About the Wythepedia Project at the College of William & Mary's Wolf Law Library

In 2005, the Wolf Law Library at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, started a special collection recreating the library of George Wythe. Development of the George Wythe Collection led library director Jim Heller to create a special room in the library to house and display the Wythe Collection. Conceived as supplement to the book display, the George Wythe Encyclopedia project began on February 15, 2013. The project expanded from a bibliographic focus to include all aspects of Wythe's life and careers. The Encyclopedia is intended to provide a single source of information relating to George Wythe and to facilitate future scholarship.
Wythepedia is a closed wiki; only approved users may add or edit articles. Please contact the managing editor with questions and comments.
Editors and Contributors
- Executive Editor: James S. Heller, Director of the Law Library, Professor of Law and Professor of Public Policy
- Managing Editor: Linda K. Tesar, Head of Technical Services and Special Collections
- Site Administrator and Associate Editor: Steve Blaiklock, Circulation and Reserve Supervisor
Many other William & Mary Law Library staff members have contributed to Wythepedia including Jill Carter, Dennis DeMarco, Fred Dingledy, Paul Hellyer, Rebecca Mazzarella, Lauren Seney, Michael Umberger, and Michaela Van Wicklin. Andrew Howard (Class of 2014) identified Wythe's Letters and Papers and created the majority of those pages, transcribing many of the documents. Other law students spent numerous hours working on the project, notably:
- Class of 2016: Sarah Deuitch, Joseph Harrison, Melanie Lazor, Eric Marriott, James Patterson, John Sanders, Abby Snider, Andrew Steffensen, Stephanie Wilmes, and Christopher Yakubisin made significant contributions. Other class of 2016 contributors include: Derek van den Abeelen, James Allred, Kathryn Ashley, Kelsey Baack, Connor Baer, Elizabeth Berry, Dan Biegler, Lauren Bridenbaugh, Joe Castor, Katie Chounet, Susanne Cordner, Brian Cruikshank, Bria Cunningham, Benjamin Dailey, Charles Barriere, Evan Feely, Melissa Fussell, Christopher Geddis, Sara Greenblum, Kelly Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Zeke Van Keuren, Erika Larsen, Caroline Lochabay, Eric Loose, Nathan Michaux, Carrie Miller, Tyler Murray, Karen Osborne, Krishna Patel, Meghan Phillips, Sarah Pitts, Liz Rademacher, Brian Reagan, Keith Salmeri, Ryan Schuster, Lindsay Sfekas, Katherine Sheldon, Lenny Simmons, Marly Tristano, Allyson Wiley, and Michael Wyatt.
- Class of 2017: Benjamin Ader, Jake Albert, Jim Conlin, Claire Hunter, Jennifer Morris, Michelle Prendergast, Thomas Sandbrink, John Satira, and Jenna Tersteegen.
- Class of 2018: Connor Ciepluch, Marc Greco, Alexander Lange, Anne Morris, Vania Ratliff, Lauren Riley, Tyler Sherman, Sarah Spencer, Daniel Thompson, Lydia Warkentin, and Victoria Woods.
- Class of 2019: Dorronda Bordley, Jessica Fetzer, Brett Morgan
- Class of 2020: Stephen Marlowe
Getting Started
The main Categories page serves as a site index.
Books in the Wolf Law Library's collection are on the George Wythe Collection page with links to individual pages for specific titles. A browsable list of titles is available as a separate Category page. The contents of George Wythe's library and the bibliographies devoted to it are discussed on Wythe's Library page.
The main biographical page includes links to pages for various aspects of Wythe's life such as his letters and papers, his teaching career, and his judicial career and cases.