Statement, Hill v. Waugh, 1744
Sworn statement in the case of Hill v. Waugh, c. 1744, signed by Wythe, and John Lewis. Sold by Early American auctions.
Document Text, c. 1744
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- Hill v. Waugh.
Nicholas Battle Gent. of lawful Age, having been first favour ^ in this Suit before me on the Holy Evangelists, deposeth and saith, That in the Year 1744 about the Month of July, the Deponent being up at the Mountains with Col. Taliaferro, the Def. told him (the Depont.) of Taliaferro that he the Def. had made an Agreement with the Pl. who was his overseer, that the Pl.
had agreedwas to allow them the Def. a certain Quantity of Job for every Hand under him, but what was the Quantitywas not giventhe Deponent does not remember but the Depons. and Col. Taliaferro both thought that Mr. Waugh had a very good Bargain.Nichl: Prattville
We agree that they shall be given in Evidence
- J. Lewis
- George Wythe