Thomas Jefferson to Wythe, 29 May 1786
Letter text
Paris May 29. 1786.
Dear Sir
This will be handed you by Mr. Paradise, a Græcian & honest man by birth, a gentleman & man of learning by education, & our countryman by choice the most rational of all titles. I need not say more to ensure him all the services you can render him. He has a heart which will repay your attentions with overflowings of gratitude. Probably he will want your counsels, perhaps too your encouragement to do what you shall find for his interest; for he is of a temperament disposing him to recoil from difficulties rather than meet & surmount them. This is a false calculation, for by shrinking from a small pain, it often recurs upon us from another quarter with double force. His interests & inclinations would have led him to Virginia, but a singular dread which he has of thunder and the informations he had gathered that it is formidable about Williamsburg seemed to leave him fixed in England. I told him what many years residence both in the lower & upper county, & particular observations enabled me to tell him, that there was infinitely less in the latter than former. He goes to try this, & the result on his sensations will determine him ultimately. present me affectionately to mis Wythe & be assured of the sincere esteem with which I am Dear Sir your friend & servt.