Richard Henry Lee to Wythe, 20 May 1777
Letter text
Philadelphia May 20th. 1777
Sir,We are favored with yours covering a resolve of Assembly to which we shall pay due attention. The first Volume of the last edition of the Journal of Congress, is now published, and shall be forwarded to Williamsburg by the first opportunity. This Volume reaches no further than the 30th. of december 1775. As our duty directs, so our inclinations lead to an immediate compliance with the desires of the House of Delegates, but we apprehend insurmountable difficulty in getting the manuscript journal, because the many secret articles cannot be exposed to a Copier; and neither the Secretary or ourselves have time to do it. The Printer has hitherto been delayed for want of paper, but now that is obtained, we shall urge the publication of the remaining Journal, and send it to you Sir, with all the dispatch in our power. We have the honor to be with esteem and respect Sir
Your most obedient servants.
Richard Henry Lee
Fr. Lightfoot Lee
Mann Page, Jr.
P.S. We shall endeavor to prevail with the Post Rider to take the Vol of Journal with him this Trip.
See also
- Wythe to Richard Henry Lee, 24 August 1777
- Wythe to Richard Henry Lee, 18 October 1777
- Richard Henry Lee to Wythe, 19 October 1777
- Wythe to Richard Henry Lee, 6 November 1777
- Wythe to Richard Henry Lee, 1 August 1778
- Richard Henry Lee to Wythe, 28 February 1783
- Wythe to Richard Henry Lee, 23 February 1785