Treasurer's bond, 10 April 1767

This document, sold at auction in 2018,[1] is a colonial-era performance bond, issued in the name of Robert Carter Nicholas, who was Treasurer of the Virginia Colony from 1766-1775. The bond is a loan agreement from the King of England, George III, for the amount of £100,000, with repayment guaranteed by the undersigned: Nicholas, John Blair, William Nelson, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Richard Corbin (receiver general of Virginia, 1761-1776), Robert Carter, Robert Burwell, Richard Bland, Charles Carter, Wilson Miles Cary, and Edward Ambler. The document is also witnessed by George Wythe, James Mercer, Peter Pelham, Jr., Francis Eppes, and Richard Cary.
This document is similar to a bond dated May 20, 1766 with many of the same participants, mentioned in an auction catalog for Stan V. Henckels from 1920.
Document text, 10 April 1767
Page 1
Know all men by these present that Mr. Robert Carter Nicholas John Blair William Nelson Thomas Nelson Richard Corbin Robert Carter Robert Burwell Mann Page John Page Richard Bland Charles Carter (of Corotoman) Wilson Miles Cary and Edward Ambler Esquires are held & firmly bound to our Sovereign Lord King George the Third in the Sum of one hundred thousand Pounds to be paid to our said Lord the King his Heirs & Successors To the which paiment well and truly to be made We bind our Selves our Heirs & Executors & Administrators jointly & severally firmly by these Present Sealed with our Seals & dated this Tenth day of April 1767.
The Condition of the above Obligation is such that Whereas by an Act of Assembly made at a General Assembly begun & held the sixth day of November one thousand seven hundred & sixty six the above bound Robert Carter Nicholas is appointed Treasurer of the Revenue arriving from the Duties on Liquor & Slaves imported into this Colony & all other publick Monies payable into the Treasury of this Colony for publick uses by virtue of any Act or Acts of Assembly Now if the Robert Carter Nicholas shall well & truly answer & pay all the Money by him received and to be received from time to time by virtue of any Act or Acts of Assembly of this Colony and shall duly & faithfully perform the said Office of Treasurer in all things according to the direction of the Assembly then this Obligation to be void, else to remain in full Force & Virtue.
Sealed & delivered
by the first seven }
in Presence of
G. WytheJs. Mercer
P. Pelham Junr.
Sealed and delivered by R. Bland
Edwd. Ambler Wilson M. Cary
& Charles Carter Esqr.
in Presence
Francis Epes
Richd. Cary
Ro. C. Nicholas — [Seal]
John Blair [Seal]
W. Nelson [Seal]
Thos. Nelson [Seal]
Rd. Corbin [Seal]
Robt. Carter [Seal]
Robt. Burwell [Seal]
Richard Bland [Seal]
Chars. Carter [Seal]
Wilson-Miles Cary [Seal]
E. Ambler [Seal]
Page 2
Treasurer's Bond £100,000
Robert Carter Nicholas —
10 April 1767Virginia
See also
- ↑ Lot 29: 1767 George Wythe + Thomas Nelson, Virginia Declaration of Independence Signers!, Invaluable, accessed January 16, 2018.