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12:47, 29 September 2014 DobsonMedicalCommentary1787Spine.jpg (file) 635 KB Wjconlin Spine for Matthew Dobson's ''Medical Commentary on Fixed Air''. 3rd ed. London: T. Cadell, 1787. Category:Spines 1
12:42, 29 September 2014 TillotsonWorks1722Spines.jpg (file) 2.76 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson''. 3rd. ed. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, John Pemberton, and Edward Valentone ..., Jacob Tonson ..., and James Round, 1722. Category:Spines 1
12:40, 29 September 2014 StackhouseHistoryOfNewTestament1765Spines.jpg (file) 3.9 MB Wjconlin Spines for Thomas Stackhouse's ''[[History of the New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ|A History of the New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: From His Birth, to the Establishment of Christianity: with Answers to Most of the ... 1
12:25, 29 September 2014 LowthDeSacraPoesiHebraeorum1763Spine.jpg (file) 1.14 MB Wjconlin Spine for Robert Lowth's ''De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Prælectiones Academiæ Oxonii Habitæ''. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1763. Category:Spines 1
12:24, 29 September 2014 HolyBible1754Spine.jpg (file) 2.34 MB Wjconlin Spine from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be Read in C... 2
12:22, 29 September 2014 HammondNewTestament1653Spine.jpg (file) 2.27 MB Wjconlin Spine for Henry Hammond's ''A Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament: Briefly Explaining All the Difficult Places Thereof''. London. : Printed by J. Fl... 1
12:20, 29 September 2014 DelanyDoctrineofAbstinence1734Spine.jpg (file) 431 KB Wjconlin Spine from Patrick Delany's ''[[Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood Defended|The Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood Defended. In Answer to Two Pamphlets, the One Called, The Question About Eating Blood Stated and Examined, &c. The Other Intitled, The Proh... 1
12:19, 29 September 2014 BryantNewSystem1775Spines.jpg (file) 6.23 MB Wjconlin Spines from Jacob Bryant's ''[[New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology|A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity : in this work is... 1
12:14, 29 September 2014 BarclayAnApology1765Spine.jpg (file) 1.26 MB Wjconlin Spine from Robert Barclay's ''An Apology for the True Christian Divinity: Being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People called Quakers''. Birmingham: Printed by John Baske... 1
12:09, 29 September 2014 PlutarchMorals1694vSpines.jpg (file) 2.96 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''Plutarch's Morals''. 3rd ed. corr. and amended. London: Printed by Tho. Braddyll, and are to be sold by most Booksellers in London and Westminister, 1694. Category:Spines 1
12:06, 29 September 2014 PlatoPlatonisPhilosophi1781Spines.jpg (file) 7.19 MB Wjconlin Spines for Plato's ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Praemittitur 1. III Laertii De Vita Et Dogm. Plat. cum Notitia Lit... 1
12:04, 29 September 2014 MontesquieuOeuvres1767Spines.jpg (file) 3.93 MB Wjconlin Spines for Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu's ''Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu''. Nouv. éd. rev., cor., & considérablement augm. par l'auteur. Londres: Nourse, 1767. Category:Spines 1
11:56, 29 September 2014 LockeWorks1714Spines.jpg (file) 4.95 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''The Works of John Locke Esq., in Three Volumes''. London: Printed for John Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, and Sam. Manship at the Ship in Cornhil., 1714. Category:Spines 1
11:54, 29 September 2014 KamesEssaysOnPrinciplesOfMorality1751Spine.jpg (file) 657 KB Wjconlin Spine for Lord Henry Home Kames's ''Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion: In Two Parts''. Edinburgh: Printed by R. Fleming, for A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson, 1751. [[Cat... 1
11:53, 29 September 2014 AuliGelliNoctesAtticae1651Spine.jpg (file) 619 KB Wjconlin Spine from ''Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae''. Amstelodami : ,: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651. Category:Spines 1
11:50, 29 September 2014 EpictetusEpictetiManuale1711Spine.jpg (file) 488 KB Wjconlin Spine for Epictetus's ''[[Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae|Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae: Quibus Accedunt Tabula Cebetis, & Alia Affinis Argumenti, in Linguam Latinam Conversa A Marco Meibomio: Subjiciuntur Ejusdem Notae, Emendationes Claudii Salmasii i... 1
11:47, 29 September 2014 BolingbrokePhilosophicalWorks1754Spines.jpg (file) 2.58 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''The Philosophical Works of the Late Right Honorable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke: in Five Volumes''. London: Published by David Mall... 1
11:45, 29 September 2014 BoethiusAniciiManliiSeverini1751Spine.jpg (file) 250 KB Wjconlin Spine from Boethis's ''Anicii Manlii Severini Boetii Consolationis Philosophiae Libri Quinque''. Glasguae: In Aedibus Academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis academiae typographi,1751. Category:Spines 1
11:43, 29 September 2014 BaconWorks1740Spines.jpg (file) 5.93 MB Wjconlin Spines from ''The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, Lord High Chancellor of England ... With Several Additional Pieces, Never Before Printed in any Edition of His Works''. London: A. Millar, 1740. ... 1
11:37, 29 September 2014 HuttonMathematicalTables1785Spine.jpg (file) 1.49 MB Wjconlin Spine for Charles Hutton's ''Mathematical Tables: Containing the Common, Hyperbolic, and Logistic Logarithms, also Sines, Tangents, Secants, and Versed Sines, Both Natural and Logarithmic''. London: Printed for G.G.J. and J. Rob... 1
11:35, 29 September 2014 GibsonTreatiseOfPracticalSurveying1789Spine.jpg (file) 685 KB Wjconlin Spine for Robert Gibson's ''A Treatise of Practical Surveying: Which is Demonstrated From its First Principles Wherein Every Thing That is Useful and Curious in that Art, is Fully Considered and Explained''. 5th ed. ... 1
11:34, 29 September 2014 EuclidEuclidisElementorum1756Spine.jpg (file) 1 MB Wjconlin Spine for Euclid's ''[[Euclidis Elementorum|Euclidis Elementorum Libri Priores Sex, Item Undecimus et Duodecimus, ex Versione Latina Federici Commandini; Sublatis iis Quibus Olim Libri hi a Theone, Aliisve, Vitiati Sunt, et Quibusdam Euclidis Demonstra... 1
11:32, 29 September 2014 EuclidElements1756Spine.jpg (file) 904 KB Wjconlin Spine for Euclid's ''[[Elements of Euclid|The Elements of Euclid: viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. In this edition, the Errors, by which Theon, or Others, have Long Ago Vitiated These Books, are Corrected, and Some of E... 1
10:58, 29 September 2014 TylerSealOfVirginia1894.pdf (file) 1.82 MB Jamorris01 "The Seal of Virginia," ''William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers,'' 3, no. 2 (Oct. 1894), 90-96. 1
09:09, 24 September 2014 EvansSealsOfVirginia1911.pdf (file) 4.8 MB Jaalbert Edward S. Evans, "The Seals of Virginia," ''Seventh Annual Report of the Library Board of the Virginia State Library'' (1909-1910). 1
14:28, 22 September 2014 CervantesDonQuixote1792Spines.jpg (file) 1.74 MB Wjconlin Spines for Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's ''The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote''. 6th ed. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, J. Johnson [and 12 others in London], 179... 1
14:26, 22 September 2014 MacphersonPoemsOfOssian1784Spines.jpg (file) 1.52 MB Wjconlin Spines for James Macpherson's ''The Poems of Ossian''. A new ed. London: Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1784-85. Category:Spines 1
14:25, 22 September 2014 VirgilWorks1748Spines.jpg (file) 2.08 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''The Works of Virgil, Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis''. Translated by John Dryden. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1748. [[Category:Spine... 1
14:22, 22 September 2014 VirgilMaronisOpera1746Spine.jpg (file) 1,021 KB Wjconlin Spine for Virgil's ''P. Virgilii Maronis Opera''. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem, a. 1722. Londini: Impensis W. Innys, 1746. Category:Spines 1
14:19, 22 September 2014 TibullusTibulliEtPropertii1753Spine.jpg (file) 363 KB Wjconlin Spine for Tibullus's ''Tibulli Et Propertii Opera: Ex Editione J. Broukhusii Fideliter Expressa''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus & Andreas Foulis, 1753. Category:Spines 1
14:17, 22 September 2014 TerencPubliiTerentii1742Spine.jpg (file) 514 KB Wjconlin Spine for Terence's ''Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae Sex: Ex Editione Westerhoviana Recensita Ad Fidem Duodecim Amplius Msstorum Codicum & Pluscularum Optimae Notae Editionum''. Glasguae: Cura & impensis Roberti F... 1
14:17, 22 September 2014 StatiusPubliiPapinii1671Spine.jpg (file) 1.38 MB Wjconlin Spine for P. Papinius Statius's ''Publii Papinii Statii Sylvarum lib. V. ; Thebaidos lib. XII. ; Achilleidos lib. II.'' Lugd. Batav.: Ex officina Hackiana, Ao 1671. Category:Spines 1
14:14, 22 September 2014 PoetaeLatiniMinores1752Spine.jpg (file) 371 KB Wjconlin Spine for ''Poetae Latini Minores: ex Editione Petri Burmanni Fideliter Expressi''. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis : Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1752. Category:Spines 1
14:13, 22 September 2014 PlautusM.AcciPlautiComoediae1669Spine.jpg (file) 1.09 MB Wjconlin Spine for Titus Maccius Plautus's ''M. Acci Plauti Comoediae''. Lugd. Batav., Roterod.: Ex Officina Hackiana, 1669. Category:Spines 1
14:12, 22 September 2014 PhaedrusPhaedriAug.LibertiFabularum1713Spine.jpg (file) 244 KB Wjconlin Spine for Phaedrus's ''[[Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque|Phædri Aug. Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque: Item Fabulæ Quædam ex ms. Veteri à Marquardo Gudio Descriptæ; cum Indice Vocum & Locutionum. Appendicis Loco A... 1
14:11, 22 September 2014 PetroniusTitiPetroniiArbitriEquitis1669Spine.jpg (file) 979 KB Wjconlin Spine for Petronius Arbiter's ''[[Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon|Titi Petronii Arbitri Equitis Romani Satyricon: cum Fragmento Nuper Tragurii Reperto. Accedunt Diversorum Poëtarum Lusus in Priapum, Pervigilium Veneris, Ausonii Cento Nu... 1
14:08, 22 September 2014 OvidPubliiOvidiiNasonisMetamorphoseon1751Spine.jpg (file) 1.02 MB Wjconlin Spine for Ovid's ''Publii Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV''. In hac editione quinta fere notarum pars expungitur. Londini: Impensis S. Ballard, J. & P. Knapton, S. Birt, T. Longman, D. Browne [and 13 others in London], 1751. [[Category:Spin... 1
13:53, 22 September 2014 HoraceQuintusHoratiusFlaccus1744Spine.jpg (file) 411 KB Wjconlin Spine for Horace's ''Quintus Horatius Flaccus: ad Lectiones Probatiores Diligenter Emendatus, et Interpunctione Nova Saepius Illustratus''. Glasguae: In aedibus academicis, excudebat Robert Foulis ..., 1744. [[Category:Spi... 1
13:50, 22 September 2014 HoraceQHoratiiFlacci1711Spine.jpg (file) 586 KB Wjconlin Spine for Horace's ''Q. Horatii Flacci Opera''. Editio quinta. Londini: Impensis Gulielmi Innys, 1711. Category:Spines 1
13:48, 22 September 2014 HoracePoeticalTranslation1747Spines.jpg (file) 1.56 MB Wjconlin Spine for Horace's ''A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace: with the Original Text, and Notes Collected from the Best Latin and French Commentators on that Author''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for A.... 1
13:44, 22 September 2014 TheocritusTaTouTheokritou1746Spine.jpg (file) 403 KB Wjconlin Spine for Theocritus's ''Ta tou Theokritou Sesomena = Theocriti Quae Extant''. Glasguae: In aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis ..., 1746. Category:Spines 1
13:43, 22 September 2014 TheocritusIdylliums1767Spine.jpg (file) 909 KB Wjconlin Spine for Theocritus's ''The Idylliums of Theocritus''. Translated by Francis Fawkes. London: Printed for the author by D. Leach and sold by J. and R. Tonson ..., 1767. Category:Spines 1
13:41, 22 September 2014 SophoclesTragediesOfSophocles1758Spine.jpg (file) 1.07 MB Wjconlin Spine for Sophocles's ''The Tragedies of Sophocles''. Translated by Thomas Francklin. London: Printed for R. Francklin, 1758-1759. Category:Spines 1
13:40, 22 September 2014 PindarTaTouPindarou1754Spines.jpg (file) 430 KB Wjconlin Spine for Pindar's ''Ta tou Pindarou Sesosmena: Olympia, Pythia, Nemia, Isthmia''. Ex editione Oxoniensi. Glasguae : Excudebat R. & A. Foulis, 1754-1758. Category:Spines 1
13:38, 22 September 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745Spine.jpg (file) 353 KB Wjconlin Spine from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. Category:Spines 1
13:29, 22 September 2014 HomerHomeriIlias1740Spines.jpg (file) 1.84 MB Wjconlin Spines for Homer's ''Homeri Ilias, Graece et Latine, cum Annotationibus Samuelis Clarke''. Editio tertia. Londini: Impensis Johannis & Pauli Knapton, 1740. Category:Spines 1
13:28, 22 September 2014 EuripidesTragedies1781Spines.jpg (file) 3 MB Wjconlin Spine for Euripides's ''The Tragedies of Euripides''. Translated by R. Potter. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, Pall-Mall, 1781-1783. Category:Spines 1
13:25, 22 September 2014 EuripidesEuripidisTrageediae1703Spine.jpg (file) 786 KB Wjconlin Spine for Euripides's ''Euripidis Tragœdiæ Medea et Phœnissæ: Græco-Latinæ cum Scholiis Græcis Integris''. Cantabrigiæ : Typis academicis, impensis Sam. Smith & Benj. Walford. D. Pauli Londini. A.D, ... 1
13:24, 22 September 2014 ColluthusKolouthouArpage1747Spine.jpg (file) 624 KB Wjconlin Spine for Colluthus of Lycopolis's ''Kolouthou Arpagē Helenēo = Coluthi Raptus Helenae: Recensuit ad Fidem Codicum Mss. ac Variantes Lectiones et Notas Adiecit Joannes Daniel A Lennep''. Leovardiae, ex officina Gulielmi... 1
13:23, 22 September 2014 CallimachusHoiTouKallimachou1755Spine.jpg (file) 338 KB Wjconlin Spine for Callimachus's ''Hoi tou Kallimachou Kyrenaiou Hymnoi te Kai Epigrammata''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, academiae typographi, 1755. Category:Spines 1
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