Robert Carter to Wythe, 6 July 1772

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Robert Carter writes to George Wythe to inform him that the number of the sales of horses from Governor Fauquier's estate is short by two horses, and that he desires an account of the payments of each party involved. He then acknowledges the payments that need to be made on behalf of the Governor Fauquier's estate and requests that Jacob Bruce deposit the necessary payments to Wythe. Carter closes the letter by stating his hopes that Mrs. Wythe and Mrs. Carter will remain in communication and commenting on the estate of one of Wythe's associates.[1]

Letter text

Nomony Hall 6 July 1772

Dear Wythe,

Your favours of the 29th day of last may & 11th of the Succeeding Month, Address'd to me, Allso a Coppy of a letter to F. Fauquier Esqr. all inclosed in the same Cover, are now before me — they say that the Amount of Sales of Horses, rendered (part of the Estate of Govr. Fauquier, Deceased) is deficient by two of the Number of Horses inventoried. Wm. Nelson & P. Randolph, Esqrs. Sold All the Horses — Mr. Robert C. Nicholas, Negro Hungerford, Anthony Hay, were purchasers, and I believe Mr. Tabb of Amelia — the former of the purchasers paid the ^consideration money to me. Also Mrs. B. Randolph for Hungerford — these are the Only payments, which I know of, on Account of Horses Sold — P. Ra. perhaps may recollect wither, F. & his late favorite A. H — ever paid him, or either of them — you Also Advise me that a Judicial Sentence is Obtained, Directing us to pay £137..10, to the Executor of Mr. Henry Randolph on Account of Govr. F. Estate, which Sum of you have paid — I put a list of Bonds & Open accounts Amounting to upwards of £480, Current money & £189 Sterling into the Hands of M r. Jacob Bruce of Wmsburg to Collect, telling him to deposit whatever monies he should receive belonging to me, in your Hands — if J.B. Should not have deposited any money of mine with you pray Call on him and Apply £137..10, part thereof to reimburse that Sum of Money, or any Other thou mayest have Advanced to Satisfy demands agst Govr. F. Estate. If all the Claims Against the Said Estate be Satisfied pray Advise of the Bal. now Due to it; Exclusive of all the Outstanding Debts. Also inclose a full & proper Discharge to be Offered to F. F — to Obtain his Signature ^thereto when Messrs. Thos. & Rowland Hunt Merchants Shall wait on F. F — to pay the said Ballance — The family, after whose happiness you so kindly inquire, are well & not yett Satiated with rural Amusements — my wife wrote a letter to Mrs. Wythe a few Days ago, the Only Converse left them — tell your lady I hope she will frequently write to Mrs. Carter — Pray tell your neighbour Mr. Tazewell that R. Dixon died Intestate — and that the Revd. J Dixon has Administered on his late Brothers Estate —

Dear Wythe,
R. Carter


at Williamsburg

See also


  1. Robert Carter to George Wythe, July 6, 1772. Robert Carter Letter Books and Day Books, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.