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14:25, 29 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheTheColonialBriton1937Title.jpg (file) 175 KB Gwsweeney Title page from W. Edwin Hemphill's doctoral dissertation, "George Wythe the Colonial Briton: A Biographical Study of the Pre-Revoultionary Era in Virginia" (University of Virginia, 1937). Category: Title Pages 1
14:24, 29 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheTheColonialBriton1937.pdf (file) 17.64 MB Gwsweeney W. Edwin Hemphill's doctoral dissertation, "George Wythe the Colonial Briton: A Biographical Study of the Pre-Revoultionary Era in Virginia" (University of Virginia, 1937). Category: Biographies 1
16:48, 25 February 2016 SargentLifeAndPublicServicesOfHenryClay1852Title.jpg (file) 134 KB Gwsweeney Title page from Epes Sargent's ''Life and Public Services of Henry Clay'' (Auburn, NY: Derby & Miller, 1852). Category: Biographies Category: Title Pages 1
16:48, 25 February 2016 SargentLifeAndPublicServicesOfHenryClay1852.pdf (file) 694 KB Gwsweeney Pages relevant to Henry Clay studying under George Wythe, from Epes Sargent's ''Life and Public Services of Henry Clay'' (Auburn, NY: Derby & Miller, 1852), 13-16, 319. Category: Biographies Category: Title Pages 1
14:45, 19 February 2016 HarrisonAccomplishdPractiser1790P67.jpg (file) 237 KB Gwsweeney Pages 67 from Harrison's ''The Accomplish'd Practiser in the High Court of Chancery,'' 7th ed. (London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall, 1790). 1
14:44, 19 February 2016 HarrisonAccomplishdPractiser1790P67-68.pdf (file) 92 KB Gwsweeney Pages 67-68 from Harrison's ''The Accomplish'd Practiser in the High Court of Chancery,'' 7th ed. (London: A. Strahan and W. Woodfall, 1790). 1
14:43, 19 February 2016 Gazette18June1806P3.jpg (file) 266 KB Gwsweeney Text from "Communication," ''Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser'' (Richmond, VA), June 18, 1806, signed "A.B." Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
14:42, 19 February 2016 VirginiaGazetteAndGeneralAdvertiser18June1806.pdf (file) 6.6 MB Gwsweeney "Communication," ''Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser'' (Richmond, VA), June 18, 1806, signed "A.B." Category: Biographies (Articles) Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
10:44, 17 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheAmericasFirstLawProfessor1933.pdf (file) 12.72 MB Gwsweeney W. Edwin Hemphill's M.A. thesis, "George Wythe, America's First Law Professor and the Teacher of Jefferson, Marshall, and Clay" (Emory University, 1933). Category: Biographies 1
16:29, 16 February 2016 Edmund Randolph.jpg (file) 110 KB Sespencer01   1
16:27, 16 February 2016 James Monroe.gif (file) 249 KB Sespencer01   1
14:23, 15 February 2016 JeffersonToLouisGirardin15January1815.jpg (file) 203 KB Gwsweeney Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, dated January 15, 1815. Image from the [ Library of Congress], The Thomas Jefferson Papers. Category: Letters and Papers 1
14:30, 12 February 2016 HemphillGeorgeWytheAmericasFirstLawProfessor1933TitlePage.jpg (file) 240 KB Gwsweeney Title page from W. Edwin Hemphill's "George Wythe, America's First Professor of Law and the Teacher of Jefferson, Marshall, and Clay" (MA thesis, Emory University, 1933). 1
10:13, 8 February 2016 FinchNomotexnia1613Spine.jpg (file) 740 KB Gwsweeney   1
16:52, 5 February 2016 InWythesMemory12January1901.jpg (file) 97 KB Gwsweeney Item from the ''Richmond Times'' from 1901, concerning a monument to George Wythe. 1
16:51, 5 February 2016 RichmondTimes12January1901P4.pdf (file) 1.53 MB Gwsweeney Item from the ''Richmond Times'' from 1904, concerning a monument to George Wythe. 1
13:27, 5 February 2016 WytheRoomShelfE4.gif (file) 424 KB Gwsweeney Virtual bookshelf from George Wythe's Library, Shelf E-4, The Wolf Law Library at the College of William & Mary School of Law. 1
12:26, 5 February 2016 HeningNewVirginiaJustice1795Subscribers.jpg (file) 2.67 MB Gwsweeney "Subscribers' Names" from Hening's ''The New Virginia Justice'' (Richmond, VA: T. Nicolson, 1795), with George Wythe's name among the subscribers. 1
17:56, 4 February 2016 AndrewBurnabyPortrait1789.jpg (file) 59 KB Gwsweeney Portrait of the Reverend Andrew Burnaby (1789), by an unknown artist. Image courtesy of "[ Your Paintings,]" and the Leicestershire County Council Museums Service. 1
17:24, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798P24n.jpg (file) 168 KB Gwsweeney Footnote regarding George Wythe, from page 24 of Andrew Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America (London: T. Payne, 1798). 1
17:01, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798TitlePage.jpg (file) 140 KB Gwsweeney Title page from Andrew Burnaby's ''Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America'' (London: T. Payne, 1798). 1
16:58, 4 February 2016 BurnabyTravelsThroughTheMiddleSettlementsInNorthAmerica1798.pdf (file) 1.49 MB Gwsweeney Section on Virginia from Andrew Burnaby's ''Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America'' (London: T. Payne, 1798). Category: Descriptions of Wythe 1
14:37, 2 February 2016 Anti-Slavery Petition pg1.jpg (file) 1.95 MB Dbthompson Anti-slavery petition: "To The Speaker and House of Delegates in Virginia. The Petition of sundry Inhabitants of various parts of this State," Nov. 16th, 1795. 1
14:36, 2 February 2016 AntiSlaveryPetition 1795.pdf (file) 3.3 MB Dbthompson Anti-slavery petition: "To The Speaker and House of Delegates in Virginia. The Petition of sundry Inhabitants of various parts of this State," Nov. 16th, 1795. 1
13:20, 2 February 2016 BurkHistoryOfVirginia1816Vol4.jpg (file) 145 KB Gwsweeney Title page of volume four of Burk's ''History of Virginia'' (Petersburg: M.W. Dunnavant, 1816), continued by Skelton Jones and Louis Hue Girardin. 1
17:24, 14 January 2016 ElizabethCityCountyCourt6September1763P2.jpg (file) 4.42 MB Gwsweeney Page fragment from Elizabeth City County court records, in George Wythe's handwriting, dated September 6, 1763. Image courtesy of the [ New York Public Library.] 1
17:20, 14 January 2016 ElizabethCityCountyCourt6September1763P1.jpg (file) 4.53 MB Gwsweeney Page fragment from Elizabeth City County court records, in George Wythe's handwriting. Image courtesy of the [ New York Public Library.] 1
16:30, 16 December 2015 RabelaisWorks1737v2.jpg (file) 981 KB Lktesar Title page from volume II of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. Category:Title Pages 1
16:28, 16 December 2015 RabelaisWorks1737v2Frontispiece.jpg (file) 3.94 MB Lktesar Frontispiece illustration of Rabelais's home from volume II of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. [[Category:Frontispi... 1
16:15, 16 December 2015 OdysseyOfHomer1752v2IllustrationBook8.jpg (file) 588 KB Lktesar Illustration, volume two, from Homer's ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Illustrations 1
15:56, 16 December 2015 DionysiouHalikarnasseosPeriSyntheseos1728Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.91 MB Lktesar   1
17:27, 15 December 2015 BryantNewSystemOrAnalysisOfAncientMythology1775v2p128.jpg (file) 681 KB Lktesar Page 128 from volume II of Jacob Bryant's ''[[New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology|A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity :... 1
17:25, 15 December 2015 BryantNewSystemOrAnalysisOfAncientMythology1775v2plate3.jpg (file) 829 KB Lktesar Plate III from volume II of Jacob Bryant's ''[[New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology|A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity :... 1
17:17, 15 December 2015 TyrtaeusSpartanLessons1759Illustrationp1011.jpg (file) 617 KB Lktesar Illustration from Tyrataeus's ''Spartan Lessons; Or, The Praise Of Valour: In The Verses Of Tyrtaeus, An Ancient Athenian Poet, Adopted By The Republic Of Lacedaemon, And Employed To Inspire Their Youth With Warlike Sentiments''. Gl... 1
17:14, 15 December 2015 LysiasOperaOmnia1783TitlePageSpread.jpg (file) 383 KB Lktesar Title page for Lysias's ''Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine''. Paris: Franc. Ambr. Didot L'ainé, 1783. Category:Title Pages 1
17:04, 15 December 2015 PopeWorks1751v5Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.73 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from volume V of Alexander Pope's ''[[Works of Alexander Pope|The Works of Alexander Pope Esq. In Nine Volumes Complete, With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements; as They Were Delivered to the Editor a Little Before His Death... 1
17:00, 15 December 2015 PopeWorks1751v5.jpg (file) 180 KB Lktesar Title page, volume five, from ''[[Works of Alexander Pope|The Works of Alexander Pope Esq. In Nine Volumes Complete, With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements; as They Were Delivered to the Editor a Little Before His Death, Together With... 1
16:25, 15 December 2015 PlautusAcciPlavtiComoediae1669FullCover.jpg (file) 1.41 MB Lktesar Embossed cover from Titus Maccius Plautus's ''M. Acci Plauti Comoediae''. Lugd. Batav., Roterod.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. Category:Book Covers 1
12:04, 15 December 2015 ReportsDesCasesArgueAndAdjudge1678v11TitlePage.jpg (file) 5.95 MB Lktesar Title page, volume eleven, from ''Reports des Cases Argue and Adjudge in le Temps del'Roy: Edward I - Henrie VIII''. London: 1678-1680. Category:Title Pages 1
10:19, 15 December 2015 AddisonMiscellaneousWorks1746v1p56 57.jpg (file) 317 KB Lktesar Tail pieces from volume one of Joseph Addison's ''[[Miscellaneous Works, in Verse and Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.|The Miscellaneous Works, in Verse And Prose, of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq.: With Some Account of the... 1
10:05, 15 December 2015 GoldsmithHistoryOfTheEarth1795v2Catkind.jpg (file) 902 KB Lktesar Illustration of "catkind" from volume two of Oliver Goldsmith's ''History of the Earth, and Animated Nature''. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, 1795. Category:Illustrations 1
10:05, 15 December 2015 NewtonArithmeticaUniversalisCover1722.jpg (file) 1.97 MB Lktesar Cover of Sir Issac Newton's ''Arithmetica Universalis: Sive De Compositione Et Resolutione Arithmetica Liber''. 2nd ed. Londini: Benji & Sam. Tooke, 1722. Category:Book Covers 1
12:40, 14 December 2015 ShakespeareWorks1740v2MerchantTP.jpg (file) 468 KB Lktesar Opening page of The Merchant of Venice from volume two of William Shakespeare's ''The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes, Collated With The Oldest Copies, And Corrected''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for H. Lintott, C. Hitch, J... 1
12:04, 14 December 2015 PlaysOfShakespeareV8JuliusCaesarTP.jpg (file) 598 KB Lktesar Opening page of Julius Caesar from volume eight of William Shakespeare's ''The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Ten Volumes, With The Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators To Which Are Added Notes''. Lon... 1
17:37, 11 December 2015 SpencePolymetis1747BoitardSculp.jpg (file) 11.47 MB Lktesar Image of Boitard Sculpture, from Joseph Spence's ''[[Polymetis|Polymetis: Or, An Enquiry Concerning The Agreement Between The Works Of The Roman Poets, And The Remains Of The Antient Artists, Being An Attempt To Illustrate Them Mutually From One Anothe... 1
14:45, 11 December 2015 ArrowsmithNewElegantGeneralAtlas1804WorldMap.jpg (file) 2.21 MB Lktesar World map from Aaron Arrowsmith's ''A New and Elegant General Atlas: Comprising All the New Discoveries, to the Present Time: Containing Sixty-Five Maps''. Philadelphia: John Conrad & Co., 1804. [[Category:Illustratio... 1
17:31, 10 December 2015 BolingbrokeRemarksOnTheHistoryOfEngland1743Bookplate2.jpg (file) 1.68 MB Lktesar Front pastedown with bookplate of "W. Wynne" from Henry St. John Bolingbroke's ''Remarks on the History of England: From the Minutes of Humphry Oldcastle''. London: Printed for R. Francklin, 1743. [[Category:Bookp... 1
17:26, 10 December 2015 SandysTravels1673Page75.jpg (file) 6.75 MB Lktesar Illustration, page 75, from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. Category:Illustrations 1
17:24, 10 December 2015 SandysTravels1673Page74.jpg (file) 5.65 MB Lktesar Illustration, page 74, from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. Category:Illustrations 1
16:21, 10 December 2015 EncyclopaediaDictionary1798v2PlateLVII.jpg (file) 5.52 MB Lktesar Plate LVII, volume 2, from ''Encyclopaedia, or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature''. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798. Category:Illustrations 1
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