Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 5 April 1775
George Wythe tells Thomas Jefferson that the only piece of writing that he knows of that contains terms that crown granted the lands of Virginia is the charter of King Charles II. He says that he has it recorded in the Secretary's office and will send it to Jefferson as soon as he is able to. While he is waiting for the time to send it, Wythe will look at the charters sent to the Committee of Correspondence by Montagu. Wythe says that if he finds any charters that pertain to the subject Jefferson is looking into, he will send a list and copies of them. Also, if there are any other charters Jefferson would like, Wythe will send him copies of those as well.

"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 5 April 1775." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Letter text
Dear Sir,
I do not know that the terms on which the crown engaged to grant the lands in Virginia are contained in any other charter than that by Car. ii. the 10. of Oct. 28 of his reign. The original, I believe although the seal is not now to it, I found in my office; and I understand it is recorded in the Secretary’s office. A copy of it I now inclose to be sent by the first opportunity. In the mean time I will look over some other charters transmitted some years ago by agent Montagu to the committee of correspondence and send you a list of them with copies of those if there be any which relate to the subject you are investigating and will procure you copies of such others as you shall signify a desire to have. I am, dear Sir, your friend and servant
G. Wythe.
5 April, 1775.