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17:34, 18 November 2013 DiodorusDiodoriSiculi1746.jpg (file) 456 KB Ajsnider Title page for Siculus Diodorus's ''Diodōrou tou Sikeliōtou Bibliothēkēs Historikēs ta Sōzomena = Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt''. Amstelodami: Sum... 1
17:32, 18 November 2013 NewAndCompleteDictionary1754-55.jpg (file) 149 KB Ajsnider Title page for ''[[New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences|A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: Comprehending All the Branches of Useful Knowledge ... Illustrated with Above Three Hundred Copper-Plates, Curiously Engraved by Mr.... 1
17:31, 18 November 2013 GrotiusDeVeritate1696.jpg (file) 102 KB Ajsnider Title page for Hugo Grotius's ''De Veritate Religionis Christianae''. Editio novissima, in qua ejusdem annotationes ipsius textus verbis subjectae sunt. Amstelaedami: Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1696. 1
17:29, 18 November 2013 DemetriusPhalereideElocutione1743.jpg (file) 116 KB Ajsnider Title page for Demetrius's ''[[Demetriou Phalēreōs Peri Hermēneias|Demetriou Phalēreōs Peri Hermēneias = Demetrii Phalerei De Elocutione, Sive Dictione Rhetoriae, in cac Editione, Contextus Graecus ex Optimis Exemplaribus Emendatur, Versio Latina... 1
17:25, 18 November 2013 CowleyWorks1678.jpg (file) 228 KB Ajsnider Title page for Abraham Cowley's ''The Works Of Abraham Cowley: Consisting of Those Which Were Formerly Printed and Those Which He Design'd for the Press, Now Published Out of the Authors Original Copies''. 5th ed. London: Pr... 1
17:24, 18 November 2013 PalmerReports1678.jpg (file) 188 KB Ajsnider Title page for Sir Gefrey Palmer's ''Les Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, Chevalier & Baronet ...: Imprime & Publie per l'Original''. London: Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkyns, for Robert Pawlet, 1678. 1
17:22, 18 November 2013 CorpusJurisCivilis1663.jpg (file) 270 KB Ajsnider Title page for ''[[Corpus Juris Civilis|Corpus Juris Civilis: Pandectis ad Florentinum Archetypum Expressis, Institutionibus, Codice et Novellis, Addito Textu Græco, ut & in Digestis & Codice, Legibus & Constitutionibus Græcis, cum Optimis Quibusque ... 1
17:20, 18 November 2013 TownConnoisseur1757.jpg (file) 57 KB Ajsnider Title page for Mr. Town's (pseud.) ''The Connoisseur''. 3rd ed. London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1757. 1
17:19, 18 November 2013 NelsonCompanionforFestivals1720.jpg (file) 235 KB Ajsnider Title page for Robert Nelson's ''A Companion for the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England, with Collects and Prayers for Each Solemnity''. 11th ed. London : Printed by W. Bowyer... 1
17:03, 18 November 2013 HouseofCommonsHistoryandProceedings1742-44v2.jpg (file) 136 KB Ajsnider Title page for Great Britain Parliament's ''[[History and Proceedings of the House of Commons|The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons from the Restoration to the Present Time Containing the Most Remarkable Motions, Speeches, Resolves, Repor... 1
17:01, 18 November 2013 ClementofAlexandriaKlementosAlexandreos1641.jpg (file) 472 KB Ajsnider Title page for Clement of Alexandria's ''Klēmentos Alexandreōs ta Euriskomena = Clementis Alexandrini Opera Graece et Latine Quae Extant''. Lutetiae Parisiorum: Apud Matthaeum Guillemot, via Iacobaea, sub si... 1
16:57, 18 November 2013 CaldwellDebatesRelative1766v2.jpg (file) 138 KB Ajsnider Title page for Sir James Caldwell's ''[[Debates Relative to the Affairs of Ireland in the Years 1763 and 1764|Debates Relative to the Affairs of Ireland in the Years 1763 and 1764 Taken by a Military Officer to Which are Added, an Inquiry How Far the R... 1
13:29, 15 November 2013 CommitteetoGenMontgomery30Nov1775p3.jpg (file) 333 KB Arhoward   2
12:54, 15 November 2013 CommitteetoGenMontgomery30Nov1775p2.jpg (file) 319 KB Arhoward   1
12:54, 15 November 2013 CommitteetoGenMontgomery30Nov1775p1.jpg (file) 257 KB Arhoward   1
12:48, 15 November 2013 CommitteetoGenMontgomery30Nov1775p1.pdf (file) 4.17 MB Arhoward   1
15:31, 14 November 2013 JeffersonToWythe13January1796p1c2.jpg (file) 290 KB Arhoward   1
15:31, 14 November 2013 JeffersonToWythe13January1796p1c1.jpg (file) 281 KB Arhoward   1
13:44, 14 November 2013 BryantNewSystem1775.jpg (file) 157 KB Ajsnider Title page from Jacob Bryant's ''[[New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology|A New System, or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology: Wherein an Attempt is Made to Divest Tradition of Fable and to Reduce the Truth to its Original Purity : in this wor... 1
13:42, 14 November 2013 BolingbrokeDissertationUponParties1749.jpg (file) 124 KB Ajsnider   2
13:39, 14 November 2013 BoethiusAniciiManliiSeverini1751.jpg (file) 158 KB Ajsnider Title page from Boethis's ''Anicii Manlii Severini Boetii Consolationis Philosophiae Libri Quinque''. Glasguae: In Aedibus Academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis academiae typographi,1751. 1
13:38, 14 November 2013 BlairChronologyandHistory1753.jpg (file) 354 KB Ajsnider Title page from John Blair's ''The Chronology and History of the World: From the Creation to the Year of Christ 1753''. London: Printed in the year 1754. 1
13:35, 14 November 2013 TheHolyBible1754.jpg (file) 449 KB Ajsnider Title page from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be Read... 1
13:34, 14 November 2013 BaconOfTheAdvancement1640.jpg (file) 486 KB Ajsnider Title page from Francis Bacon's ''Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning, or, The Partitions of Sciences, IX Bookes''. Oxford: Printed by Leon. Lichfield for Rob. Young & Ed. Forrest, 1640. 1
13:33, 14 November 2013 AppianusAppianouAlexandreosRomaika1670.jpg (file) 96 KB Ajsnider Title page from Appianus of Alexandria's ''Appianou Alexandreōs Rōmaika = Appiani Alexandrini Romanarum Historiarum pars Prior''. Amstelodami: Ex officinâ Joh. Janssonii à Waesbergen, et Johannis à Someren, 1670. 1
13:31, 14 November 2013 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745.jpg (file) 88 KB Ajsnider Title page from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. 1
13:24, 14 November 2013 Aelian1701.jpg (file) 260 KB Ajsnider Title page from Aelian's ''[[Kl. Ailianou Sophistou Poikilē Historia|Kl. Ailianou Sophistou Poikilē Historia = Cl. Aeliani Sophistae Varia Historia: ad Mstos Codices Nuc Primum Recognita & Castigata: cum Versione Justi Vulteji, Sed Innumeris in Locis... 1
13:21, 14 November 2013 DelanyDoctrineofAbstinence1734.jpg (file) 179 KB Ajsnider Title page from Patrick Delany's ''[[Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood Defended|The Doctrine of Abstinence from Blood Defended. In Answer to Two Pamphlets, the One Called, The Question About Eating Blood Stated and Examined, &c. The Other Intitled, The... 1
13:19, 14 November 2013 BaconWorks1740v1TitlePage.jpg (file) 258 KB Ajsnider Title page from ''The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, Lord High Chancellor of England ... With Several Additional Pieces, Never Before Printed in any Edition of His Works''. London: A. Millar, 1740. 3
15:14, 8 November 2013 AgentsofNYtoWytheetal26Jan1785p3.jpg (file) 294 KB Arhoward   1
15:14, 8 November 2013 AgentsofNYtoWytheetal26Jan1785p2.jpg (file) 590 KB Arhoward   1
15:13, 8 November 2013 AgentsofNYtoWytheetal26Jan1785p1.jpg (file) 352 KB Arhoward   1
15:13, 8 November 2013 WythetoRHLee23Feb1785p2.jpg (file) 101 KB Arhoward   2
15:13, 8 November 2013 WythetoRHLee23Feb1785p1.jpg (file) 269 KB Arhoward   1
15:12, 8 November 2013 WythetoPresofCong27Feb1778p2.jpg (file) 344 KB Arhoward   1
15:12, 8 November 2013 WythetoPresofCong27Feb1778p1.jpg (file) 365 KB Arhoward   1
15:12, 8 November 2013 WythetoPresofCong21Feb1780p2.jpg (file) 350 KB Arhoward   1
15:12, 8 November 2013 WythetoPresofCong21Feb1780p1.jpg (file) 335 KB Arhoward   1
15:12, 8 November 2013 WytheJuly1783Williamsburgp2.jpg (file) 180 KB Arhoward   1
15:11, 8 November 2013 WytheJuly1783Williamsburgp1.jpg (file) 249 KB Arhoward   1
15:11, 8 November 2013 WytheandCarytoPresofCong12Jan1778p3.jpg (file) 193 KB Arhoward   1
15:11, 8 November 2013 WytheandCarytoPresofCong12Jan1778p2.jpg (file) 424 KB Arhoward   1
15:10, 8 November 2013 WytheandCarytoPresofCong12Jan1778p1.jpg (file) 314 KB Arhoward   1
15:10, 8 November 2013 WoostertoWytheetal11Feb1776p3.jpg (file) 135 KB Arhoward   1
15:10, 8 November 2013 WoostertoWytheetal11Feb1776p2.jpg (file) 356 KB Arhoward   1
15:10, 8 November 2013 WoostertoWytheetal11Feb1776p1.jpg (file) 418 KB Arhoward   1
15:10, 8 November 2013 WashingtontoWytheetal31Dec1775p6.jpg (file) 188 KB Arhoward   1
15:09, 8 November 2013 WashingtontoWytheetal31Dec1775p5.jpg (file) 220 KB Arhoward   1
15:09, 8 November 2013 WashingtontoWytheetal31Dec1775p4.jpg (file) 285 KB Arhoward   1
15:09, 8 November 2013 WashingtontoWytheetal31Dec1775p3.jpg (file) 299 KB Arhoward   1
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