Elizabeth City County Court Records, 6 September 1763
This manuscript in Wythe's handwriting is in the Thomas Addis Emmet collection at the New York Public Library's Manuscripts and Archives Division. Dr. Thomas A. Emmet (1828 – 1919) was a surgeon and a collector of American Revolutionary War manuscripts, with a particular interest in signers of the Declaration of Independence. Emmet's collection was donated to the New York Public Library in 1896.
The document seems to have been part a larger work, and was probably cut for Wythe's signature. One side is signed by Wythe "At a Court held for Elizabeth City County, September 6th, 1763," but it is unclear if the text on the reverse is from the same date, or earlier or later.

The fragment contains many abbreviations, strike-outs, and shorthand. It is most likely a portion of a page from a court minute book for Elizabeth City County, Virginia (now Hampton), and mentions William Michell (or Mitchell) being sworn in as a constable to replace William Moore; a deed from John and Katherine Yeargain; and accounting for the estates of Robert Manson and Joseph Cooper by John Patrick and James Balfour, respectively. In addition to Wythe, also listed as being present are Walter McClurg, Wilson Miles Cary, Sr., George Walker (possibly Wythe's cousin), and James Balfour.[1]
George Wythe was a Justice of the Peace for Elizabeth City County in 1763.
[hide]Document text, 1763
Page 1

[manuscript cut]
be discharged by the Paymt. of £1.8 wt Intt. from 28 April 1763 til paid Costs.
- Sa: 6th June 1764 — Fil[?]: Fa[?]: ifsd[?] 13 July 1764.
Webster & [???] vs Casey Pelo:[?] Judt. for £4.13 to be dischd: by Paymt: of £2.6.6 wth Int. from 18 Janry: 1761 til paid & Costs.
6 this[?] Fees 50 sh. 30.
Shepard vs Bean [struck out] Judt: confessed & the Denial[?] to be assessed by a Jury
* Balfour vs Jenings Adm[?] Al:[?]:Cap:
* King vs Massenburg &c — C:O: vs Defts: & Sev.[?]
John Patricks Account acq[?]: Robert Manson Orphan which was Examd: & Sworn & Order'd to be recorded
Mr James Balfours Account acq[?]: the Estate of Joseph Cooper Orphan wch was Examined & Sworn to & Order'd to be recorded — prest: Walter McClurg Gent.
[manuscript shaved]
Page 2
Wm: Michell is was Sworn Constable of the Town of Hampton in the Room of Wm Moore who is sworned who is discharged
A Deed from John Yeargain & Katherine his Wife to Thos: Lattimer together with the Receipts endorsed were Ackd: & Order'd to be Recorded previous to wch: the said — Katherine was privately examined and freely consented.
Court adjd: til Court in Course
G. Wythe
At a Court held for Elizh. County ^September the 6th: 1763. Prest: George Wythe, Wilson Miles Cary, George Walker & James Balfour Gent.
- Jump up ↑ A similar record with Wythe's signature is in the minute book for Elizabeth City County courts, reproduced in "Elizabeth City County Records," William and Mary Quarterly 20, no. 3 (January 1912), 172-173.