Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July 1788
George Wythe tells Thomas Jefferson that the books listed in the letter from September 16 have just arrived and he will distribute them according to how Jefferson asked him to. Wythe mentions Peter Carr's studies and encloses a record of one of their discussions for Jefferson to look over. Wythe says that the General Assembly met again because a judge refused to establish district courts which had already been passed in the previous session. Mr. Paradise was pleased with America like Jefferson thought he would be; however, he had to leave when he discovered that his daughter had died. Wythe says that he has gout in his right thumb which makes it hard for him to write and apologizes for the rarity and brevity of his letters because of it.

"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July 1788, pg 1." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Letter text
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Williamsburgh. 10 of July 1788
Dear Sir,
The books which you sent last september did not arrive here until this day. They shall be distributed according to your appointment. For my part of them i owe many thanks but indeed, my good sir, such presents are too costly. P. Carr still attends me daily. i think him well advanced in the greek and latin languages. your directions for prosecution of his studies will be profitable to him and me too. the convention for discussing the american government sat almost two weeks. the result of their deliberations is inclosed with this. the general assembly also sat part of the same time. their meeting was occasioned by a refusal of the judges to execute an act for establishing district courts, which passed the preceding session. mr Paradise was pleased with the country and people here. but, after he heard of his daughter's,
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"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, 10 July 1788, pg 2." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
ter’s death, the desires of all among us who knew him, could not prevale upon him to remain longer. to write is difficult and sometimes a little painful;—caused by a weakness in my right thumb. i should suppose it to be a gout which i had slightly once in the foot, but, that there is yet no swelling. this infirmity must apolize for the rarity and shortness of my letters. but for the same reason yours will be more acceptable: if any circumstance can make them more acceptable. i am,
dear sir
your obliged humble servant
G. Wythe
10 july. 1788.
See also
External links
- "To Thomas Jefferson from George Wythe, 10 July 1788," Founders Online, National Archives.