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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
08:28, 1 August 2013 | FinchNomotexnia1613TitlePage.jpg (file) | 979 KB | Title page from Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. | 1 | |
08:25, 1 August 2013 | BoothNaturePracticeRealActions1701TitlePage.jpg (file) | 877 KB | Title page from George Booth's ''The Nature and Practice of Real Actions'', London: Printed by the Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, 1701. | 1 | |
08:24, 1 August 2013 | BlackstoneCommentariesv3TitlePage.jpg (file) | 538 KB | Title page from William Blackstone's ''Commentaries on the Laws of England'', volume three, Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1766. | 1 | |
07:31, 1 August 2013 | FinchNomotexnia1613BplateBackPasteDown.jpg (file) | 322 KB | Bookplate from back paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. | 1 | |
07:30, 1 August 2013 | CraigJusFeudale1732Portrait.jpg (file) | 793 KB | Author's portrait from Thomas Craig's ''Jus Feudale'', Edinburgi: Apud Thos. & Walt. Ruddimannos, 1732. | 1 | |
15:17, 31 July 2013 | GlanvilleTractatus1554TitlePage.jpg (file) | 930 KB | Title page from Ranulf de Glanville's ''Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Angliae'', Londini: in aedibus Richardi Totteli. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1554? | 1 | |
14:55, 31 July 2013 | Fleta1647Bookplate.jpg (file) | 478 KB | Bookplate and inscription from ''Fleta'', Londini: Typis M.F. prostant apud Guilielmium Lee, Mathaeuem Wabancke & Danielem Pakeman, 1647. | 1 | |
14:45, 31 July 2013 | BlackstoneCommentariesLawsEnglandManuscriptNote.jpg (file) | 665 KB | Loose manuscript note from William Blackstone's ''Commentaries on the Laws of England'', volume one, Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1765. | 1 | |
14:31, 31 July 2013 | BretonBritton1640InscriptionCropped.jpg (file) | 224 KB | Inscription from the front fly leaf of ''Britton'', attributed to John le Breton, London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640. | 1 | |
14:28, 31 July 2013 | BretonBritton1640BookplateCropped.jpg (file) | 557 KB | Bookplate from the front paste down of ''Britton'', attributed to John le Breton, London: Printed by the Assigns of John Moore Esquire, 1640. | 1 | |
13:52, 31 July 2013 | BlackstoneLawTracts1762KingJohnMedallionv2.jpg (file) | 806 KB | King John from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. | 1 | |
13:32, 31 July 2013 | BlackstoneLawTracts1762HenryIIIMedallionv2.jpg (file) | 1.28 MB | Henry III from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. | 1 | |
13:27, 31 July 2013 | BlackstoneLawTracts1762EdwardIMedallionv2.jpg (file) | 1.48 MB | Edward I from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume two, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. | 1 | |
12:54, 31 July 2013 | FinchNomotexnia1613InitialsFrontPasteDown.jpg (file) | 83 KB | Initials from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. | 1 | |
12:53, 31 July 2013 | FinchNomotexnia1613Bplate2FrontPasteDown.jpg (file) | 722 KB | Bookplate from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. | 1 | |
12:52, 31 July 2013 | FinchNomotexnia1613Bplate1FrontPasteDown.jpg (file) | 367 KB | Bookplate from front paste down, Henry Finch's ''Nomotexnia'', London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1613. | 1 | |
12:30, 31 July 2013 | TaylorElementsOfCivilLaw1769Bookplate.jpg (file) | 530 KB | Bookplate from front pastedown, John Taylor's ''Elements of Civil Law'', London: Charles Bathurst, 1769. | 1 | |
12:16, 31 July 2013 | BallowTreatiseOfEquity1737TitlePage.jpg (file) | 342 KB | Title page from Henry Ballow's ''A Treatise of Equity'', In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1737. | 1 | |
14:20, 10 July 2013 | JeffersonInventoryAnneAndEllen.jpg (file) | 49 KB | List of titles given by Thomas Jefferson to his granddaughters, Ann and Ellen Randolph, from the library of George Wythe. Manuscript owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society, used by permission. | 1 | |
08:42, 27 June 2013 | DanbySignaturefromHomer.jpg (file) | 359 KB | Signature of William Danby from Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Iliados. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1756. Homer. and Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae.... | 1 | |
08:33, 27 June 2013 | DanbyBookplatefromHomer.jpg (file) | 728 KB | Bookplate of William Danby from Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Iliados. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1756. Homer. and Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae... | 1 | |
08:32, 27 June 2013 | StracheyBookplatefromHomer.jpg (file) | 300 KB | Bookplate of Lytton Strachey from Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Iliados. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1756. Homer. and Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasgu... | 1 | |
08:32, 27 June 2013 | SenhouseBookplateFromHomer.jpg (file) | 188 KB | Bookplate of Roger Senhouse from Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Iliados. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1756. Homer. and Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasgua... | 1 | |
15:44, 24 June 2013 | BookplatesIlliadOdyssey.jpg (file) | 1.2 MB | Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Iliados, Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1756-1758. Bookplates on front pastedown. | 1 | |
15:41, 24 June 2013 | Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias.jpg (file) | 1.43 MB | Homer. Tēs tou Homērou Odysseias. Edited by J. Moor and G. Muirhead. Glasguae: In aedibus Academicis, Excudebant R. et A. Foulis, 1758. | 1 | |
12:40, 17 June 2013 | MajorWilliamDuval.jpg (file) | 346 KB | From The DuVal Family of Virginia, 1701: Descendants of Daniel DuVal, Huguenot and Allied Families, by Bessie Berry Grabowskii (Richmond, Va.: Dietz, 1931) ""taken from a miniature then in the possession of his granddaughter, Mrs. Leyborne, of Lexingto... | 1 | |
13:19, 11 April 2013 | WytheToClarkJanuary31778p1.jpg (file) | 481 KB | From the Library of Congress First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820 Letter from George Wythe, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson to George Rogers Clark (p.1) | 1 | |
09:31, 11 April 2013 | JeffersonToWytheJanuary161796p2.jpg (file) | 530 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to George Wythe, January 16, 1796 (p.2) | 1 | |
09:28, 11 April 2013 | JeffersonToWytheApril71800p5.jpg (file) | 286 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to George Wythe, April 7, 1800, with Notes (p.5) | 1 | |
09:24, 11 April 2013 | JeffersonToWytheApril71800p6.jpg (file) | 308 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to George Wythe, April 7, 1800, with Notes (p.6) | 1 | |
09:20, 10 April 2013 | WytheToJefferson1801July31p1.jpg (file) | 166 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 George Wythe to Thomas Jefferson, July 31, 1801 (p.1) | 1 | |
09:49, 5 April 2013 | JeffersonBiographicalNotesp3.jpg (file) | 292 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson, August 31, 1820, Biographical Notes on George Wythe (p.3) | 1 | |
09:48, 5 April 2013 | JeffersonBiographicalNotesp2.jpg (file) | 305 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson, August 31, 1820, Biographical Notes on George Wythe (p.2) | 1 | |
09:47, 5 April 2013 | JeffersonBiographicalNotesp1.jpg (file) | 324 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson, August 31, 1820, Biographical Notes on George Wythe (p.1) | 1 | |
08:56, 5 April 2013 | JeffersontoDuval1806July17.jpg (file) | 191 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to William Duval, July 17, 1806 | 1 | |
08:53, 5 April 2013 | JeffersontoDuval1806June22.jpg (file) | 224 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to William Duval, June 22, 1806 | 1 | |
08:52, 5 April 2013 | JeffersontoDuval1806June19.jpg (file) | 246 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to William Duval, June 19, 1806 | 1 | |
08:52, 5 April 2013 | JeffersontoDuval1806June14.jpg (file) | 283 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to William Duval, June 14, 1806 | 1 | |
08:38, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806Dec10.jpg (file) | 282 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, December 10, 1806 | 1 | |
08:37, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806Nov21.jpg (file) | 267 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, November 21, 1806 | 1 | |
08:37, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806July12.jpg (file) | 282 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, July 12, 1806 | 1 | |
08:36, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June29p2.jpg (file) | 363 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 29, 1806 (p.2) | 1 | |
08:35, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June29p1.jpg (file) | 363 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 29, 1806 (p.1) | 1 | |
08:12, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June19p2.jpg (file) | 325 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 19, 1806 (p.2) | 1 | |
08:08, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June19p1.jpg (file) | 312 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 19, 1806 (p.1) | 1 | |
08:03, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June8.jpg (file) | 304 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 8, 1806 | 1 | |
08:02, 5 April 2013 | JeffersontoDuval1806Dec4.jpg (file) | 232 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to William Duval, December 4, 1806 | 1 | |
08:02, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June4p2.jpg (file) | 291 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 4, 1806 (p.2) | 1 | |
08:01, 5 April 2013 | DuvaltoJefferson1806June4p1.jpg (file) | 344 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 William Duval to Thomas Jefferson, June 4, 1806 (p.1) | 1 | |
07:49, 5 April 2013 | JeffersonToSanderson1820Aug31p2.jpg (file) | 195 KB | The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651-1827 Thomas Jefferson to John Sanderson, August 31, 1820 (p.2) | 1 |
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