Wythe to John Norton, 18 July 1771

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George Wythe is building a small house and asks for John Norton to send him some materials which he has listed in the letter. Wythe will pay for what he asked for as soon as Norton is able to tell him the cost of everything. Wythe asks that the tea china and glassware be sent to Williamsburg and everything else be sent to Mr. Jacob Wray in Hampton.

Letter text

Dear Sir

I am about building a small house, and must be obliged to you for the english materials, which I shall send a bill of exchange to pay the cost of, so soon as I can get the favour of you to inform me, by inquiring of proper persons, as near as may be, what it will amount to.

A bill of the things I shall want is inclosed, none of which I would have you send til I write again.

It is with pleasure I can acquaint you that your son, who is now at our house, seems to be in good health.

With my best respects to mrs. Norton, and the rest of your family, I am

Your affectionate friend,
And humble servant
G. Wythe
18th July 1771

A chest of Nice joiner’s and other tools, to cost six or seven guineas, or even eight to be complete.
A set of tea china.
3 dozen wine glasses & one dozen beer glasses and four wine decanters.
oil, colour & brushes to cost                    3. 0.0
400 panes of crown glass                        20. 0.0
2 Mortis locks large                                1.13.0
4 ditto smaller                                         2.12.0
3 ditto                                                       1. 2.6
6 pr. 4 inch door dovetail hinges                  1. 4.0
3 pr. smaller do.
48 pr. HL rising joint for shutters                  4. 0.0
48 pr. side hinges         do                         2. 0.0
40 2/2 wainscot pullies for sashes            0. 8.0
65 yds white line for          do                   2.10.0
48 brass jointed rings for shutters              1.16.0
10 pieces flywire 3 feet 1 inch square         10.15.0
A cask of nails

The tea china & glass ware to be sent to Williamsburg, the others to be left with Mr. Jacob Wray at Hampton for

G. Wythe

See also