Works of John Milton (Contents)

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Table of contents for Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton (London: Printed for A. Miller, 1738).

Full Text

Main Article: Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton

Volume I

Volume II


Volume I

Page Title
i AN Historical and Critical Account OF THE LIFE and WRITINGS OF Mr. JOHN MILTON. By THOMAS BIRCH, M. A. and F. R. S.
1 OF REFORMATION in ENGLAND, AND The Causes that hitherto have hindred it. In Two Books. Written to a Friend.
30 OF Prelatical Episcopacy, And whether it may be deduc'd from the Apostolical Times by virtue of those Testimonies which are alledg'd to that purpose in some late Treatises; one wherof goes under the ...
76 ANIMADVERSIONS UPON THE Remonstrants Defence against SMECTYMNUUS.
141 Areopagitica: A SPEECH for the Liberty of Unlicens'd PRINTING, To the PARLAMENT of ENGLAND.
162 THE Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; Restored to the good of both Sexes, from the Bondage of Canon Law, and other Mistakes, to the true Meaning of Scripture in the Law and Gospel compar'd.
214 Tetracbordon: EXPOSITIONS UPON The four chief Places in Scripture which treat of Marriage, or Nullities in Marriage.
271 THE JUDGMENT OF Martin Bucer, CONCERNING DIVORCE: WRITTEN To EDWARD the Sixth, in his Second Book of the Kingdom of CHRIST.
295 Colasterion: A REPLY to a Nameless ANSWER against the Doctrine and Discipline of DIVORCE. Wherin the trivial Author of that Answer is discovered, the Licenser conferr'd with, and the Opinion which ...
309 THE TENURE OF Kings and Magistrates: PROVING That it is Lawful, and hath been held so through all Ages, for any, who have the Power, to call to account a TYRANT, or wicked KING, and after due ...
325 OBSERVATIONS ON THE Articles of Peace BETWEEN JAMES Earl of ORMOND for King Charles the First on the one hand, and the Irish Rebels and Papists on the other hand: And on a Letter sent by ORMOND to ...
360 'EIKONOK…A…TH…. In Answer to a Book Intitled, 'EIK…N BA…I…IKH, The PORTRAITURE of his SACRED MAJESTY in his Solitudes and Sufferings.
445 A DEFENCE OF THE People of England, In ANSWER to Salmasius's DEFENCE of the KING.
545 A TREATISE OF Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes: SHEWING, That it is not Lawful for any Power on Earth to compel in Matters of RELIGION.
560 CONSIDERATIONS Touching the Likeliest Means to remove HIRELINGS OUT OF THE CHURCH.
585 THE Present Means, and Brief Delineation OF A Free Commonwealth, Easy to be put in Practice, and without Delay. In a Letter to General Monk. Published from the Manuscript.
587 The ready and easy Way to establish a Free Commonwealth, And the Excellence therof, Compar'd with the Inconveniencies and Dangers of re - admitting Kingship in this Nation.
602 Brief NOTES upon a late SERMON TITL'D, The Fear of GOD and the KING; Preach'd, and since publish'd, By MATTHEW GRIFFITH, D. D. And Chaplain to the late KING. Wherin many notorious Wrestings of ...
607 ACCEDENCE Commenc'd GRAMMAR, Supply'd with sufficient RULES For the use of such as, Younger or Elder, are desirous, without more trouble than needs, to attain the Latin Tongue; the elder sort ...

Volume II

Page Title
1 THE HISTORY OF BRITAIN, That Part especially, now call'd ENGLAND; From the First Traditional Beginning, continu'd to the NORMAN CONQUEST. Collected out of the ancientest and best Authors therof. ...
122 OF True Religion, Heresy, Schism, Toleration; And what best Means may be us'd against the Growth of POPERY. Printed in the Year 1673.
128 A Brief HISTORY OF MOSCOVIA, AND Of other less - known Countries lying Eastward of Russia as far as Cathay. Gather'd from the Writings of several Eye - Witnesses.
148 A DECLARATION, OR, Letters Patents for the Election of this present King of POLAND JOHN the Third, Elected on the 22d of May last past, Anno Dom. 1674. CONTAINING The Reasons of this Election, the ...
153 Letters of State To most of the Sovereign Princes and Republics of Europe, During the Administration of the Commonwealth, and the Protectors Oliver and Richard Cromwell.
153 LETTERS written in the Name of the Parlament.
179 LETTERS Written in the Name of OLIVER the PROTECTOR.
228 LETTERS Written in the Name of RICHARD, PROTECTOR.
237 DEFENSIO Pro Populo Anglicano, Contra Claudii Anonymi, aliàs Salmasii, Defensionem REGIAM.
315 DEFENSIO SECUNDA Pro Populo Anglicano, Contra Infamem Libellum Anonymum, Cui Titulus, Regii Sanguinis clamor ad Cœlum, adversus Parricidas Anglicanos.
351 AUTORIS PRO SE DEFENSIO CONTRA Alexandrum Morum Ecclesiasten, Libelli famosi, cui titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor ad cœlum adversus Parricidas Anglicanos, Authorem rectèdictum.
391 JOANNIS PHILIPPI ANGLI RESPONSIO AD Apologiam Anonymi cujusdam tenebrionis pro Rege & Populo Anglicano infantissimam.
411 LITERÆ SENATUS ANGLICANI; Nec non CROMWELLII, &c. Nomine ac jussu conscriptæ.
434 LITERÆ Oliverii Protectoris Nomine scriptæ.
476 LITERÆ Richardi Protectoris Nomine scriptæ.
481 Duæ sequentes Literæ, RICHARDO abdicato, Restituti Parlamenti nomine scripti sunt.
483 Artis Logicæ Plenior Institutio, Ad PETRI RAMI METHODUM concinnata. Adjecta est Praxis Analytica & PETRI RAMI Vita. Libris duobus.
565 Autoris EPISTOLARUM FAMILIARIUM LIBER UNUS: Quibus accesserunt Ejusdem, jam olim in Collegio Adolescentis, Prolusiones quædam Oratoriæ.
608 SCRIPTUM DOM. PROTECTORIS Reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, &c. Ex consensu atque sententiâ Concilii sui Editum; In quo hujus Reipublicæ Causa contra HISPANOS justa esse demonstratur.