James Henry to Wythe, 2 February 1778
Letter from James Henry to Wythe, dated February 2, 1778. Image from Heritage Auctions. The letter acknowledges Wythe's kindness in taking care of Henry's money, and also asks one more favor. Henry requests that Wythe pay James Hill, and to get a receipt for the payment.

Letter Text, 2 February 1778
Page 1
- York Town Feb. 2d. 1778.
Hon. Sir,
After thanking you for the disinterested kindness of taking Charge of my money, permit me to ask one favor more. is this - Having received from Mr. Curtis a written direction to pay the money to Mr. James Hill, of which I have advised him; please to pay him Certificates and take his receipt. I know you don't wish for apologies; therefore allow only to say further, that I am with the most perfect Esteem
- Dear Sir
- Your very hum Servt,
- Jas Henry
Page 2
Received 25 Aug. 1778, of George Wythe one loan office certificate for one thousand one hundred seventy three and one third dollars, payable to Isaac Smith, esq; and forty six other loan office certificates, each for three hundred thirty three and one third dollars payable to James Henry esq.
- at Hill
To The Hon. Geo. Wythe Esq-