Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1790
George Wythe has been unable to obtain the writings of the Greek writer Phlegon mentioned in James Ferguson's book Tables and Tracts Relative to Several Arts and Sciences and asks Jefferson for any possible leads for where he could get the them. Wythe includes the excerpt from the book that mentions Phlegon.

"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1790, pg 1." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Letter text
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G. Wythe to T. Jefferson.
I have not been able, after long inquiry, to obtain the writings of Phlegon, mentioned by Fergusen in his tables and tracts. probably you can tell to whom and where application may be successfull. when you find convenient to give this information, add to the favour an etiquette, which may direct my London correspondent, to whom, with it, i shall transmit
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"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1790, pg 2." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
mit a bill of exchange, in procuring some books from Strasburgh.
Williamsburgh, 22d of
april, 1790.
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"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1790, pg 3." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Phlegon informs us that in the fourth year of the 202d olympiad (which was the 4746th year of the julian period, and the 33d year after the year of Christ’s birth) there was the greatest eclipse of the sun that ever was known; for the darkness lasted three hours in the middle of the day: which could be no other than the darkness on the crucifiction-day; as the sun never was totally hid, above four minutes of time, from any part of the earth, by the interposition of the moon. tables and tracts, relative to several arts and sciences, by J. Ferguson. London, 1767. pa. 193.
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"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 April 1790, pg 4." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.