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11:20, 2 August 2013 PelloutierHistoireDesCeltes1750TitlePageV1.jpg (file) 239 KB Lktesar Title page from Simon Pelloutier's ''Histoire des Celtes'', volume one, À La Haye: Chez Isaac Beauregard, 1750. 1
11:10, 2 August 2013 PotterArchaeologiaGraeca1728IllustrationV2.jpg (file) 517 KB Lktesar Illustration from John Potter's ''Archæologia Græca'', volume two, Printed for J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, ..., 1728. 1
10:44, 2 August 2013 PotterArchaeologiaGraeca1728V1Chap1.jpg (file) 567 KB Lktesar Opening page with inscription from John Potter's ''Archæologia Græca'', volume one, chapter one, Printed for J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, ..., 1728. 1
10:39, 2 August 2013 PotterArchaeologiaGraeca1728TitlePageV1.jpg (file) 325 KB Lktesar Title page from John Potter's ''Archæologia Græca'', volume one, Printed for J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, ..., 1728. 1
10:33, 2 August 2013 PelloutierHistoireDesCeltes1750TitlePageV2.jpg (file) 275 KB Lktesar Title page from Simon Pelloutier's ''Histoire des Celtes'', volume two, À La Haye: Chez Isaac Beauregard, 1750. 1
10:17, 2 August 2013 MinuciusMarciMinuciiFelicisOctavius1750TitlePage.jpg (file) 153 KB Lktesar Title page from ''Marci Minucii Felicis Octavius'', Glasguae: In aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis ..., 1750. 1
17:01, 1 August 2013 NoyTreatisePrincipalGroundsMaximesLawes1651Chart.jpg (file) 251 KB Lktesar Chart from William Noy's ''A Treatise of The Principal Grounds and Maximes of the Lawes'', London: by T.N. for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, R. Best, and G. Bedell, 1651. 1
16:51, 1 August 2013 NoyTreatisePrincipalGroundsMaximesLawes1651TitlePage.jpg (file) 278 KB Lktesar Title page from William Noy's ''A Treatise of The Principal Grounds and Maximes of the Lawes'', London: by T.N. for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, R. Best, and G. Bedell, 1651. 1
16:33, 1 August 2013 SaintGermainDoctorAndStudent1761TitlePage.jpg (file) 560 KB Lktesar Title page from Christopher Saint German's ''Doctor and Student'', London: Printed by S. Richardson and C. Lintot, 1761. 1
16:30, 1 August 2013 CraigJusFeudale1732TitlePage.jpg (file) 688 KB Gwsweeney Title page from Thomas Craig's ''Jus Feudale'', Edinburgi: Apud Thos. & Walt. Ruddimannos, 1732. 1
16:27, 1 August 2013 KamesHistoricalLawTracts1761TitlePage.jpg (file) 274 KB Lktesar Title page from ''Historical Law-Tracts'' by Henry Homes, Lord Kames, Edinburgh and London: Printed by A. Kincaid, His Majesty's Printer, for A. Millar, London, and A. Kincaid and J. Bell, in Edinburgh, 1761. 1
16:22, 1 August 2013 HumeHistoryofEngland1761BookplateV1.jpg (file) 84 KB Lktesar Bookplate from front paste down of David Hume's ''The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688'', volume one, London: Printed f... 1
16:17, 1 August 2013 HumeHistoryofEngland1761TitlePageV1.jpg (file) 435 KB Lktesar Title page from David Hume's ''The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution of 1688'', volume one, London: Printed for A. Millar, 1762. 1
16:07, 1 August 2013 SandysTravels1673Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.18 MB Gwsweeney Frontispiece from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. 1
16:00, 1 August 2013 DalrympleEssayFeudalProperty1757TitlePage.jpg (file) 862 KB Lktesar Title page from John Dalrymple's ''Essay Towards a General History of Feudal Property in Great Britain'', London: Printed for A. Millar, 1757. 1
15:14, 1 August 2013 GuysVoyageLitteraireGrece1783IllustrationV1.jpg (file) 2 MB Lktesar Illustration of "La Madrague ou Peche du Thon" from ''Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce'' by M. Guys, Paris: Veuve Duchesne, 1783. 1
15:09, 1 August 2013 GuysVoyageLitteraireGrece1783FrontispieceV1.jpg (file) 718 KB Lktesar Frontispiece from ''Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce'' by M. Guys, volume one, Paris: Veuve Duchesne, 1783. 1
15:07, 1 August 2013 GuysVoyageLitteraireGrece1783TitlePageV1.jpg (file) 275 KB Lktesar Title page from ''Voyage Littéraire de la Grèce'' by M. Guys, volume one, Paris: Veuve Duchesne, 1783. 1
14:47, 1 August 2013 GrotiusVeritateReligionisChristianae1696HalfTitle.jpg (file) 516 KB Lktesar Half title from ''De Veritate Religionis Christianae'' by Hugo Grotius, Amstelaedami: Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1696. 1
14:38, 1 August 2013 GrotiusVeritateReligionisChristianae1696TitlePage.jpg (file) 285 KB Lktesar Title page from ''De Veritate Religionis Christianae'' by Hugo Grotius, Amstelaedami: Apud Henricum Wetstenium, 1696. 1
14:26, 1 August 2013 FitzherbertNewNaturaBrevium1755TitlePage.jpg (file) 644 KB Lktesar Title page from Anthony Fitzherbert's ''The New Natura Brevium'', In the Savoy: Printed for Henry Lintot and sold by J. Shuckburgh, 1755. 1
10:52, 1 August 2013 Fleta1647TitlePage.jpg (file) 595 KB Gwsweeney Title page from ''Fleta'', Londini: Typis M.F. prostant apud Guilielmium Lee, Mathaeuem Wabancke and Danielem Pakeman, 1647. 1
09:52, 1 August 2013 KamesPrinciplesOfEquity1760TitlePage.jpg (file) 427 KB Lktesar Title page from ''Principles of Equity'' by Lord Henry Homes Kames, Edinburgh: Printed by Alexander Kincaid, 1760. 1
09:49, 1 August 2013 LawOfCovenants1712TitlePage.jpg (file) 638 KB Lktesar Title page from ''The Law of Covenants'', In the Savoy: Printed by John Nutt for Samuel Butler, 1712. 1
09:45, 1 August 2013 SandysTravels1673PyramidsIllustrationp100.jpg (file) 419 KB Lktesar Illustration of the Great Pyramids (page 100) from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. 1
09:40, 1 August 2013 SandysTravels1673Illustration.jpg (file) 822 KB Lktesar Illustration of the Prospect of the Grand Signiors Seraglio from Galata from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. 1
09:35, 1 August 2013 SandysTravels1673TitlePage.jpg (file) 973 KB Lktesar Title page from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. 1
09:29, 1 August 2013 TaylorElementsOfCivilLaw1769TitlePage.jpg (file) 464 KB Lktesar Title page from John Taylor's ''Elements of Civil Law'', London: Charles Bathurst, 1769. 1
09:28, 1 August 2013 FinchNomotexnia1613TitlePage.jpg (file) 979 KB Lktesar Title page from Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. 1
09:25, 1 August 2013 BoothNaturePracticeRealActions1701TitlePage.jpg (file) 877 KB Lktesar Title page from George Booth's ''The Nature and Practice of Real Actions'', London: Printed by the Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, 1701. 1
09:24, 1 August 2013 BlackstoneCommentariesv3TitlePage.jpg (file) 538 KB Lktesar Title page from William Blackstone's ''Commentaries on the Laws of England'', volume three, Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1766. 1
08:31, 1 August 2013 FinchNomotexnia1613BplateBackPasteDown.jpg (file) 322 KB Lktesar Bookplate from back paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. 1
08:30, 1 August 2013 CraigJusFeudale1732Portrait.jpg (file) 793 KB Lktesar Author's portrait from Thomas Craig's ''Jus Feudale'', Edinburgi: Apud Thos. & Walt. Ruddimannos, 1732. 1
16:17, 31 July 2013 GlanvilleTractatus1554TitlePage.jpg (file) 930 KB Lktesar Title page from Ranulf de Glanville's ''Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Angliae'', Londini: in aedibus Richardi Totteli. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1554? 1
15:55, 31 July 2013 Fleta1647Bookplate.jpg (file) 478 KB Lktesar Bookplate and inscription from ''Fleta'', Londini: Typis M.F. prostant apud Guilielmium Lee, Mathaeuem Wabancke & Danielem Pakeman, 1647. 1
15:45, 31 July 2013 BlackstoneCommentariesLawsEnglandManuscriptNote.jpg (file) 665 KB Lktesar Loose manuscript note from William Blackstone's ''Commentaries on the Laws of England'', volume one, Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1765. 1
15:31, 31 July 2013 BretonBritton1640InscriptionCropped.jpg (file) 224 KB Lktesar Inscription from the front fly leaf of ''Britton'', attributed to John le Breton, London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640. 1
15:28, 31 July 2013 BretonBritton1640BookplateCropped.jpg (file) 557 KB Lktesar Bookplate from the front paste down of ''Britton'', attributed to John le Breton, London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640. 1
14:52, 31 July 2013 BlackstoneLawTracts1762KingJohnMedallionv2.jpg (file) 806 KB Lktesar King John from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. 1
14:32, 31 July 2013 BlackstoneLawTracts1762HenryIIIMedallionv2.jpg (file) 1.28 MB Lktesar Henry III from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. 1
14:27, 31 July 2013 BlackstoneLawTracts1762EdwardIMedallionv2.jpg (file) 1.48 MB Lktesar Edward I from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. 1
13:54, 31 July 2013 FinchNomotexnia1613InitialsFrontPasteDown.jpg (file) 83 KB Lktesar Initials from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. 1
13:53, 31 July 2013 FinchNomotexnia1613Bplate2FrontPasteDown.jpg (file) 722 KB Lktesar Bookplate from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. 1
13:52, 31 July 2013 FinchNomotexnia1613Bplate1FrontPasteDown.jpg (file) 367 KB Lktesar Bookplate from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. 1
13:30, 31 July 2013 TaylorElementsOfCivilLaw1769Bookplate.jpg (file) 530 KB Lktesar Bookplate from front pastedown, John Taylor's ''Elements of Civil Law'', London: Charles Bathurst, 1769. 1
13:16, 31 July 2013 BallowTreatiseOfEquity1737TitlePage.jpg (file) 342 KB Lktesar Title page from Henry Ballow's ''A Treatise of Equity'', In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1737. 1
11:08, 11 July 2013 WytheCollectionTitles.jpg (file) 369 KB Gwsweeney Examples of titles in The Wolf Law Library's George Wythe Collection. 1
15:20, 10 July 2013 JeffersonInventoryAnneAndEllen.jpg (file) 49 KB Lktesar List of titles given by Thomas Jefferson to his granddaughters, Ann and Ellen Randolph, from the library of George Wythe. Manuscript owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society, used by permission. 1
11:35, 9 July 2013 MonumentToChancellorGeorgeWythe.jpg (file) 208 KB Gwsweeney Image from Sons of the Revolution in State of Virginia Quarterly Magazine for April, 1922, p. 38. 1
11:29, 9 July 2013 ProceedingsOfTheThirty-SecondAnnualMeetingOfTheVirginiaStateBarAssociation1921.pdf (file) 54 KB Gwsweeney Special Committee to Aid in Securing Suitable Marker for Grave of George Wythe. 1
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