A Treatise of Gauging Containing not Only What is Common on the Subject, but Likewise a Great Variety of New and Interesting Improvements with the Demonstrations

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by Thomas Moss

A Treatise of Guaging
George Wythe bookplate.jpg
Title not held by The Wolf Law Library
at the College of William & Mary.
Author Thomas Moss
Published :
Edition Precise edition unknown
Volumes volume set
Desc. 8vo

This work, yet another practical work of math from the Wythe collection, focuses interestingly on the accurate measurements of the quantities and volumes of casks. Likely useful for someone maintaining any kind of brewing or liquid storage operation it would also be a useful instruction manual for anyone engaging in coopering. [1]

Evidence for Inclusion in Wythe's Library

See also


  1. Jump up "Thomas Moss," A Treatise of Gauging https://books.google.com/books?id=gsAPAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA458&lpg=PA458&dq=A+Treatise+of+Gauging+Containing+not+Only+What+is+Common+on+the+Subject,+but+Likewise+a+Great+Variety+of+New+and+Interesting+Improvements+with+the+Demonstrations&source=bl&ots=-zVkn8pNI8&sig=lw_Us0Z6ImGCSslfKPLrvopvrrA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEsQ6AEwCWoVChMIw8Lp3J6NyAIVw3U-Ch0YQArv#v=onepage&q=A%20Treatise%20of%20Gauging%20Containing%20not%20Only%20What%20is%20Common%20on%20the%20Subject%2C%20but%20Likewise%20a%20Great%20Variety%20of%20New%20and%20Interesting%20Improvements%20with%20the%20Demonstrations&f=false