Works of Sir William Temple (Contents)

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Table of contents for The Works of Sir William Temple (London:Printed for A. Churchill T. Goodwin, J. Knapton, R. Smith, B. Tooke, 1720).

Full Text

Main Article: The Works of Sir William Temple

Volume I

Volume II


Volume I

Page Title
7 Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands
7 Chap. I. Of the Rise and Progress of the United Provinces
30 Chap. II. Of their Government
43 Chap. III. Of their Situation
47 Chap. IV. Of their People and Dispositions
55 Chap. V. Of their Religion
60 Chap. VI. Of their Trade
69 Chap. VII. Of their Forces and Revenues
72 Chap. VIII. The Causes of their Fall, in 1672
78 Miscellanea. The First Part
83 A Survey of the Constitutions and Interests of the Empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France, and Flanders; with their Relation to England in the Year 1671; and then given to one of his Majesty's Prinicpal Secretaries of State Upon the Ending of my Embassie at the Hague
95 An Essay upon the Original and Nature of Government, Written in the year 1672
109 An Essay upon the Advancement of Trade in Ireland. Written to the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdon. Dublin, July 22, 1673
122 Written to the Duke of Ormond, in October, 1673. Upon his Grace's desiring me to give him my Opinion what was to be done in that Conjuncture
128 To the Countess of Essex, upon her Grief occasioned by the Loss of her only Daughter. Shone, Jan. 29, 1674
134 An Essay upon the Cure of the Gout by Moxa. Written to Monseut de Zulichem. Nimeguen, June 18, 1677
147 Miscellanea. The Second Part
151 An Essay upon the Ancient and Modern Learning
170 Upon the Gardens of Epicurus; or, of Gardening. In the Year 1685
191 Of Heroic Virtue
233 Of Poetry
250 Miscellanea. The Third Part
255 Of Popular Discontents
272 Of Health and Long Life
290 Some Thoughts upon Reviewing the Essay of Ancient and Modern Learning
305 Heads, designed for an Essay upon the different Conditions of Life and Fortune
310 Heads, designed for an Essay on Conversation
314 Vigil's last Eclogue
317 Horace. Lib. 4 Ode 7
318 Horace. Lib. 1 Ode 13
319 Upon the Approach of the Shore at Harwich, in January, 1668. Begun under the Mast
321 Horace. Lib. 3 Ode 29
324 Horace. Non domus & fundus, non aris acertus & auri
325 Tibullus. Lib. 4 El. 2
331 Memoirs The Third Part
361 The Appendix. Containing the Pieces referr'd to in these Memoirs
375 Memoirs of what pass'd in Christendom from 1672, to 1679

Volume II

Page Title
3 Letters from Sir William Temple concerning the first Dutch War, began May 1665
45 Letters concerning the Triple Alliance in Han. 1669
69 The Articles of it.
77 The Separate Articles
81 The Negotiation of the Peace
114 Letters to Sir William Temple
160 Sir William Temple's first Embassy at the Hague, begun Aug. 1668
281 His Letters to the King, the Prince of Orange, the Chief Members of State, and other Persons
525 Introduction to the History of England