Thomas Jefferson to Wythe, 11 September 1792
Thomas Jefferson tells George Wythe that he has received his letters regarding his decision on the seal and will consult with the artist to see when it will be ready. Jefferson says that when he returns home after the next session of Congress is over, he hopes to be able to see Wythe and persuade him to visit Philadelphia.

"Thomas Jefferson to Wythe, 11 September 1792." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Letter text
Monticello Sep. 11. 1792.
Dear Sir
I have duly received your favors referring to me the size & execution of the seal for your court, and as I can best deside on this after a consultation with the artist & due enquiry from him, I refer it till my return to Philadelphia which will be within about ten days. — As I propose to return home to reside at the close of the next session of Congress I hope I shall then have opportunities of sometimes seeing you, & perhaps be able to induce you to see this part of our country. in all times & places I shall ever be with the sincerest attachment Dear Sir
Your affectionate friend & servant
Th: Jefferson