Wythe to James Mercer, June 1789

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"Wythe To James Mercer, June 1789." Image from the New York Public Library: Archives & Manuscripts, The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Virginia.

As a chancellor for the Virginia High Court of Chancery, George Wythe asks Chief Justice James Mercer and the other judges of the General Court for their opinion on a law for a case that is before the High Court.

Letter text

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desiring to know your opinion upon a point of law in a case depending before the high court of chancery, i have stated the question for that purpose, and directed the clerk of that court to wait on you with it. i am, with undissembled veneration,

your obedient humble servant
G. Wythe.
June, 1789.

(a) Adams against Currie, with the papers in which mr Tinsley will attend if he be required.

"Wythe To James Mercer, June 1789." Image from the New York Public Library: Archives & Manuscripts, The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Virginia.

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Hon James Mercer, chief justice,
and other judges of the general court