing the Whole Art of Directions and Annual Revolutions, Whereby Any Man (Even of an Ordinary Capacity) May Be Ena... 1
15:11, 25 February 2014 GuthrieNewSystem1794Illustration2.jpg (file) 3.52 MB Ajsnider Illustration from volume I of William Guthrie's ''A New System of Modern Geography: or, A Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the Several Nations of the World''. Philadelphia: Printe... 1
15:11, 25 February 2014 BacheSilhouettes.jpg (file) 728 KB Gwsweeney Silhouettes by William Bache, from ''Shades of Our Ancestors,'' by Alice Van Leer Carrick (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1928). 1
15:09, 25 February 2014 GuthrieNewSystem1794Illustration.jpg (file) 4.54 MB Ajsnider Illustration from volume I of William Guthrie's ''A New System of Modern Geography: or, A Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar, and Present State of the Several Nations of the World''. Philadelphia: Printe... 1
15:07, 25 February 2014 BacheSilhouette.jpg (file) 49 KB Gwsweeney Silhouette of George Wythe by William Bache, from ''Shades of Our Ancestors,'' by Alice Van Leer Carrick (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1928). 1
15:07, 25 February 2014 CooperThesaurusLinguaeRomanae1565Bookplate.jpg (file) 1,012 KB Lktesar Bookplate of John Ward of Capesthorne, front flyleaf, from ''[[Thesaurus Linguæ Romanæ & Britannicæ|Thesaurus Linguæ Romanæ & Britannicæ: tam Accurate Congestus, vt Nihil Penè in Eo Desyderari Possit, Quod Vel Latinè Complectatur Amplissimus St... 1
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