Wythe, Lewis Morris & Oliver Wolcott to George Morgan, 11 April 1776
George Wythe, Oliver Wolcott, and Lewis Morris, members of the Committee for Indian Affairs, write to George Morgan, an Indian agent, telling him buy goods from the Indians for the colonies and continue to keep the Indians on good terms with Congress and the colonies. The committee also says that gunpowder is being sent to be given to the Indians.
Letter text
Philadelphia, 11th April 1776
The congress have directed you, as you may see by the inclosed resolve, to purchase, upon the best terms you can, the indian goods which they have been informed are at Fort Pitt, for the use of the colonies. The goods are designed to be distributed amongst the Indians, when they come to treat with the commissioners. We doubt not you will transact this business, as well as every other belonging to your department in a proper manner. It being thought necessary to have treaty on the 20th day of July, you will be pleased to give the Indians the earliest notice you can of it, and make provision for their reception, and in the meantime to the utmost of your power endeavor to keep them in good temper, and prevent any hostilities on their part, assuring them of the pacific disposition of congress towards them. We wish to hear from you by every opportunity, or, if the matter be important, by express. The indian goods are supposed to be in the hands of Messrs Gratz and Symonds. We shall forward a ton of gunpowder for the use of the Indians. We are, Sir, your humble servants
G. Wythe
Lewis Morris
Oliver Wolcott