George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 22 July 1806

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Letter Text

Dear Sir

I have by this mail received a letter from James Walker in which he informs me that some iron lately received from Philada is much wanted for the mill.—it was forwarded on the 8th by a boat belonging to Wm Faris—as it had not arrived I conclude it must have been left by the way for want of water.—some coal which Mr. W directs to be forwarded by a waggon, shall be sent if I can get one to take it—I understand however that but very few waggons have been down since harvest.—those from Staunton never will take other loading, if they can get it for that place. it will be best therefore I think if Mr. Higginbotham can get some neighbourhood waggon to call.—the eight packages have arrived from George Town. I will likewise endeavour to get a waggon to take them. Mr. Wythes books &c are packed up; I suppose however that I need not be in a hurry to forward them, & shall therefore wait for an order from Mr. H—and particularly as great care will be required in their removal. an inventory of them you will find inclosed.[2]

But four hhds more of your Tobacco have yet arrived. I have not received any manifests. I think it will certainly be better for you in future to have it inspected here—and especially if you can prevail on the Overseers to have it better assorted. the present crop I think is better handled than usual—the bundles are neat, and it is very nicely put into the hhd—it is likewise in very good order, not too high in case—but they will put in Tobacco, which should either be stemm’d, or thrown away.—Bohn & Hubner who bought the last crop, and who shipped it to Germany, where one of the partners saw it opened, say that if about a hhd. of it had been thrown away, the remainder would have brought more than they got for the whole Johnston of the house of P.P. & I. who, saw some of it opened in England, the year before I think, gave precisely the same account of it—they say the same of the present crop. I am Dear Sir

Yr Very humble Servt

Geo. Jefferson

See Also


  1. "To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 22 July 1807," Founders Online, National Archives.
  2. George Jefferson's inventory of Wythe's books does not survive. The only list available was created by Thomas Jefferson after he made decisions about which books to keep and which to give to relatives and friends.