James Madison to Wythe, 15 April 1785
George Wythe
Sir - Orange, April 15th. 1785
I have been honoured with yours of February accompanying the Testimony which the University of William & Mary have been pleased to bestow on me. It’s a distinction which is rendered so flattering both by the characters of those from whom it is received, and of those with whom it associates me calls for acknowledgments, which I should feel greater satisfaction in impressing. If I had less reason to distrust my title to it. Regarding it however as a proof that those who so worthily minister in the Temple of Science are disposed not only to reward the merits of her illustrious Notaries, but to patronize in the humblest of them a real farther service. I find in the sincerity of mine an offering which they will not refuse, and which I beg you, Sir, in the most respectful manner to present to them.
With great esteem and attachment I am &c.