John Page to Wythe, 23 June 1777
Lieutenant-Governor John Page writes to George Wythe as Speaker of the House of Delegates requesting that the Assembly change by law or resolution the current method of reassigning enlisted men from one recruiting officer to another.[1]
Letter text
The Governor and Council in the Beginning of the present Session submitted to the Assembly the propriety of passing a Law or some Resolution to enable them to turn over the men inlisted by such recruiting officers as have resigned or been discontinued for want of having completed their Quota, to such officers as have come the nearest to a Completion of their Quota, the present Law requiring that they shall be turned over to the Officer appointed to succeed. This Alteration the Board thought before was proper, in Point of Justice, but they find now it is become absolutely necessary for forming a compleat Battalion to join Genl Washington, agreeable to Resolution of Assembly; it being impracticable to select the necessary officers with their full Quotas; & several must be sent with large Deficiencies.
- I have the Honor to be with great Respect
- Sir
- Yr mo. obt hble Servt
The Honble George Wythe Esqr
- Speaker of the House of Delegates
[Endorsed:] Honble John Page Esqr Letter June 23d 1777 Respecting State Battalion to be marched to the Northward.
See also
- Jump up ↑ "John Page, Lieutenant-Governor, to the Speaker of the House of Delegates (From Virginia State Archives, Executive Papers)," in Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia, vol. 1, The Letters of Patrick Henry, ed. H. R. McIlwaine (Richmond: Superintendent of Public Printing, 1926), 165-166.