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11:59, 13 February 2014 StyleNarrationesModernae1658Inscription.jpg (file) 251 KB Lktesar Inscription, title page verso, from William Style's ''[[Narrationes Modernae|Narrationes Modernae, or, Modern Reports Begun in the Now Upper Bench Court at Westminster: in the Beginning of Hillary Term 21 Caroli and Continued to the End of Michaelmas T... 1
11:53, 13 February 2014 StyleNarrationesModernae1658InitialCapital.jpg (file) 424 KB Lktesar Initial capital, first page of text, from William Style's ''[[Narrationes Modernae|Narrationes Modernae, or, Modern Reports Begun in the Now Upper Bench Court at Westminster: in the Beginning of Hillary Term 21 Caroli and Continued to the End of Michae... 1
11:13, 13 February 2014 StyleNarrationesModernae1658.jpg (file) 1.98 MB Lktesar   1
11:04, 13 February 2014 ShowerReports1708v1.jpg (file) 1.47 MB Lktesar Title page, volume one, from Sir Bartholomew Shower's ''[[Reports of Sir Bartholomew Shower|The Reports of Sir Bartholomew Shower, knt: of Cases Adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench, in the Reign of His Late Majesty King William III. ... With Several ... 1
10:57, 13 February 2014 ShowerKingsBenchReportsV21720Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.19 MB Lktesar Frontispiece, volume two, from Sir Bartholomew Shower's ''[[Reports of Sir Bartholomew Shower|The Reports of Sir Bartholomew Shower, knt: of Cases Adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench, in the Reign of His Late Majesty King William III. ... With Severa... 1
10:19, 13 February 2014 PalmerReportsDeSirGeofreyPalmer1678InitialCapital.jpg (file) 246 KB Lktesar Initial capital, first page of text from Sir Gefrey Palmer's ''Les Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, Chevalier & Baronet ...: Imprime & Publie per l'Original''. London: Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkyns, for Robert... 1
10:11, 13 February 2014 PalmerReportsDeSirGeofreyPalmer1678Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.06 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from Sir Gefrey Palmer's ''Les Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, Chevalier & Baronet ...: Imprime & Publie per l'Original''. London: Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkyns, for Robert Pawlet, 1678. [[Categ... 1
09:12, 13 February 2014 MarchReportsCases1648.jpg (file) 2 MB Lktesar Title page from John March's ''Reports, or New Cases: with Divers Resolutions and Judgements Given upon Solemn Arguments, and with Great Deliberation. And the Reasons and Causes of the Said Resolutions and Judgments''. London:... 1
09:10, 13 February 2014 MarchReportsOrNewCases1648Headpiece.jpg (file) 203 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from John March's ''[[Reports, or New Cases|Reports, or New Cases: with Divers Resolutions and Judgements Given upon Solemn Arguments, and with Great Deliberation. And the Reasons and Causes of the Said Resolutions and Jud... 1
08:52, 13 February 2014 KebleReportsInTheCourtOfKingsBench1685v2Inscription.jpg (file) 369 KB Lktesar Inscription, front flyleaf, volume two of Joseph Keble's ''Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, from the XII to the XXX Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Lord King Charles II''... 1
08:44, 13 February 2014 KebleReports1685.jpg (file) 1.73 MB Lktesar Title page, volume two of Joseph Keble's ''Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, from the XII to the XXX Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Lord King Charles II''. London: Printe... 2
08:44, 13 February 2014 KebleReportsInTheCourtOfKingsBench1685v1Bookplate.jpg (file) 944 KB Lktesar Bookplate of Thomas Potter, title page verso, volume one of Joseph Keble's ''[[Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster|Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, from the XII to the XXX Year of the Reign of our Late Sovereign Lord K... 1
13:44, 12 February 2014 NewYorkTimes6January1901.jpg (file) 354 KB Gwsweeney Detail from ''New York Times'' story about the discovery of a draft of the Declaration of Independence thought to have been Wythe's. 1
13:41, 12 February 2014 NewYorkTimes6January1901p8.pdf (file) 745 KB Gwsweeney ''New York Times'' story about the discovery of a draft manuscript of the Declaration of Independence in Jefferson's hand, from January 6, 1901. 1
15:43, 11 February 2014 HughesReportsOfCertainCases1652Headpiece.jpg (file) 542 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from William Hughes's ''[[Reports of Certain Cases|Reports of Certain Cases, Arising in the Severall Courts of Record at Westminster in the Raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charles With the Resolutions ... 1
15:17, 11 February 2014 HughesReportsOfCertainCases1652InitialCapital.jpg (file) 273 KB Lktesar Initial capital, first page of text from William Hughes's ''[[Reports of Certain Cases|Reports of Certain Cases, Arising in the Severall Courts of Record at Westminster in the Raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charles With the Resolu... 1
15:14, 11 February 2014 HughesReportsOfCertainCases1652Bookplate.jpg (file) 214 KB Lktesar Bookplate of G. Helyar, front pastedown from William Hughes's ''[[Reports of Certain Cases|Reports of Certain Cases, Arising in the Severall Courts of Record at Westminster in the Raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and the late King Charles With the Re... 1
14:41, 11 February 2014 FilmerPatriarcha1680.jpg (file) 104 KB Ajsnider Title page for Sir Robert Filmer's ''Patriarcha, Or, The Natural Power of Kings''. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Walter Davis Book-binder, 1680. Category:Title Pages 1
14:36, 11 February 2014 MiltonParadiseRegain'd1758.jpg (file) 93 KB Ajsnider Title page for John Milton's ''Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, In Four Books To Which Is Added Samson Agonistes And Poems Upon Several Occasions''. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville for J. and R. Tonson in London, 1758. [[Categor... 1
14:31, 11 February 2014 MiltonParadiseLost1758.jpg (file) 89 KB Ajsnider Title page for John Milton's ''Paradise Lost: A Poem, In Twelve Books''. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville for J. and R. Tonson in London, 1758. Category:Title Pages 1
14:26, 11 February 2014 DemosthenesOevresComplettes1777v1.jpg (file) 148 KB Ajsnider Title page for Demosthenes's ''[[Œuvres Complettes de Démosthene et d'Eschine|Œuvres Complettes de Démosthene et d'Eschine, Traduites en François, avec des Remarques sur les Harangues & Plaidoyers de Ces Deux Orateurs, & des Notes Critiques & Gram... 1
14:25, 11 February 2014 IsocratesOevresComplettes1781v1.jpg (file) 167 KB Ajsnider Title page for Isocrates's ''[[Œuvres Complettes d'Isocrate|Œuvres complettes d'Isocrate, Auxquelles on a Joint Quelques Discours Analogues à Ceux de cet Orateur, Tirés de Platon, de Lysias, de Thucydide, de Xénophon, de Démosthene, d'Antiphon, d... 1
14:18, 11 February 2014 AnacreonOdes1804.jpg (file) 68 KB Ajsnider Title page for Anacreon's ''Odes of Anacreon''. Translated by Thomas Moore. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Hugh Maxwell, opposite Christ-church. 1804. Category:Title Pages 1
14:15, 11 February 2014 PriceObservationsOnReversionary1772.jpg (file) 106 KB Ajsnider Title page for Richard Price's ''[[Observations on Reversionary Payments|Observations on Reversionary Payments: on Schemes for Providing Annuities for Widows, and for Persons in Old Age; on the Method of Calculating the Values of Assurances on Lives; a... 1
14:07, 11 February 2014 HeningNewVirginiaJustice1795.jpg (file) 151 KB Ajsnider Title page for William Waller Hening's ''[[New Virginia Justice|The New Virginia Justice, Comprising The Office And Authority Of A Justice Of The Peace, In The Commonwealth Of Virginia. Together With A Variety Of Useful Precedents Adopted [!] To The La... 1
13:45, 11 February 2014 WingateMaximesOfReason1658.jpg (file) 148 KB Ajsnider Title page for Edmund Wingate's ''Maximes of Reason, or, The Reason of the Common Law of England.'' London: Printed by R. & W. L. for W. Lee, A. Crook, D. Pakeman, H. Twiford, G. Bedell, T. Dring, J. Place, 1658. [[Category:Title ... 1
10:18, 11 February 2014 OrosiusAngloSaxonVersion1773v2Pastedown.jpg (file) 1.24 MB Lktesar   1
08:58, 11 February 2014 OrosiusAngloSaxonVersion1773v2Map.jpg (file) 1.97 MB Lktesar Map of Europe, from volume two of ''The Anglo-Saxon Version, from the Historian Orosius''. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1773. Category:Illustrations 1
08:52, 11 February 2014 OrosiusAngloSaxonVersion1773v1Inscription.jpg (file) 257 KB Lktesar Inscription from half-title, volume one of ''The Anglo-Saxon Version, from the Historian Orosius''. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1773. Category:Title PagSignatures and Inscriptions 1
08:39, 11 February 2014 Orosius1773.jpg (file) 998 KB Lktesar   2
14:36, 10 February 2014 CokeThirdPartOfTheInstitutes1644Headpiece.jpg (file) 523 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from Sir Edward Coke's ''The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas of the Crown, and Criminall Causes.'' Londo... 1
14:33, 10 February 2014 CokeThirdPartOfTheInstitutes1644Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.82 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from Sir Edward Coke's ''The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas of the Crown, and Criminall Causes.'' London: Printed by M. ... 1
13:35, 10 February 2014 BeccariaEssayOnCrimesAndPunishments1767InitialCapital.jpg (file) 98 KB Lktesar Initial capital, first page of text from Cesare Beccaria's ''Essay on Crimes and Punishments.'' Translated from the Italian, with a commentary, attributed to Mons. de Voltaire, translated from the French. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1767. [[Cate... 1
13:26, 10 February 2014 BeccariaEssayOnCrimesAndPunishments1767Headpiece.jpg (file) 245 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from Cesare Beccaria's ''Essay on Crimes and Punishments.'' Translated from the Italian, with a commentary, attributed to Mons. de Voltaire, translated from the French. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1767. [[Category:H... 1
12:55, 10 February 2014 LambardeEirenarcha1599Headpiece.jpg (file) 345 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from William Lambarde's ''Eirenarcha, or, Of the Office of the Iustices of Peace: in Foure Bookes.'' F. At London Printed by Thomas Wight, and Bonham Norton, 1599. Category:Title Pages 1
12:52, 10 February 2014 LambardeEirenarcha1599Bookplate.jpg (file) 609 KB Lktesar Bookplate, front pastedown from William Lambarde's ''Eirenarcha, or, Of the Office of the Iustices of Peace: in Foure Bookes.'' F. At London Printed by Thomas Wight, and Bonham Norton, 1599. Category:Bookplates 1
12:04, 10 February 2014 SheppardTouchstoneOfCommonAssurances1648Headpiece.jpg (file) 357 KB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text, from William Sheppard's ''The Touch-Stone of Common Assurances, or, A Plain and Familiar Treatise, Opening the Learning of the Common Assurances or Conveyances of the Kingdome.'' Londo... 1
11:08, 10 February 2014 KusterLudKusterus1750.jpg (file) 92 KB Ajsnider Title page for Ludolf Kuster's ''[[Lud. Kusterus de Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia a Verbis Activis & Passivis|Lud. Kusterus de Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia a Verbis Activis & Passivis.: Item Veteres Poetæ Citati Ad... 1
11:02, 10 February 2014 LucretisOfTheNature1759.jpg (file) 168 KB Ajsnider Title page for Titus Lucretius Carus's ''T. Lucretius Carus, Of the Nature of Things, in Six Books''. Translated by Thomas Creech. London: Printed by J. Matthews for G. Sawbridge, 1714. Category:Title Pages 1
10:54, 10 February 2014 LucasCasesInLawAndEquity1736.jpg (file) 93 KB Ajsnider Title page for Robert Lucas's ''Cases in Law and Equity, Chiefly During the Time the Late Earl of Macclesfield Presided in the Courts of King's-Bench and Chancery''. London, In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Go... 1
10:51, 10 February 2014 LucianLoukianouSamosateos1743.jpg (file) 85 KB Ajsnider Title page for Lucian of Samosata's ''Loukianou Samosateōs Hapanta = Luciani Samosatensis Opera''. Amstelodami: Sumptibus J. Wetstenii, 1743. Category:Title Pages 1
10:49, 10 February 2014 DomatCivilLawInItsNaturalOrder1722Illustration.jpg (file) 1.76 MB Lktesar Table of descents from volume one of Jean Domat's ''The Civil Law in its Natural Order: Together with the Public Law.'' London: Printed by J. Bettenham, for E. Bell, 1722. Category:Illustrations 1
10:47, 10 February 2014 LambardeEirenarcha1599.jpg (file) 200 KB Ajsnider Title page for William Lambarde's ''Eirenarcha, or, Of the Office of the Iustices of Peace: in Foure Bookes.'' F. At London Printed by Thomas Wight, and Bonham Norton, 1599. Category:Title Pages 1
10:45, 10 February 2014 DomatCivilLawInItsNaturalOrder1722Bookplate.jpg (file) 787 KB Lktesar Armorial bookplate, front pastedown, volume two of Jean Domat's ''The Civil Law in its Natural Order: Together with the Public Law.'' London: Printed by J. Bettenham, for E. Bell, 1722. Category:Bookplates 1
10:38, 10 February 2014 JonesLesReports1675.jpg (file) 239 KB Ajsnider Title page for Sir William Jones's ''[[Reports de Sir William Jones|Les Reports de Sir William Jones, Chevalier ... De Divers Special Cases Cy Bien in le Court de Banck le Roy, come le Common-Banck in Angleterre, Cy Bien en le Darreign Temps del'Reign ... 1
10:34, 10 February 2014 RolleLesReports1675.jpg (file) 140 KB Ajsnider Title page for Henry Rolle's ''Les Reports de Henry Rolle, Serjeant del' Ley, de Divers Cases en le Court del' Banke le Roy en le Temps del' Reign de Roy Jacques''. London: Printed for A. Roper, F. Titon, J. Starkey, T. Basse... 1
10:30, 10 February 2014 GilbertLawOfUses1734.jpg (file) 135 KB Ajsnider Title page for Geoffrey Gilbert's ''[[Law of Uses and Trusts|The Law of Uses and Trusts: Collected and Digested in a Proper Order, from the Reports of Adjudg'd Cases, in the Courts of Law and Equity, and Other Books of Authority. Together with a Treati... 1
10:26, 10 February 2014 PufendorfOfTheLawOfNature1710.jpg (file) 129 KB Ajsnider Title page for Freiherr von Samuel Pufendorf's ''Of the Law of Nature And Nations: Eight Books.'' Translated. Oxford: Printed by L. Lichfield, for A. and J. Churchil ..., 1710. Category:Title Pages 1
10:23, 10 February 2014 TaylorElementsofTheCivilLaw1769Headpiece.jpg (file) 1.5 MB Lktesar Headpiece, first page of text from John Taylor's ''Elements of the Civil Law'', London: Charles Bathurst, 1769. Category:Headpieces 1
10:17, 10 February 2014 GilbertLawOfDevises.jpg (file) 136 KB Ajsnider Title page for Geoffrey Gilbert's ''The Law of Devises, Revocations, and Last Will, to Which is Added, Choice Precedents of Wills.'' London, In the Savoy: Printed by H. Lintot, for T. Waller, 1756. [[Categ... 1
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