Patrick Henry to Wythe, 11 June 1777

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Patrick Henry writes to George Wythe as Speaker of the House of Delegates to ask the Assembly's opinion on the housing of two Loyalist prisoners.[1][2]

Letter text

In Council June 11th 1777.


The Expence of the Guards kept over Goodrich and McCan, at Charlottesville, is great; and in order to avoid it in future the Council Board are inclined to send them to Stauntown in Augusta and to give orders that they do remain at that place without a Guard: at the same Time requiring that in Case of their Misbehaviour they be committed to close Goal and orders may be given that in Case of an Escape they be immediately pursued & probably they may be apprehended before they can reach the lower Country. But in as much as one of these people was thought a very dangerous Person some time ago, and it was judged necessary to secure him under a Guard, the Board of Council, do not chuse to alter his Situation without the opinion of the Assembly. Will you be pleased, Sir, to favor me with their Sentiments on this Subject. I have the Honor to be

Your mo Obedt Servant,

The Honble
George Wythe Esqr Speaker of the
Honble House of Delegates.

See also


  1. Gov. Henry to Geo. Wythe, Speaker of the House of Delegates (Va. State Archives, Ex. Com.)," in Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia, vol. 1, The Letters of Patrick Henry, ed. H. R. McIlwaine (Richmond: Superintendent of Public Printing, 1926), 161-162. The printed letter includes footnote "200" after the name "Goodrich": "For the inimical activities of the three Goodriches, John Sr., John Jr., and Bartlett, see V. H. M., Vol. XV, pp. 160-65. Deposition in regard to John Goodrich, XVIII, p. 400."
  2. See also: George M. Curtis, III, "The Goodrich Family and the Revolution in Virginia, 1774-1176," 84:no1 The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (Jan. 1976): 49-74. "Goodrich" in Henry's letter most likely refers to John Sr.