"Journal of the Meetings of the President & Masters of William & Mary's College"

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Cover of "Journal of the Meetings of the President & Masters of William & Mary's College." Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 1).

Introduction and summary.[1]

Document text, 29 December 1779

Page 280

Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William & Mary College," December 29, 1779. Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, p. 280, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 285).

Dec.r 29.th 1779.

At a meeting of the President & Masters ^Professors of Wm Mary College, under a statute passed by the Visitors the fourth Day of December, 1779 —


James Madison, President, & Professor of Natural Philosophy, & Mathematics.

George Wythe, Professor of Law & Police.

James M'Clurg, Professor of Anatomy and Medicine.

Robert Andrews, Professor of Moral Philosophy, the Laws of Nature & of Nations, & of the fine Arts.

Charles Bellini, Professor of Modern Languages.

Resolved, That M.r Andrews act as Clerk of the Society for this day.

Resolved, that the Lectures in the different Schools shall commence for the ensuing year on the 17.th of January.

For the Encouragement of Science,

Resolved, that a Student on paying an annually one thousand pounds of Tobacco shall be entitled to attend any two of the following Professors, viz.: of Law and Police, of Natural Philosophy. & and Mathematics, & of Moral Philosophy, the Laws of Nature & Nations, and of the fine arts, & that for fifteen hundred pounds he shall be entitled to attend the said three said Professors, the fees to be paid at that Period of the year when the Courses of Lectures commence.

Resolved, that Mr James Wilson be allowed 3,000 lbs. of Tobacco pr annum, two men & a Boy, & any Benefit he can derive from the Garden after supplying the President & Professors with vegetables, as Steward & Gardener of y.e College.

Resolved, that Winkfield, Bob, Lemon, Adam, & Pompey, be retained for cleaning the College, & other necessary Purposes.

Resolved, that the President & Mr Andrews hire the Negroes not retained, for Tobacco or other Country Produce.

Resolved, that Mr Andrews be appointed to execute the office of Bursar of the College.

Document text, 30 December 1779

Page 281

Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William & Mary College," December 30, 1779. Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, p. 281, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 286).

Dec.r 30.th 1779.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of Wm & Mary College.


James Madison, President,
George Wythe,                      Robert Andrews
James M'Clurg                      Charles Bellini

Resolved, that the Ceremony of Matriculation shall be a pecuniary contribution to the Library, from every Student when he enters the College, & annually afterwards, on which his Name, together with his Contribution, shall be entered in a Book kept for that Purpose by the Bursar, & he shall be entitled to the Use of the Library.

Ordered, that the Library be arranged according to the different Branches of Literature.

Resolved, that former Students shall enjoy a preferable Claim to Rooms until the 30.th of next month.

Resolved, that Application for College Rooms be made to the Presidt, who shall determine the Right according to Priority of Application.

Resolved, that the personal Property, not necessary for the Use of the College, shall be exposed to publick sale on the 7.th of January, 1780.

J. Madison, P.

Document text, 2 February 1780

Page 282

Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William & Mary College," February 2, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, p. 282, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 287).

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of William and Mary College, Feb.r 2.& 1780.

Present - James Madison Pr.

George Wythe
James M'Clurg
Robert Andrews.

Resolved - that James Wilson be appointed Collector of y.e Rents in y.e County of King William in y.e place of Christopher Taliaferro

Resolved - that in future all surveyors be publicly examined before y.e Society, previous to their having a Certificate of their abilities.

Resolved - that Mr Wm Cole be desired to collect y.e Money due from y.e Rents of y.e Nottoway Estate.

Resolved - that Samuel Griffin, Esqe. be permitted to have any quantity of land near to his House not exceeding 20 acres for y.e Purpose of Pasturage only.

J. Madison, P.

Document text, 17 March 1780

Page 283

Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William & Mary College," March 17, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, p. 283, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 288).

March 17th 1780.

At a Meeting of y.e President and Professors of y.e College, Present —

J. Madison Presidt.

G. Wythe — P. L. & P.

J. M'Clurg — P. A. & M.

R. Andrews P. M. P. &e.

Ch. Bellini P. M L.

Resolved that y.e Collectors be ordered to collect all Rents for y.e last Year in Tob.o only-and that all Arrears due for any Time preceding y.e Commencement of y.e last Year be collected either in Tob.o, or in Money according to y.e Value of Tob.o at y.e Time of Payment.

J Madison P.

Document text, 23 May 1780

Page 284

Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William & Mary College," May 23, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, p. 284, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 289).

May y.e 23.d 1780.

At a Meeting of y.e President & Professors, Present: J. Madison — George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved — that y.e Collector of King Wm do receive the rents of 1779 at 30£ pr cwt, provided they be paid on demand.

Mr Wythe did not vote in y.e above Resolve.

That he shall bring suits for all arrears, unless paid at y.e current Price of Tob.o — and that those who are not able to pay their arrears be ejected.

— J Madison

At a Meeting May 25.

Present as above-also Doctr Mc Clurg.

Mr Joseph Fox was elected Collector of King Wm. Rents in y.e stead of James Wilson who had resigned.

The following advertisement was directed to be made public: The College having suffered very considerably by accepting current Money instead of y.e Rents reserved in y.e Leases of their Lands w.ch were payable in Tobacco or sterling Money at y.e option of y.e President & Professors; Notice is hereby given to y.e Tenants & others concerned that y.e Rents of y.e Current year, & of all future years will be exacted in Tobo according to y.e reservations. Actions are directed to be commenced immediately for Breaches of y.e Covenants in any of y.e Leases, and to recover Posession of all y.e Tenements, y.e Holders of which have forfeited by non-payment of y.e Rents by waste by y.e neglect to make improvements by Sales without License, or otherwise, and to be prosecuted with y.e greatest Expedition.

J Madison

See also


  1. "Journal of the Meetings of the President & Masters of William & Mary's College." Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries.

Further reading

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