Legal Form Book of Peter Tinsley, Clerk of the High Court of Chancery
Peter Tinsley served as George Wythe's clerk while Wythe presided over the High Court of Chancery. As clerk, Tinsley compiled a collection of forms for the various documents that the court would need to issue. This collection, referred to as Tinsley's "form book"[1], was intended to save time and labor by providing a repository of model language so that the clerk would not have to start from scratch every time the court needed to issue a document. This book may also have served a related (whether intentional or incidental) purpose of standardizing the language of documents issued by the court so that court documents were consistent.
Tinsley form book summary
The form book is divided into eight sections, plus an index.
- Forms of Injunctions (pages 1-10): An injunction is an order by the court for a party to do or not to do something. These form injunctions generally address situations in which the court needed to stop a party "from further proceeding on a judgment." For example, one form in this section is the plain "Injunction to a Judgment on a forthcoming bond." Many of the forms appear to be derivative of this one, with subtle differences. They differ in length, the location of the court, the parties involved, the amount of bond required, and probably other respects more readily apparent to the careful eye of Tinsley. There are forms for situations involving "part of a judgment" or "8 years interest [on a judgment]" or "[a] Judg[ment] [that] was affirmed on an appeal" or "a Judg[ment] [o]btained by assignee," or "Judgments obtained in different ~ Courts." It is clear that Tinsley wanted to have several examples to choose from. He must have appreciated the subtle differences in the seemingly similar cases that came before the court. Other highlights from this section include a form to direct a trustee to refrain from selling certain property, and another to direct an official ("the Sergeant of the City of Richmond") not to seize or liquidate certain property. No matter the details of the next injunction that the court needed to issue; Tinsley probably had a form that was at least close to it.
- Forms of Orders (pages 11-50): Court orders often involve decisions on motions. One such motion is a "demurrer," which asks the court to dismiss the case because it is fatally flawed in that the facts alleged provide no legal basis for relief. Tinsey had three forms dealing with demurrers. All three were for overruling demurrers, which would be used when the court decided that there was a legal basis for relief. All three forms direct the defendant (the party who brought the motion and lost) to pay for the plaintiff's costs related to the demurrer. Perhaps more interesting are the multiple orders dealing with parties who were out of the country, referred to as "absentees." In at least three of these forms, it appears that the plaintiff was awarded land belonging to a defendant who had left the young nation, perhaps because the defendant had been a British loyalists. As the fighting came to an end and the British were leaving the former colonies, "up to tens of thousands of loyalists sometimes went with the retreating army to Britain and other parts of the British Empire." [2] These forms may indicate that George Wythe heard cases where British Loyalists lost their land by default. Some forms in the second section contain unfamiliar terms like "fieri facias," a court document that instructs a sheriff to seize and sell a defendant's property in order to satisfy a monetary judgment against the defendant." [3] Then there is the "Scire Facias," which is "a writ, founded on a record, requiring the person against whom it is issued to appear and show cause why the record should not be enforced or annulled."[4]
- Certificates (pages 51-52): This section contains three forms, two for dismissing a case and one was for verifying that the plaintiff obtained a bond.
- Process (pages 53-70): The first few forms in this section are called "supersedeas[es]." These forms are directed to the sheriff and appear to have something to do with holding off on collections while an appeal is pending. According to the law firm Jones Day, a "supersedeas bond" is "the bond a losing defendant must pay to secure its right to appeal and stay the judgment." [5] Other forms in this section are used to bring someone before the court, several forms labelled with the previously-mentioned term "Scire facias." These forms are also directed to the sheriff, and most involve the situation where a party has "departed this life," apparently while the case was pending. The forms "command" the sheriff to "summon" someone to come before the court. There are also forms of "Certiorari," in a few different variations, each of which is directed to the justices of a particular county, apparently used to request records from those justices of the proceedings in cases that had been appealed to the High Court of Chancery. The labels of other forms in this section contain common terms such as "Writ," "Mandamus," "Commission," "Habeus Corpus," and "Subpoena."
- Executions (pages 71-76): Each of the executions is directed to the sheriff, requesting that the sheriff procure money from the sheriff's "bailiwick" to be paid on a court award. This section also contains a form titled a "Writ of Elegit," which directs the sheriff to take one person's property and give it to another, "saving only the oxen and beasts of his plough, and also a moiety of all [the judgment debtor's] lands and tenements."
- Rules of Court (pages 77-80): This section lists procedural rules in the High Court of Chancery that deal with issues such as timing for motions, examination of witnesses, examination of accounts, dismissal of cases, and reinstatement of cases. One rule seems to have been directed at clearing the court's docket; it states that all cases "depending at the rules" would be dismissed unless the plaintiffs took action to move them along "on the first rule day after the next term."
- Bonds (pages 81-88): These forms generally seem to have been used to verify that someone (probably the appealing party in most cases) has posted security (a bond) in case one of the other parties suffers damages. The bond would protect the appellee and provide him with a source of recovery for his costs litigating the appeal "in case the said decree be affirmed."
- Appeal (pages 89-90): There is only one form in this section. Taken from a proceeding that took place before Judge George Wythe on September 1, 1799, it appears to be a recitation of several procedural events that took place. Perhaps Tinsley used this form as a model for other instances when Wythe ordered, "Be it remembered..." as he did here.
Document text, c. 1803
Page 1

Forms of Injunctions The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon James Ritchie, to appear before the Judge of the High Court of Chancery of the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the day of the next term to answer a bill in Chancery exhibited against him by Edward Digges: and this he shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100 and have then there this writ: Witness George Wythe judge of our said Court of Richmond this Day of June 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. Tinsley C,C |
To injoin the defendants their agents, attornies and all others concerned from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant James Dunlop exor of Thomas Montgomery who was assignee of William Ransdell against the plaintiff in the district court of Dumfries as to the sum now appearing by the said judgment to be due, until the further order of this Court. But the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said district Court in a penalty equal to double the money hereby injoined and until he also files with the said Clerk, or with the Clerk of this Court, a release of all errors at law in the said judgment proceedings P. Tinsley C,C Memo If the release of errors be filed with the Clerk of the district aforesaid a copy thereof is to be certified to this court P. Tinsley C,C |
Injunction to part of a judgment obt.a by assignees |
Page 2
Injunction to a Judgt. Deputy Shff and his securities |
To injoin &c. from proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant W.C. against the plaintiff and the Securities for the faithful execution of his office as deputy Sheriff as to £10 until &c. ____________ |
Injunction to a judgment on forthcoming bond |
To injoin &c. from proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant J.M against the plaintiff C.D. in the district court of Dumfries on a bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale on an execution sued out of the Clerks Office of the said district court on a judgment obtained therein by the said defendant J.M against the plaintiff J.S until &c. ____________ |
Injunction to a Judgt. on a forthcoming bond [???] Plt and the securities for the delivery of the property at the day of sale. |
To injoin &c. from proceeding on a judgment obtained by the deft against the plaintiffs J.C and S.C in the district court of Dumfries on a bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale on an execution sued out of the Clerks office of the said district court on a judgment thereon obtained by the deft [???]the plt H.T until the further order of this Court. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to a Judgt. on a forthcoming bond as to 8 years interest |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the deft against the plaintiff on a bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale, upon an execution sued out of the Clerks office of the district court of Dumfries on a judgment obtained thereon by the defendant against the plaintiff as to so much of said first mentioned judgment as is equal to eight years interest on the principal money recovered by the last mentioned Judgt. until &c. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to a Judgt. on a forthcoming bond which Judgt. was affirmed on an appeal to the Dt. Ct. of C. |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant against the plaintiff and others in the district Court of |
Page 3
of Charlottesville affirming a judgment of the County Court of Albemarle rendered on a bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale upon an execution sued out of the Clerks Office of the said County Court on a judgment obtained therein by the defendant as assignee of S.C against the admons of C.S. deceased until the further order of this court: But the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks Office of the said district court in a penalty equal to double the money recovered by the judgment first mentioned with such condition as the law requires; and until he and the said W.S.H. also file with the said Clerk of the district Court or with the Clerk of this Court a release of all errors at law in the said judgment and proceedings P.T. C,C ____________ |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on the execution now in the Sheriffs hands of Fluvanna in favor of William Adams and others against Richard Cocke until the further order of this court: But the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plt: B.R enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the respective Courts in which the judgments on which the said executions were rendered in penalties equal to double &c. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to executions now in the Shffs hands. |
To injoin the defendant his agents attornies and all others concerned from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant against the plaintiff in the county Court of Goochland also on a bond ____________ |
Injunction to a Judgt. and to a bond given in virtue of an exon sued out on the said Judgm.t |
Page 4
bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale upon an execution sued out of the said County Court on the judgment aforesaid, until the further order of this Court, but the effect of this Subpoena is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said County Court in the penalty of two hundred and twenty pounds with such condition as the law requires, and until he also files with the said Clerk or with the Clerk of this court a release of all errors in the said judgment &c. proceedings P.T. C,C ____________ |
In the case of a review where the decree reviewed is not final. |
Virginia In the High Court of Chancery
A.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff P.T. C,C ____________ |
Surveyors fees Sergeant inhibited from proceeding to distrain. |
To inhibit the Sergeant of the City of Richmond from proceeding to distrain the property of the plaintiff to satisfy the tickets put into his the said Sergeants hands by the defendant Edward Jackson for fees said to be due him as surveyor of Randolph County from the plaintiff for services performed in the years one thousand seven hundred and ninety five and 1796, amounting to $908 and 66 until |
Page 5
until the further order of this Court. P.T. C,C ____________ |
To inhibit the defendant R.K. until the further order of this court from proceeding to sell more of the property conveyed to him in trust by the plaintiff Rice N. by Indenture bearing date the of March 1800 to secure the payment of a debt due by him the said R.N. to Robert Haslie and others surviving partners of B.H. & Co. than may be sufficient to raise so much of the debt intended to be secured by the said indenture as shall remain after deduction therefrom of one hundred and forty nine pounds 13/5 with interest thereon from the day of July 1799. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Trustee inhibited from proceeding to sell trust property. |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendants J.D. &c. exors of T.M who was was assignee of W.R. against the plaintiff in the district Court of Dumfries as to the sum now appearing by the said judgment to be due: until the further order of this court. But the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks Office of the said district court in a penalty equal to double the money hereby injoined and until he also files the said Clerk or with the Clerk of this Court a release of all errors of law in the said judgment and proceedings. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to part of a Judgt. Obtained by assignee. |
To injoin &c. from further proceedings on a judgment obtained by the defendants J.L. and J.L. exors of F.L. deceased against the plaintiff in the district court of Fredericksburg until the last day of this month, and no longer, upon condition that the goods |
Injunction to continue to the end of such a period then to cease unless cause be shown to the contrary after giving notice to the deft. as required |
Page 6
goods and chattels taken or to be taken, in execution be suffered to remain under the Officers power, to the end that in the mean time, the defendants to whom the plaintiff is required to give reasonable notice of this motion may attend the Judge of the high court of Chancery personally or by counsil for the purpose of opposing it if they will and that if the injunction be not continued, the creditors may not be longer delayed. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to a Judgt. and to two others to be confessed in the actions now depending in court. |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on a judgment obtained by the defendant of the plaintiff in the district court of ~ Winchester, until the further order of this court: But the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said district court in a penalty equal to double the money recovered by the said judgment with such condition as the law requires and until he also files a release of errors. &c. (from) And upon the plaintiffs confessing judgments in the two actions commenced against him by the defendant and now depending in the said district Court, and entering into like bond in a penalty equal to double the money recovered by the judgments so to be confessed: and moreover filing with the said Clerk, or with the Clerk of this court, a release of all errors at law in the said ~ judgments and proceedings, the defendant, his agents, attornies & all others concerned, are hereby injoined from further proceeding on the said judgments until the further order of this court. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to two Judgments specifying the sums injoined. |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on two judgments obtained by the defendants against the plaintiffs in the district court of T one |
Page 7
one for £112 10 with interest from the day of April 1792. and costs and the other for £120 17 6 ¼ with interest from the day of April 92, and costs, until the further order of this court, but the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said district court in a penalty equal to double the money recovered by the said judgments with such condition as the law requires: and until he also files with the said Clerk or with the Clerk of this court a release of all errors of law in the said judgments and proceedings. P.T. C,C ____________ |
To inhibit the commrs. from proceeding to make sale of the eight hundred acres of land mentioned in the complainants bill it being part of the land mortgaged by John P.P. to J.B. by indenture bearing date the day of September 1787, for the foreclosure of which said mortgage a decree was made on the 22d day of May 1801, in a suit in the high Court of Chancery between the said J.B. plaintiff and M. Posey defendant, until the further order &c. but the effect &c. penalty of the bond to be directed by the Judge. Memo. The Clerk of the said County Court is directed to transmit to this court the bond to be taken in pursuance of the above injunction. ____________ |
Commissioners inhibited from proceeding to sell land. |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on two judgments one obtained by the defendant J.M. against the plaintiff in the district court of B and the other against him as Garnishee of the defendant F.G. in |
Injunctions to Jugdmt. obtained vs the plt. in different characters and in different Courts. |
Page 8
in the County Court of Brunswick, until the further order of this court: but the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bonds in the Clerks office of the said county and district courts in a penalty equal to double the amount of the said judgments, and until he also files with the said Clerks a release of all errors at law in the said judgments and proceedings. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Upon plaintiffs confessing Judgt. Injunction awarded. |
Fontaine Maury against John Proudfit Upon the plaintiffs confessing judgment in the action commenced against him in the County Court of Spotsylvania by the ~ defendant for the debt and interest sought thereby to be recovered and entering into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said County Court in a penalty equal to double the amount due by the said judgment with such condition as the law requires in cases of injunctions, and moreover filing with the said Clerk or with the Clerk of this Court, a release of all errors of law in the said judgment and proceedings; the defendant his agents &c. are hereby injoined from proceeding on the said judgment until the further order of court. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction from further proceeding on a forthcoming bond. |
To injoin &c. from proceeding on a bond given for the forthcoming of property at the day of sale upon an execution sued out of the county Court of Gloucester on a judgment obtained in the said court by W.D. assignee &c. of S.C who was assignee of J.H. against the plaintiff, until the further order of this Court; but the effect of this injunction is to be suspended until the plaintiff enters into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said county court |
Page 9
court in a penalty equal to double the money appearing to be due by the said bond, with such condition as the law requires, and until he also files with the Clerk of the said Court, or with the Clerk of this Court a release of all errors in the said judgment and proceedings P.T. C,C ____________ |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on two judgments obtained by the defendants G&c.F.T &c. assignee of C.M.&c. against the plaintiff one in the county Court of Norfolk, and the other in the district court of Suffolk, until the further order of this Court; but the effect of this injunction is to be suspended ~ until the plaintiff enters into bond in the Clerks office of the said respective Courts with sufficient security in penalties equal to double the money recovered by each of the said Judg.ts with such condition as the law requires; and until he also files with the Clerks of the said Courts a release of all errors of law in the said Judgments and proceedings P.T. C,C ____________ |
Injunction to two Judgments obtained in different ~ Courts |
To injoin &c. from further proceeding on two judgments obtained by the defendant against the plaintiff in the district court of New London, one for the 104 pounds 10/-[6] with interest from the day of January 1794, till payment and the Costs, the other for 131 pounds 1/- with interest from the same period till payment and costs, until the further order of this court: but the effect of this injunction is to be suspended, until the plaintiffs enter into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said district court in a penalty equal to double the money recovered by the said judgments with such condition as the law requires; and until they also file with the said Clerk, or with the clerk of this court a release of all errors at law in the said judgments and proceedings P.T. CC ____________ |
Injunction to two Judgments sums recovered by the said Judgments specified. |
Page 10
Page 11
Forms of Orders. Anthony Thornton and Mary his wife . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order overruling Demurrer and directing account. |
Page 12
Plea to stand as an answer and leave given the deft to put in a further answer |
William Thornton Alexander . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree for partition and allotment and report to be made |
Jesse Curd and others . . . . . . . . plaintiffs said |
Page 13
said dower, among the children of the said John Ellis to be holden by them in coparcenery, and do also distribute the personal estate of the said John Ellis amongst his window and children, allotting one third part thereof to her, and that the defendant, Samuel Woodson, do convey the inheritance of the said twenty five acres of land after the confirmation of the report, to that plaintiff within the limits of whose property the same shall be; and that the said acting commissioners report the partition and distribution to the Court. ____________ |
Overton Cosby and other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . appellants mentioned |
Cause remitted to the County court. Issue to be made up between the parties to try certain facts. |
Page 14
mentioned in the bill to been sold and delivered, or any other articles sold and delivered, or payments made to the said James Mills, for which just credits had not been given, and to ascertain the value of such articles and payments, if not credited, and therefore this court doth remit the cause to the County Court, to the end, that such issue, may there be directed, made up and tried, and that the said Court may proceed to compel execution of the said decree, or setting it aside make such other decree as the verdict to be found ~ upon trial of the issue shall justify: and this court doth award that the appellee do pay unto the appellants the costs expended by them in prosecuting their appeal all which is ordered and decreed accordingly. ____________ |
Upon a motion to dissolve the Inj.n leave given the deft: to plead to the declaration on which Judgm.t was rendered. Verdict to be certified to this Court: |
Bradley and others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order recommitting Report. |
Cary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs on |
Page 15
on the day of June 1795, is this day of September, in the year of our lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, for reasons appearing to the Court, recommitted to master Commissioner Keith for him to consider the same with the exceptions thereunto put in by the plaintiff and to report thereupon. ____________ |
Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . appellant ____________ |
Order recommitting Report |
Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . appellant ____________ |
Order changing Venue. |
Williamson and others . . . . . . appellants of |
Decree of affirmation on an appeal. |
Page 16
of Henrico in Chancery pronounced the day of November, in the year of our lord 1793, came on, the first day of June, in the year 1796, to be heard on a transcript of the record of proceedings before the said county court, and was argued by counsil: on consideration: whereof this court being of opinion that no error is in the said decree by which the testator of the appellants was decreed to pay unto the appellee £ 32 16 3 and his costs, doth affirm the same, as it is accordingly hereby affirmed, and adjudges, order and decree, that the appellants out of the estate in their hands to be administered of their testator do pay into the appellee the costs expended by him in defending the appeal. ____________ |
Decree reversed cause remitted to the County Court to be there further proceeded in. |
Langhorn and others . . . . . . . . . . . . . appellants said |
Page 17
said county court, to the end that the said Court may procede further therein. ____________ |
Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree of the County Court reversed and bill dismissed with costs &c. |
Valentine . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Plea to stand for an answer |
Page 18
Report confirmed Injunction dissolved in part and made perpetual as to the residue |
Randolph . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Upon a motion to dissolve Injunction Issue directed &c. |
Fulgham . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Page 19
Cabell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree making Injunction perpetual in part and dismissing bill as to the residue. |
Reins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree dissolving injunction as to part and perpetuating the same as to the residue |
Page 20
Cause heard on transcript of record and certificate of the verdict found ~ pursuant to an order directing an issue. Decree of the county court affirmed and appellant ordered to pay costs. |
Crider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . appellant ____________ |
Order awarding Injunction |
Bolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order awarding writ of Certiorari. |
Thomas T. Bolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff The Same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff is |
Page 21
is awarded the defendants to be directed to the Justices of the County Court of Dinwiddie commanding them to certify the record the record and proceedings in these suits returnable here &c. ____________ |
John Dandridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Injunction made perpetual as to £ and deft. A. ordered to pay £ 10.18.8¾ to deft. T. |
On the motion of James Bland it is ordered that Peter Rust do pay unto unto the said James Bland 6 dollars and 74 Cents for one days attendance at this Court and in travelling 65 Miles in coming and the same in returning pursuant to the command of the Subpoena ducestecum awarded on the ninth day of March last, in the suit between the said Peter Rust and R. Sanford and other defendants. ____________ |
Order directing a witness to be paid for his attendance at court. |
Page 22
Order directing a witness to be paid for his attendance before one of the commissioners of the court. |
On the motion of H.C. a witness for Richard Gatewood and A. his wife against R.P. executor of Richard Tunstall the younger and also executor of George Brooke who were executors of Richard Tunstall the elder and others defendants. It is ordered that the said Richard Gatewood and Agness his wife do pay unto the said H.C. four dollars and 64 Cents for one days attendance before mater Commissioner Danscomb and travelling 45 miles in coming and the same in returning. ____________ |
Order allowing petition of appeal and awarding Supersedeas and a writ of Certiorari |
On the motion of J.P. by his counsil, the Court, this fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord 1798, doth allow his petition of appeal from a decree of the County court of Rockbridge in Chancery pronounced in May last, in a suit between Mary Paul, A.P. E.P. J.P. J. Beatty and J. his wife &c. J.W. and M. his wife heirs of John Paul deceased plaintiffs and the said John Paul defendant: and doth award the writs of Supersedeas and Certiorari thereby prayed, on his entering into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of this Court in the penalty of £ 20. in two months from this day, with such condition as the law requires ____________ |
Order reviving suit on the return of the Scire facias executed |
Lee exor . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing suit to stand revived on the return of the Subpoena executed |
Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff returned |
Page 23
returned executed, on the motion of the plaintiff by his counsel, It is ordered that the suit lately depending in this Court between William Lee plaintiff and the present defendant, and the proceedings therein had stand revived in the name of the present plaintiff, the defendant having failed to appear and shew cause to the contrary. ____________ |
Yates &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order discharging attached effects. |
Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff the |
Rule for Atta ag.t a witness refusing to be examined before one of the Commissioners of the Court. |
Page 24
the term next, after he shall have been served with a copy of this order show cause to the contrary. ____________ |
Order directing Issue. |
Flournoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing proceedings in the nature of a writ of enquiry to be had if the deft refuse to join the issue directed by the former order. |
Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Page 25
Wilkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing account of admon |
Medearis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing account on motion to dissolve Inj.n |
Noland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff eighth |
Order restoring property recovered. |
Page 26
eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, doth order that the defendant restore to the plaintiff possession of the land, which, she had recovered from him by a Judgment of the Winchester district Court, from proceeding to execute which Judgment she was injoined by this Court. ____________ |
Order taking bill for confessed in case of absentees and decree for conveyance. |
James Swann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order requiring the defendants to shew cause why the plt should not have the benefit of Inj.n without giving security. |
Mandeville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff John |
Page 27
John Sutton do on the first day of the next term, being served with a copy of this order ten days previous thereto, shew cause, if any he can, why the plaintiff shall not have the benefit of the injunction awarded him on the third day of August last, without giving security. ____________ |
Kelley and wife . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order directing partition if the deft shall fail to perform certain stipulations. |
Irving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff decree |
Order directing absentees land to be allotted and assigned by comrs to plts: who have proceeded in the mode prescribed by law in such cases. |
Page 28
decree, the Court, this sixth day of March, in the year of our lord 1800, upon the motion of the plaintiff by his counsil, doth take his bill for confessed, and adjudge, order and decree, that one equal sixth part of the 60,000 acres of land mentioned in the bill and appearing by the exhibits to have been granted to the defendants by patents under Seals of the Commonwealth be allotted and ~ assigned to the plaintiff to be holden by him and his heirs in severalty in fee simple and JP. W.P. and W.T. or any two of them are appointed for making the said allotment, and are required to report their proceedings to the Court in order to a final decree. ____________ |
Order directing Issue respecting a will. |
O. Anderson and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Page 29
Smith . . . . . . . . . . . appellant ____________ |
Errors stated in the petition admitted. decree reversed cause retained. Supe bill and answer and Gene Rep &c. Com. |
A Whitlock &c. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff |
Order awarding Certiorari on Sec.y being given |
Richeson . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order overruling demurrer and the defendant Ordered to answer. |
Page 30
Order setting aside decree and recommitting report. the deft. ordered to deliver books and papers and the suit not to abate by the death of either party. |
Walker . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order suspending execution of decree and recommitting Report. |
Ogilby . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Atta: and Spa to revive executed no cause shewn to the contrary Bill taken for confessed. |
Craig administrator . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff said |
Page 31
said Bill, or to shew cause against its revival, the court this day of May in the year of our lord 1798, on the motion of the plaintiff by his counsil, doth take his bill for confessed, and will procede at a future day to decree the matter thereof, unless the said defendant on or before the tenth day of the term next, after he shall have been served with a copy of this order shew cause to the contrary. ____________ |
Fleet &c. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing another trial of the Issue and leave given to amend the plea to the declaration. |
Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff in |
Order appointing commissioners to allot dower. |
Page 32
in Virginia of which she is intitled to dower; and instead of dividing all the tracts of the said land, or any of them into the partition, due for dower, they shall be at liberty to allot her said dower in some one tract in Virginia, and to report their proceedings in the premises to the Court. ____________ |
Order on motion to dissolve Issue directed, and leave given the deft. to give evidence of discounts |
Robertson and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order directing suit to stand revived unless deft. shew cause to the ~ contrary after being served with a copy of this order the Sub: sci fac having been duly served. |
Semple and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs Norton |
Page 33
Norton and sons defendants, stand and be revived; and that the present defendant out of the goods chattels and credits in his hands to be admtred of the said John H. Norton, do pay unto the plaintiffs the money and costs recovered by the said decree together with the costs by them expended in suing forth and prosecuting the said subpoena scire facias. ____________ |
Meredith . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order changing venue, and directing a transcript of the record to be transmitted to that Court |
Graham . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing another trial of the Issue before another Court. |
Page 34
Order suspending the execution of a decree discharged. |
Ronald and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order taking bill for confessed vs absentees and directing account. |
Charles Conner . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Page 35
Dormoy . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order discharging suspention of the Execution of a decree upon certain conditions. |
Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree reviewed afterwards affirmed and bill dismissed. |
Sugett and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs of |
Order directing division of estates and accounts of administration. |
Page 36
of her death are intitled to equal portions of her slaves and personal estate, doth adjudge and decree, that the same be divided and allotted among the parties so intitled accordingly, and that the defendant C.R. do render an account of his administration of the goods chattels and credits of the said M.H before Edward L. Tabb A. S. &c. commissioners as well for that purpose appointed as for the purpose of making the said division and allotment; and the said ~ commissioners, any two of whom may act, are empowered to proceed in the business submitted to them, in the absence of either party, who having reasonable notice of their primary appointment or adjournments shall fail to attend them, and are required to report the whole matter to the court, with any matters specially stated thought pertinent by themselves or required by the parties to be so stated. ____________ |
Decree against an absent defendant and division of land Ordered. |
Kirkham and others . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs appointed |
Page 37
appointed commissioners for making the said division and allotment and are required to report their proceedings to the Court; and the bill is dismissed as to the defendant P.B. against whom the plaintiffs no further prosecute for a settlement of his administration of the estate of his intestate Vincent Brown deceased. ____________ |
Gregorie . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Spa to revive returned executed and bill taken for confessed where the atta: had been executed before the ~ abatement. |
A.B. &c. Company . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order discharging attached affects on Securities being given on behalf of the absentees to perform the future decree of the Court. |
Page 38
Order giving leave to file a bill of interpleader and appointing a receiver |
A.B. and D.D. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order directing partition and giving leave to make other parties. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order taking bill for confessed and directing account of administration. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff to |
Page 39
to answer the same, the court, the day of September, in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, upon the motion of the plaintiff by his counsil, doth take his bill for confessed, and will procede at a future day to decree the matter thereof, unless the said defendants on or before the tenth day of the term next after they shall have been served with a copy of this order shew cause to the contrary: and in the meantime the Court doth order that the defendants C.D. and wife do render an, account of the administration of the estate of G.H deceased, as well by the said E.F admx before her intermarriage with the said C.D., as by the said C.D. and E.F since their intermarriage: and that the other defts do also render an account of their administration of the estate of their ~ testator before one of the commissioners of the Court, who is directed to examine, state and settle the same accounts and make report thereof to the court, with any matters specially stated thought pertinent by himself or required by the parties to be so stated. ____________ |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order awarding injunction after part of the money had been received. |
Page 40
Order overruling Demurrer, deft ordered to answer and the cause sent to the rules. |
A.B.C. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order Overruling Exceptions and confirming the Report |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree dismissing plts bill with costs. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff and |
Page 41
and was argued by counsil: on consideration whereof, the Court doth adjudge, order and decree, that the bill of the plaintiff be dismissed as it is accordingly hereby dismissed, and that he do pay unto the defendants the costs by them expended about their defence. ____________ |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Cause abated as to the deft E.F. heard as to the other deft. Injunction made perpetual in part and bill dismissed as to the residue. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff the |
Decree upon a forthcoming Bond. |
Page 42
the affidavit of J.T. that the defendants have had legal notice of this motion, they were solemnly called but came not: therefore It is decreed and ordered that the defendants do pay unto the plaintiff fifty four pounds the penalty of the said bond, and his costs by him in this behalf expended: But this decree is to be discharged by the payment of twenty seven pounds with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of six per Centum per annum from the day of June 1802 till payment and the Costs. ____________ |
Order setting aside dismission at the Rules. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order dismissing appeal for want of jurisdiction. |
H.T. . . . . . . . . . . . appellant ____________ |
Page 43
Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs ____________ |
Order dismissing appeal, the record being brought up by the appellee. |
Banks . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order rescinding Order taking bill for confessed. |
W.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order for publication. |
Page 44
Order dissolving Injunction. |
N.C. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order dissolving Injunction. |
G.R. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree for partition and report to be made. |
A.B. C.D. W.Z. and E.K. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiffs said |
Page 45
said parties to AB and CD. one fourth, WZ one fourth, EK. one fourth, and to the representatives of G.G. the other fourth, part, to be held in severalty to them and their heirs and assigns, and that a commission be directed to G.K. J.P. and J.W. Gentleman, or any two of them to make the said partition, ~ which is to be returned to the Court in order to a final decree, and the ~ surveyor of the said County is to assist the Commissioners in making the said partition ____________ |
W.L. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order taking Bill for confessed. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff defendant |
Decree confirming Report and a sum of money decreed to be paid. |
Page 46
defendant the sum of £223. 13. C with Interest therein to be computed after the rate of six per Centum per annum from the day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and one. ____________ |
Order awarding Certiorari. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order of reference of accounts to arbitrators. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order directing an Issue. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff doth |
Page 47
doth order that an Issue be made up between the parties, to determine whether the writing admitted to record in the County Court of Isle of Wight as and for the last will and testament of P.T deceased, be the true last will and testament of the said P.T.: that the said Issue be tried before the County Court of Cumberland, and the verdict thereupon be certified to this Court. ____________ |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order for atta: in not performing decree. |
AB . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order reviving decree the subpoena scire facias being returned executed. |
Page 48
Decree against absentees, on foreign atta: |
J.T. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Order reviving suit by consent. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Page 49
P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Decree to foreclose a mortgage. |
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff the |
Order awarding Injunction. |
Page 50
the further order of this court, on the plaintiffs releasing all errors at law and entering into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of the said district court in the penalty of fifty pounds, with such condition as the law requires. ____________ |
Page 51
Certificates Virginia In the High Court of Chancery
A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Certificate of dismission at the rules for want of Bill. |
E.T. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Certificate of dismission at the rules for want of Security for costs. |
Virginia In the high Court of Chancery Between A.B. . . . . . . . . . . . plaintiff ____________ |
Certificate of the Clerk that the bond required on obtaining an injunction is given. |
Page 52
Page 53
Process The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, greeting: you are hereby commanded that from all further proceedings on an execution issued from the Clerks office of the high Court of Chancery the day of June 1802, by A.B. against C.D. you altogether supersede, he the said C.D. having by the leave of the Judge of the said Court, filed a bill for the purpose of reviewing the said decree, we also command you to summon the said C.D. to appear before the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the capitol in the city of Richmond on the first day of the next term to answer the said bill of review, and this he shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100. and have then there this writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the 20th day of May 1801 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Supersedeas in cases where the bonds are executed in the office. Decree of the high Court of ch.y supersed and leave to file a bill of review. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County Greeting: you are hereby commanded that from further proceeding on an execution issued from the Clerks office of our high Court of Chancery on the day of ~ July 1802, against the goods and chattels of T.T. on a decree pronounced by our said Court the 22.d day of March 1802 in a suit then depending therein between the said T.T. appellant and J.R. appellee, you altogether supersede, the said T.T. having by petition to the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery since the [???] of the said execution obtained an appeal from the said decree to the Court of appeals. And how you shall execute this writ, make known to our Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Staunton the 22.d day of May 1801, and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. C,C ____________ |
Supersedeas awarded to a decree of the high court of chancery and appeal allowed on petition. |
Page 54
Supersedeas to a a decree of the high Court of Ch.y |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, greeting: you are hereby commanded that from all further proceeding on an execution issued from the Clerks office of the high Court of Chancery the 23.d day of May, in the year 1802, on a decree pronounced in the said Court, the day of March 1801, in a suit then depending therein between A.B. plaintiff and C.D. defendant, you altogether supersede, the said C.D. on a petition to the Judge of the said Court having been allowed to appeal from the said decree to the Court of appeals, and how you shall execute this writ make known to our Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the 23.d day of July 1802 and in the year of the commonwealth. ____________ |
Attachment against a witness for failing to appear before Commissioner |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: you are hereby commanded to attach A.B. one of the executors of C.D. so that you have his body before the Judge of the high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to answer us as well of a certain contempt by him to us offered, as it is said as upon those things which to him shall then and there be objected; and further to do and receive what our said Court shall in that part consider: and have then there this Writ: Witness AB. Clerk of our said at Staunton, this day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. A.B. For not appearing before master Commissioner Hay at his office in order to an investigation of the subject matter of an order made on the day of August. 1801, in a suit depending in our said Court between AB. plaintiff and CD. defendant, according to the directions of an order made in the said |
Page 55
said twentieth day of August one thousand eight hundred and one. A.B. Clerk ____________ |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting; you are hereby commanded to attach A.B. so that you have his body before the Judge of the high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Rich.d on the first day of the next term, to answer us as well of a certain contempt by him to us offered, as it is said, as upon those things which to him shall then and there be objected: and further to do and receive what our said court shall in that part consider: and have then there this Writ. Witness C.D. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond this day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. A.B. For not performing an order made the day of May, 1802, in a suit now depending in our said Court between AB plaintiff and C.D. defendant whereby the defendant was ordered to deposit with the Clerk of the said Court, to remain in hands, subject to the future order of the court, the Books, bonds, Notes and papers admited by his answer, to be in his possession A.B. Clerk ____________ |
Attachment for not performing an order of Court |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County: Greeting: whereas in our County Court of Berkeley, to wit, on the day of July in the year of our lord 1799. in a suit in chancery then depending in the said Court between AB. plt and C.D. defendant it was by our said court decreed and ordered “that &c. (here insert the decree) from which decree the said A.B. appealed to our high Court of Chancery; and whereas the said A.B. since obtaining the said appeal hath departed this life leaving F.G. and H.J his representatives, first having duly made and published his last will and testament and thereof appointed L.J. and HG his executors who have proved the same and taken upon themselves the burthen of the execution thereof and |
Scire facias to revive a decree of the county Court in the name of the appellants representatives |
Page 56
and the said F.G. and H.J have supplicated us for a proper remedy in this behalf. We therefore being willing that right and Justice should be done, command you that you make known to the said CD. that he be before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, on the first day of the next term, to shew if any thing, he hath for himself, or can say, why the appeal aforesaid should not be revived in the names of the said F.G and H.J, and further to do and receive what our said Court shall in that part consider: and have then there this Writ, Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond this day May, 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. ____________ |
Scire facias to revive in the names of the executors of the plt and against the exors of the deft. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: whereas in a suit lately depending in our high court of chancery between AB plaintiff and C.D defendant on. the day of August, 1799, one of the commissioners of the Court was directed (here insert order for account) but before the said order was carried into effect the plaintiff and the defendant departed this life, whereby the said suit abated, and we being supplicated for a proper remedy in this behalf, and being willing that what in our said court is rightly done should be duly executed, do therefore ~ command you to summon the representatives of the said CD. to appear before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to shew cause, if any they can, why the suit aforesaid should not stand and be revived ~ against them in the name of JK executor of the said AB. deceased and the order above referred to carried into effect: And this they shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100 each, And have then there this Writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of August 1799 and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. ____________ |
Page 57
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery between AB. and C.D. executors of E.F appellants and G.H. appellee on the 23.d day of March, 1798. it was by our said Court adjudged, ordered and decreed that &c. (here insert decree) but before the said decree was carried into effect the said AB departed this life having first made and published his last will and testament, but the executors therein named refusing to take upon themselves the burthen of the execution thereof, administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said A.B. have in due form been committed to F.G. who hath undertaken the administration of the same, And we being supplicated for a proper remedy in this behalf and being willing that what in our said Court is rightly done should be duly executed, do therefore command you to summon the said George ~~ Hannah to appear before the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, to shew cause, if any they can, why the decree above referred to should not stand and be revived against him in the name of the said F.G admor as aforesaid, and the same carried into effect; and this he shall in no wise, omit under the penalty of £100 and have then there this Writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond this day of August, 1799, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Appellant dies his executors refuse to act, administration committed to FG Subpoena Scire facis to revive the appeal in his name. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting; you whereas in a suit lately depending in our high Court of Chancery between A.B. plt and C.D. defendant, on the day of March, in the year 1799, the following decree was pronounced, This cause &c. (here insert decree) but before the said decree was carried into effect, the said A.B. departed this |
Plaintiff dies intestate admon granted E.R Spa Scire facias to revive the suit and proceedings in his name. |
Page 58
this life intestate and administration of all and singular his goods and chattels rights and credits have been in due form committed to E.R. who hath taken upon himself the burthen of the execution thereof; and we being supplicated for a proper remedy in this behalf, and being willing that what in our said Court is rightly done should be duly executed, do therefore command you to summon the said C.D. to appear before the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, to shew cause, if any he can why the decree ~ aforesaid should not stand and be revived against him; and this he shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of £100. and have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of August 1801 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Scire facias to revive a decree that is out of date. where exor thereof remains to be made. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting Whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery, between A.B. plaintiff and C.D. defendant on the day of May, in the year 1801, It was by our said Court of Chancery among other things decreed that &c. (here enter decree) nevertheless execution of the said decree still remains to be made, as by the said AB we are informed, and we being willing that what in our said Court is rightly done should be duly executed; Therefore we command you that you summon the said C.D. to appear before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery, at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, to shew cause, if any he can, why the decree above referred to should not be carried into execution: And this he shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100. And have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court of Richmond &c. ____________ |
Page 59
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery ~ between AB plaintiff and C.D. administrator &c. of E.F. defendant on the 23.d day of September in the year 1801, the said court did among other things adjudge, order and decree that &c. (here insert the decree) but before the said decree was fully carried into effect, the said C.D. administrator as aforesaid departed this life and administration de bonis non of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of E.F. deceased, unadministered by the said C.D. hath in due form been committed to M.N. and we being supplicated for a proper remedy in this behalf, and we being willing that what in our said Court is rightly done should be duly executed, we therefore command you to summon: the said M.N. to appear before the Judge of our high court of Chancery at the ~ Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to shew cause, if any he can why the decree above referred to should not stand be revived against him as administrator as aforesaid, and this he shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100 and have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of August 1801, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Scire facias to revive a decree. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: Whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery between: AB. plaintiff and CD. defendant, on the day of September in the year 1801, the following decree was pronounced ‘this cause &c. (here enter decree) but since the pronunciation of the said decree the said C.D. departed this life having first duly made and published his last will and testament in writing and thereof appointed E.F. his executor who hath proved the same, and taken upon himself |
Scire facias to revive a decree. |
Page 60
himself the burthen of the execution thereof and execution of the said decree still remains to be made as by the insinuation of the said E.F. we are informed, and because these things which in our said court are rightly done we would have duly carried into execution, therefore we command you to summon AB. to appear before the Judge of the high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, to shew cause, if any he can, why the decree aforesaid should not be revived and carried into execution against him, in the name of the said E.F. executor of C. D. deceased and further to do and receive what our said Court shall in that part consider, and this he shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100, and have then there this writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond, the day of June 1801 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Certiorari. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Justices of our County Court of Caroline, Greeting: for certain causes moved before the Judge of our high Court of ~ Chancery, by T.L. in a suit lately depending before you, wherein AB was plaintiff and the said T.L. defendant, and sent to our said high Court of Ch.y at the Capitol in the City of Richmond by reason of the appeal of the said T.L. from your decree pronounced therein: We command you, and every of you, that you, or one of you, under your, or one of your, hands and seals, the depositions of A.B. and C.D. the former taken the day of April 1797, and the latter the day of May 1796, and rejected at the hearing in the said County Court, do send and certify enclosed to our Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term ~ returning also this writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond, the day of May 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. ____________ |
Page 61
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Justices of our County Court of Augusta Greeting: Whereas A.B. hath sued out of our high Court of Chancery a writ of Supersedeas to a decree recovered against him by C.D. in the said County Court the day of July 1799 for £150 with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five per Centum per annum from the day of January 1795, in order to have a rehearing of the whole matter in the decree aforesaid contained: therefore we command you, and each of you, that you, or one of you, the record and proceedings in the said suit with all things touching the same as fully and wholly as they now exist among the records of the said County Court to the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, under your, or one of your, hands and seals, do certify and safely send enclosed to the Clerk of our said high Court of Chancery, together with this writ: Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802. and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Certiorari on an appeal. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Justices of Berkeley County Court Greeting; you, and every of you, are hereby commanded, that you, or one of you, under your, or one of your hands and seals the proceedings in a suit in Chancery in the said Court before you depending between A.B. plaintiff and C.D. defendant with all things touching the same as fully and wholly as the same is now depending before you the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, do send and certify enclosed, returning also this Writ: Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond, the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. ____________ |
Certiorari. |
Page 62
Certiorari. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Justices of the County Court of Ohio whereas in the record and proceedings in a certain suit in Chancery between A.B. plaintiff and C.D. defendant, lately sent to our high Court of Chancery holden at the Capitol in the City of Richmond by reason of the appeal of the said C.D. from the decree pronounced therein, diminution is suggested: therefore we command you, and every of you that you or one of you, under your or one of your hands and seals the record and proceedings aforesaid more fully to the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery on the day of the next term, returning also this writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Writ of Lunacy. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to Gentleman Greeting. We command you, or any three of you, that you diligently enquire whether A.B. who was heretofore found to be a Lunatic, and whose person and estate were by an order of the Court of Essex County bearing date the twenty eighth day of May, in the year of our lord 1797, committed to the care of D.E.F.G. hath ceased to be a Lunatic, and if is found, at what time was he restored to sanity of understanding, and if in the negative, whether there be not intervals of sanity, ~ and send the inquisition thereof, distinctly and openly made to us in our high Court of Chancery on the first day of the next term, under your seals, together with this writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commwlth ____________ |
Writ of Sequestration. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County Greeting: whereas in a suit depending in our high Court of Chancery between AB. and aD. plaintiffs and E.F.&c.G.H defendants on the day May 1801 It was ordered that the defendants do perform the following decree, (here insert the decree) Know ye therefore, that we in confidence of your prudence and fidelity, have given, and |
Page 63
and by these presents do give to you full power and authority, to enter upon all the Messuages, Tenements and real estate whatsoever of the said defts and to collect, take, receive and sequester into your hands, not only all the rents and profits of their said Messuages, lands, Tenements and real estates but also all their goods, chattels and personal estates whatsoever, and therefore we command you, that you do at certain proper and convenient days and hours go to and enter upon all the messuages lands tenements and real estate of the said defendants, and that you do collect, take and get into your hands not only the rents and profits of all their said real estates but also all their goods chattels and personal estates and detain and keep the same under sequestration in your hands, until the said defendants shall fully satisfy and perform the said decree, or our said Court make such other order to the contrary. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Virginia Sc.t The Commonwealth of Virginia To Gentlemen Greeting; Know ye that we trusting to your fidelity and provident circumspection in fulfilling a certain decretal order of our high Court of Chy between A.B. plaintiff and C.D. defendant lately made and given bearing date the day of September 1801, have assigned you, and by the tenor of these presents do give unto you full power and authority of going to entering into, and perambulating the tract of land in the bill of the plaintiff mentioned lying in the County of Hanover and containing 450 acres, and the same lands of dividing and separating and of allotting and assigning the same in severalty according to the tenor and effect of the aforesaid order, hereby requiring you to make and reduce in writing your certificate of all your acts and doings in |
Commission of partition |
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in the premises, and when your shall have so done, that your certificate aforesaid to our Judge of our said high Court of Chancery on the first day of the next term, under your seals, distinctly and plainly, you send, together with this Writ, doing and proceeding, in all and singular the premises ~ according to the direction and intent of the order aforesaid. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Mandamus. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Justices of Botetourt County, greeting whereas a Judgment of Lunacy was given by the said Justices against A.B. from which Judgment the said A.B. prayed an appeal the high Court of Chancery, nevertheless you the Justices of the said County (as is suggested to us) have refused to admit the appeal of the said AB. to the great damage and grievance of him the said A.B. as by the complaint of the said AB we have understood: We therefore being willing that justice should be done to the said A.B. as is reasonable in this behalf, command you, that you do forthwith admit the appeal of the said AB from the Judgment aforesaid upon his (or any person who shall think himself interested therein, giving bond and security according to law, or signify to us cause to the contrary thereof, lest on your default, complaint should come to us repeated; and how you shall execute this our command [??? (erased?)] Certify to our Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term, returning to us this our Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. P.T. ____________ |
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The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County; Whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery between A.B. plaintiff and C.D defendant, on the 10th day of March 1802, the said cause came on to be heard on the bill answer and exhibits and was argued by counsil: on consideration whereof the court delivered the opinion and pronounced the decree following (here insert it) whereof the said CD is convict as appears to us of record: therefore we command you that the said AB his possession of the ground with its appurtenances directed by the afore recited decree to be conveyed and restored to him, you cause to have and how you shall execute this writ make known to our Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term; We also command you that of the goods and chattels of the said C.D. in your bailiwich you cause to be made £300 which to the said A.B. late in our said Court were decreed and ordered to be paid by the said C.D. for the rents and profits of the said Tenement, and also of the goods and chattels of the said C.D. you cause to be made of Tobacco and 24 dollars and 36 Cents which to the said AB. in the same Court were adjudged for his costs by him expended in prosecuting the suit aforesaid and that you have the same before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Writ of possession and Fi: Fa: |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County: Whereas in a suit depending in the high Court of Chancery between NK. plaintiff and J.S. defendant it was on the day of March 1802, by our said high court of Chancery among other things, adjudged, ordered and decreed, that the deft do deliver to the plaintiff the land recovered by the decree made in this cause |
Writ of possession. |
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cause, on the day of September in the year 1799, whereof the said J.S. is convict as appears to us of record; therefore we command you that the said NK his possession of the lands in the County of Berkeley, you cause to have, and how you execute this our writ make known to our Judge of our high Court of Ch.y. at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term ~ returning to us this writ Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Write of Habere Facias possessionem. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia; to the Sheriff of County, Whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery between J.J appellant and and M.R appellee. upon an appeal from a decree of the County Court of Ohio on the day of April in the year of our lord 1797. It was decreed and ordered that the said J.J. convey and deliver to the said M.R the land in the bill ~ mentioned, and that the said M.R. be quieted in possession thereof against the claim of the said J.J. and all persons claiming under him; whereof the said JJ. is convict as appears to us of record; therefore we command you that the said M.R. his possession of 350 acres of land lying and being in the County of Ohio, and bounded by the lands of C.P. &c. with the appurtenances you cause to have, and how you execute this Writ make known to our Judge of our said Court at Richmond on the first day of the next term, returning to us this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Writ of Injunction to stay Waste. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia Th.s &c. Jam.s Ott, their agents, workmen, ~ labourers and servants, and each and every of them, and the Sheriff of Ohio County, greeting: whereas it hath been represented to our high Court of Ch.y in a certain cause then depending, wherein A.B. is plaintiff and you the said Thomas and James Ott are defendants, on the part of the said plaintiff that the said |
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Thomas and James Ott, by their slaves, servants and labourers are committing great waste and destruction on the tract of land (here describe the land) We therefore in consideration of the premises aforesaid, do strictly injoin and command you the said C.D. your workmen, labourers, servants and all and every of you, that you and every of you, do from henceforth altogether absolutely desist from clearing or felling any timber or other growth on the aforesaid land, or from building cultivating, selling or medling with the said land, or reaping, mowing or removing any thing on or from the premises until the further order of this Court to the contrary: we also command you the said Sheriff to summon the said Thomas and James Ott to appear before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to answer the bill of the plaintiff in the suit ~ aforesaid, and this they shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100. each and have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Jailor of Henrico County, greeting: We command you that the body of A.B. detained in our prison under your custody, as it is said together with the day and cause of his being taken and detained by whatsoever name he may be called in the same you have under safe and secure conduct before G. Wythe Judge of the high Court of Chy. in Richmond in the County of Henrico or before any one of the Judges of the General Court; immediately after the receipt of this writ, Witness George Wythe Judge, and by whom this writ is awarded, according to the act of ~ assembly directing the mode of suing out and prosecuting writs of Habeas Corpus, the day of July 1802. G. Wythe Mem.o The prisoner is to pay five dollars for bringing him up, and to give security |
Writ of Habeas Corpus. |
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security for payment of the like sum for carrying him back in case he be remanded and security in the sum of two hundred dollars that he will not escape by the way. G. Wythe ____________ |
Discharge of AB. brought before the Judge of the high court of Chancery by Habeas Corpus who was detained in our Jail by atta: for his contempt |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the sheriff of Ohio County, greeting: A.B. on the day of March, in the year 1802 who was brought before me the under written by virtue of the Commonwealths writ of Habeas Corpus directed to you the said sheriff and bearing teste at Richmond the day of July 1802, having made affidavit in due form, that he had performed so much of the decree pronounced by the high Court of Ch.y in the case between AB plaintiff and C.D. and E.F. defendants the day of May in the year 1799, as he was thereby required to perform, and that he hath not been guilty of any contempt to the said Court; we ~ command you that you deliver the said A.B out of your custody, in ~ which he is detained for a contempt, in not performing the said decree; but this liberate is not to discharge the said AB absolutely from the said decree, unless the aforesaid GH. having timely notice of a motion for that purpose, shall fail on same day of the next succeeding term, to shew that the said AB. had been guilty of the contempt, in the premises, with which way he stands charged. Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of July 1802: G. Wythe {Seal} ____________ |
Form of the Judges certificate on the prisoners being remanded. |
Virginia to wit. Let all men, who are or may be concerned, in what followeth, know, that I. G. Wythe Judge of the high Court of Chy., before whom was brought, in obedience to the precept called habeas corpus, AB in custody of CD. keeper of Goal of Petersburg, to which the prisoner had been committed, accused of a felony alleged to have been |
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been perpetrated by him in South Carolina, being of opinion after hearing what he had to say, and considering his case, that no cause for liberating him hath been shewn, do remand him: and that, exercising my office of a peace conserator to prevent his escape or rescous, to effect which an attempt is apprehended. I do authorize the said Jailor to impress men sufficient to aid him in guarding the prisoner and conducting him to the Goal aforesaid, and do require those who shall be so impressed to perform that duty. In testimony whereof I subscribe my name, and have caused the seal of the said Court to be appended hereunto this day of July in the year 1802: liberty is reserved to the prisoner to demand a writ of Habeas Corpus of any Judge empowered by law to award and grant it in case he shall be advised or shall think, that he hath already shewn, or can hereafter shew, good cause for his discharge. ____________ |
The Commonwealth of Virginia, to the Sheriff of County, greeting: you are hereby command to summon, AB to appear before C.D.E.F.&c.G.H. at the courthouse in the county of Augusta, on the day of August next, then and there to be examined, and to depose their knowledge on behalf of C.D. in a certain matter of controversy now depending in our high court of chancery between the said CD. plaintiff and E.F. defendant, and this he shall in no wise ~ omit under the penalty of £100. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commwlth. ____________ |
Subpoena to summon witnesses to appear before magistrates to be examined. |
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Executions The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in the hands of C.D. administrator .&c. of the said A.B. to be administered in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of $26 which to E.F. late in our high ~ Court of Chancery were adjudged for his Costs by him expended in defending a certain suit in chancery at the suit of the said A.B. which suit by decree of our said Court pronounced the 2.d day of March, in the year 1799 was dismissed with costs, which costs since the death of the said A.B. on a writ of Scire facias sued out of our said Court to revive the said decree by the said E.F against the said C.D. administrator as aforesaid were adjudged and ordered by our said Court to be paid by the said C.D. administrator as aforesaid out of the goods and chattels and credits of the said A.B. in his hands to be administered, also of the same goods and chattels you cause to be made twenty dollars which to the said E.F in the same Court were adjudged for his costs by him expended in suing forth and prosecuting the said Subpoena Scire facias. ____________ |
Execution for Costs on a decree revived by Scire facias. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in the hands of C.D. his executor to be administered in your bailiwick you cause to be made £150 which to E.F late in our high Court of Chancery were decreed and ordered to be paid; also you cause to be made twenty two dollars which to the said E.F. late in our said Court of Chancery were adjudged for his costs by him expended as well in prosecuting a certain suit in Chy against the said A.B. as in prosecuting a subpoena adrevivendum against the said C.D. executor as aforesaid: whereof the said C.D. is convict as appears to |
Execution on a decree of the high court of Chancery and for Costs in the County Court. |
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to us of record, and that you have the same before the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to render unto the said E.F. the money and Costs aforesaid and have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at. Richmond the day of May 1799 and in the year of the Comwlth. ____________ |
Execution for different Costs in different Courts. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in your ~ bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of £225. which to C.D. late in our Court of appeals by the reason of the appeal of the said A.B. from a decree of our high Court of Chancery, was decreed and ordered to be paid also twenty two dollars which to the said C.D. in said Court were adjudged for his costs by him expended in defending the said appeal, as appears by the certified copy thereof, which by our said high Court of Chancery was decreed and ordered accordingly: Also the goods and chattels of A.B. you cause to be made fifteen dollars, which to the said C.D. in the same Court were adjudged for his costs by him expended in the prosecution of his said appeal: whereof the said A.B. is convict as appears to us of record And that you have the same before the Judge of our said high Court of ~ Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, to render unto the said C.D. of the money and costs aforesaid. And have them there this Writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Execution for Costs in the County Court High Court of Chancery and Court of Appeals. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, of A.B. in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of twenty four dollars which to C.D. |
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C.D. administrator of E.F. late in our high Court of Chancery were adjudged for the Costs by him and his intestate expended, as well in defending a certain suit in chancery in the County Court of Augusta at the suit of the said A.B. as in prosecuting the appeal of the said E.F. from the ~ decree aforesaid county court to our high Court of Chancery; and the appeal of the said C.D. administrator aforesaid from the decree of our said high Court of Chancery to the Court of Appeals: whereof the said A.B. is convict as appears to us of record. And that you have the same before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to render unto the said C.D. admor &c. of the costs aforesaid, and have then there this writ. Witness P.T. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of twenty four dollars, which to CD. late in our high Court of Chancery were adjudged for his costs by him expended in depending a certain suit in chancery in the said county Court at the suit of the said A.B. as by the inspection of the record and proceedings thereupon which before the Judge of our high Court of Chy by reason of the appeal of the said C.D. from the decree aforesaid, were lately sent to us appeareth, and which decree by our said high Court of Chy is in all things reversed; also you cause to be made the sum of nineteen dollars which to the said C.D. in our said high Court of Chancery were adjudged for his costs by him expended in prosecuting the said appeal whereof |
Execution for costs in the County Court. |
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whereof the said A.B. is convict as appears to us of record, and that you have the same before the Judge of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802 and in the year of the Commonwealth, ____________ |
Execution for costs of appeal to the high Court of Chancery. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, Greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of twenty four dollars, which to C.D. late in our high Court of Chancery were adjudged for his costs by him expended in prosecuting an appeal from a decree of the County Court of Augusta, pronounced the 23.d day of May 1797, in a suit then depending in the said Court between J.H plaintiff and A.L. defendant which decree by our said high court of Chancery is reversed and the case aforesaid ~ remitted to the said County Court, to be there further proceeded in, whereof the said L.D. is convict as appears to us of record and that you have the same before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to render unto the said A.B. of the Costs aforesaid And have then there this Writ. Witness P.T Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
Execution for Costs in the County Court and high Court of Chancery. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County, greeting, you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of twenty seven dollars which to C.D. late in our County Court of Bath were adjudged for his costs by him expended in ~ prosecuting a certain suit in chancery in the said County Court against the said A.B. as by the inspection of the record and process thereupon, which before the |
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the Judge of our high Court of Chancery by reason of the appeal of the said A.B. from the decree aforesaid were lately sent to us appeareth, and which in our said high Court of Chancery is in all things affirmed; also you cause to be made the sum of twenty dollars which to the said C.D. in our said high court of Chancery were adjudged for his costs by him expended in defending the said appeal whereof the said A.B. is convict as appears to us of record, and that you have the same before the Judge of our said high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to render unto the said C.D. of the costs aforesaid, and have then there this Writ. Witness P.D. Clerk of our said Court at Richmond the day of July 1802, and in the year of the Commonwealth. ____________ |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of county greeting: Whereas in a suit lately depending in our high court of chancery between A.B plaintiff and C.D defendant at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of March in the year 1799, our said court did adjudge, order and decree, that C.D. should pay unto the plaintiff the sum of two hundred pounds with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five per Centum per annum from the day of May 1795, till payment, whereof the said C.D. is convict as appears to us of record. And the said AB hath chosen to have delivered to him all the goods and chattels of the said C.D. saving only the oxen and beasts of his plough, and also a moiety of all his lands and tenements in your bailiwick to have and to hold the goods and chattels aforesaid as his own proper goods, and the said moiety as his freehold to him and his assigns until he shall have levied thereof the money and costs aforesaid. Therefore we command you that you cause to be delivered all the goods and chattels of the said C.D. saving the oxen and beasts of his plough, and also a moiety of |
Writ of Elegit. |
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of all the lands and tenements in your bailiwick, whereof he at the day of obtaining the decree was seized, or at any time afterwards, by reasonable price and extent to have and to hold the said goods and chattels to him the said AB as his own proper goods and chattels and the said moiety as his freehold, to him and his assigns until he shall have been levied thereof the money and costs aforesaid, and that you certify our Judge under your own seal and the seals of those by whose oath you shall make this extent and appraisement, how you execute this Writ on the first day of the next term. And have then there this Writ. Witness &c. ____________ |
Execution on a forthcoming bond. |
The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff of County greeting: you are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of A.B. in your bailiwick you cause to be made the sum of £60. which C.D. late in our high Court of Chancery hath recovered against him for the penalty of a bond taken for the forthcoming of property, also $17: 76 which to the said C.D. in the same Court were adjudged for his costs by him in that behalf expended: Whereof the said A.B. is convict as appears to us of record, and that you have the same before the Judge of our high Court of Chancery at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on the first day of the next term to render unto the said C.D. the money and costs aforesaid. And have then there this writ. Witness &c. ____________ Memorandum. This execution is to be discharged by the payment of £30 with interest thereon to be computed after the rate of five per Centum per annum from day of July 1802, till payment and the Costs within mentioned. Teste A.B. Clk No security of any kind whatever is to be taken A.B. Clk ____________ |
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Rules of Court. Ordered that it be an instruction to the Clerk of this Court to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses de bene esse at any time after the plaintiff has filed his bill whether the answer be filed or not, and before the suit is set for hearing, upon either parties producing such an affidavit as will at present intitle the plaintiff thereto before the answer is filed. ____________ |
Order of Court respecting commissions. |
On consideration of the rule in the act in October Session 1787, that whenever a Subpoena in chancery is returned executed, the plaintiff shall within three months thereafter file his bill, and if he fails so to do, within that period, the suit shall stand ipso facto dismissed with costs: the court is of opinion that the said rule is applicable to every suit whensoever commenced, in which the subpoena was returned and passing the act, and not to causes wherein the subpoena was returned before, and that the three months within which the plaintiff is required to file his bill shall be computed from the end of the first rule day after the return day of the Subpoena. The Clerk is therefore ordered to reinstate all suits dismissed contrary to this construction and to proceed therein according to the act of 1777. ____________ |
Rule of court respecting the return of Subpoenas. |
It is ordered that it be a standing rule of this Court that in cases where sureties in bonds executed upon obtaining injunctions became insufficient in the progress of the suit, the injunctions shall be dissolved unless the plaintiff give other sufficient securities at the time to be appointed in particular instances. ____________ |
Rule of Court respecting securities to Injunctions. |
The Court doth order that exceptions to reports of the commissioner with the grounds of exceptions and extracts of books, papers and evidences relied upon to maintain them be stated in writing and filed in the commissioners office within such |
Rule of Court respecting exceptions to commissioners reports. |
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such time as he shall limit, which he may enlarge for good cause shewn to be transmitted by them with any remarks he may think proper to make to the Judge of this court, and that the like exceptions to the reports to the reports of commissioners in the country be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, within a reasonable time to be determined by the Court and by him transmitted to the said Judge. ____________ |
Rule of court respecting the dismission of suits. |
The Court doth order the bills in all suits depending at the rules to be dismissed unless the plaintiffs by themselves, or their counsil, do appear and prosecute the same before, on the first rule day after the next term. ____________ |
Rule of Court. respecting Orders directing Issues. |
The Court doth order all orders directing trials of Issues at law in which no verdicts have been or shall be certified to be discharged unless cause be shown to the contrary sometime in the next term. ____________ |
Rule of court directing papers read here to be read on trial of the issues |
That the papers read at the hearing of any cause in this Court be read on trial of an issue directed before the court of common law, to avail there as much as they ought to avail here ____________ |
Rule of Court respecting motions to dissolve. ~ Injunctions. |
That notices of motions to dissolve injunctions shall be deemed sufficient if lodged with the Clerk of the Court a reasonable time before each such motion and the Clerk shall keep a book a book wherein such motions shall be entered, distinguishing therein at what time the notice is lodged and the day the motion is to be made, for the inspection of the counsil: no motion shall be admitted for dissolving an injunction unless the answer shall have been filed before the commencement of the term in which the motion is offered, except in cases of injunctions granted within three months preceding such term. ____________ |
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That in all cases where any accounts are directed to be made up that the auditors be directed to proceed exparte on one months notice being given to that party who shall not attend, provided that the auditors may for good cause shown give a further day and reserving to the absent party the priviledge of shewing shewing cause against the report upon the return thereof to the Court. ____________ |
Rule of Court respecting the examination of accounts |
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Bonds. Know all men by these presents that we J.B. and C.D. are held and firmly bound unto B.C in the just and full sum of one hundred dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made to the said B.C his certain attorney his heirs executors, administrators or assigs we bind ourselves our being executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by the presents sealed with our goals and dated. this august 1802. The Condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above AB who hath instituted a suit in the high Court of Chancery. against the said B.C. do and shall from time to time pay all such costs as he shall incur in the prosecution of the said suit, and moreover well and truly pay unto the said B.C all such legal costs as he may incur in his defence thereof, in case the said JB shall be cast therein and condemned to pay the same, then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue.
Bond for Costs the plaintiff being a non resident of this Commonwealth. | ||
county |
Bond upon an injunction obtained by a pauper. |
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County Court, until the further order of the high Court of Chancery. Now if the above John Davis do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid aid unto the above named John Hamilton all such damages and costs as he may sustain by occasion of the issuing the writ aforesaid, in case the injunction aforesaid be dissolved, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue.
____________ | ||
Bond upon an injunction to restrain the defendant from proceeding on a writ of forcible entry and detainer |
Kow all men by these presents that we &c. (the obligation as before). The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound H.A. hath obtained from the Judge of the high Court of Chancery a writ of injunction to restrain. J.R his agents and all others concerned from further proceeding on a warrant in the nature of a writ of forcible entry and detainer (or forcible detainer only) issued for the purpose of dispossessing the said H.A. of a parcel of land lying &c. (here describe the land) purchased by him of J.B. until the further order of this Court. Now if the said H.A shall well and truly satisfy and pay unto J.R. as aforesaid all costs which he may incur about his defence of the said injunction, if it shall be determined to have been awarded improperly, then the above obligation to be void else to remain full force and virtue.
____________ | ||
Bond upon an appeal on a Supersedeas to a decree of the County Court. |
Know all by their presents that &c. (the obligation as before) The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound G.G. hath obtained an appeal from and a writ of supersedes to a decree of the County Court of Amherst obtained by the forenamed R.C against the said G. |
Page 83
G.G. the day of July in the year 1799, Now of the said G.G. shall prosecute the said appeal and supersedeas with effect or shall well and truly perform the decree of the said County Court, and pay all such damages and costs as shall be awarded against him by the high Court of Chancery, in case the said decree be affirmed then the above obligation to be void or else to ~ remain in full force and virtue.
____________ |
| ||
Know all by these presents that &c. (the obligation as before) The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Z.J. hath prayed and obtained an appeal from a decree of the high Court of Chancery pronounced the day of May 1799, in a suit then depending in the said court between the said Z.J plaintiff and J.B. defendant. Now if the said Z.J. shall effectually prosecute the said appeal and perform the said decree, and pay all such damages and costs as shall be awarded against him by the Court of Appeals in case the said decree be affirmed then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
____________ |
Bond upon an appeal from a decree of the high Court of Chancery to the Court of appeals | ||
Know all men by these presents &c. (the obligation as before) The condition of the obligation is such that whereas the above bound W.G. hath obtained an injunction from the Judge of the high Court of Chancery to inhibit the above bound. AS. his agents, workmen, laborers, servants and slaves and each and every of them, from cultivating, felling, cutting down or removing any timber, or other trees growing or being in or upon (here describe the land) until the further order of this Court, Now if |
Bond upon an injunction to stay Waste. |
Page 84
if the said W.G. shall prosecute the said injunction with effect, or shall well and truly pay unto the said A.S. all such damages and costs as he may ~ sustain by the suing forth the said injunction then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue.
____________ | ||
Bond to discharge attached effects. |
Know all men by these presents &c. &c. (the obligation in before. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas in a suit depending in the high Court of Chancery between D.H. plaintiff and T. and C defendants on the day of September in the year of our lord 1801, the said Court ordered the effects of the said defendant T. in the hands of the other defendant to be discharged from the attachment in the said suit, upon security being given on behalf of the said T in the penalty of two thousand dollars with condition to perform the decree of the court therein. Now if the said T. shall well and truly stand to abide by and perform such decree as may be made by the said high Court of Chancery in the suit above ~ mentioned, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue
____________ | ||
Bond upon a writ of No Exeat. |
Know all men by these presents that &c. &c. (the obligation as before) The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas N.H. hath prayed and obtained from the Judge of the high Court of Chancery the Commonwealth writ of No Exat to prevent the above named M.H departing this Commonwealth without entering into bond in the penalty of four thousand dollars to abide such decree as shall be made by the Court of Hastings of the |
Page 85
the Borough of Norfolk in a suit there depending between the said N.H, plt, and M.H. defendant, Now if the said N.H shall satisfy and pay unto the said M.H all such damages and Costs, which he the said M.H shall sustain by occasion of the issuing the writ aforesaid in case the same shall be quashed then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue.
____________ |
| ||
Know all men by the presents that &c. &c. (the obligation as before) The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas in a suit lately depending in the high Court of Chancery between the above bound J.D. plaintiff and G and M partners and druggists and J.C defendants, on the day of May, 1802, it was by the said Court decreed and ordered (here insert decree) Now if the said J.D. shall well and truly stand to and abide by and perform such future order or decree as may be made by the said high court of Chancery for returning the money recovered, to the defendants, to the defendants, to the defts G and M. if they claim the same and be adjudged entitled thereto, then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue. ____________ |
Bond to perform the future decree of the Court against absentees. | ||
Know all men by these presents that &c. (the obligation as before). The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound S.F. did on the day of June 1800 obtain’d from the high court of chancery leave to file a bill in the said Court for reviewing the decree and proceedings in a suit lately depending therein between C.W and AC plaintiff and the above bound S.F defendant, and an order that the said C.W. and AC should cease from further proceeding in execution of the decree pronounced in the said suit on the 23.rd day of May 1800, till further order of this Court. Now if the said S.F. shall well and truly satisfy and perform such decree as may be |
Bond upon a reviewed decree. |
Page 86
be made by the said Court on the review aforesaid, then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and virtue
____________ | ||
Affidavit of the Security to all bonds executed in the Office. |
Note. Parties entering into bonds similar to the foregoing are required by law to make the following affidavit: as also one or more of the witnesses thereto. Affidavit to be made by the Security to the bond Henrico Sc.t This day AB. came before me and made oath that his estate, after the payment of all his just debts, is worth one thousand dollars, the penalty of the within bond. Given under my hand this day of August, 1802. CD. ____________ | ||
Affidavit of the Witness |
Affidavit to be made by the Witness Henrico Sc.t This day W.C came before me and made Oath that the obligors to the within bond; to which he hath subscribed his name as a witness, ~ acknowledged the same in his presence to be their act and deed. Given under my hand this day of August 1802. CD. ____________ |
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Page 88
Page 89
Appeal. Virginia At a high court of Chancery held on at the Capitol in the City of Richmond on Monday the first day of September in the year our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty fourth year of the Commonwealth. Before The honorable George Wythe Judge of the said court be it remembered that heretofore, to wit, at a high Court of Chancery holden on at the Capitol aforesaid, the day of March in the year of our Lord 1798, James Henry, by John Wickham his counsil sued out of the Clerks office of the said Court, a writ of subpoena against James M.cCraw, which said writ followeth in these words. to wit “The Commonwealth of Virginia to the Sheriff &c.” On which the sheriff made the following return. “Executed.” At a rule day appointed and held in the office of the said Court the 19th day of May, 1798, The said James Henry by his said attorney filed his bill of complaint against the said James M.cCraw, which said bill followeth in these words to wit. ‘To the honorable the Judge &c.. At a rule day appointed and held in the office of the said Court in the month of July 1798, further time given. . At a rule day appointed and held in the office of the said Court in the month of August 1798, on the motion of the plaintiff by his counsil an Attachment is awarded against the said defendant, which said attachment followeth in these words. “The Commonwealth of Virginia &c. On which the sheriff made the following return “Executed” And at rules holden in the Office of the said Court in the month of Novr 1798 |
Page 90
1798, the defendant appeared by counsil and put in the following answer which said answer followeth in these words to wit: The answer of &c. and at Rules holden in the office of the said Court in the month of Jany 1799. The plaintiff by his counsil replied generally to the foregoing answer, and the cause being at issue divers witnesses were sworn and examined therein and their depositions duly and regularly taken and published according to the usual course of this honorable Court which depositions followeth in these words. The depositions &c. And at Rules holden in the office of the said Court this month of June 1799, This cause on motion of the plaintiff by his counsil was set for hearing. And at high court of Chancery holden at the Capitol aforesaid the tenth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. This cause on to be heard upon the bill, answer exhibits and examinations of witnesses and was argued by counsil: on consideration whereof the court doth adjudge, order and decree, that &c. from which decree the defendant prayed an appeal which is allowed him on his entering into bond with sufficient security in the Clerks office of this court in the penalty of one hundred dollars within one month from this day with such condition as the law requires. Which he has accordingly done. The exhibits filed in the Cause as follow. This Indenture made this day of May 1795 &c. ____________ |
Index Page 1
| ||
Bill taken for confessed and account of administration directed } | 38 | |
Page | Bill dismissed with Costs | 40 | |
Attached effects discharged | 23 | Bill taken for confessed | 45 |
Attachment awarded against a witness refusing to be examined as a witness } | 23 | Bond for Costs the plaintiff being as non resident of this Commonwealth } | 81 |
Account of administration directed | 25 | Bond upon an Injunction obtained by a pauper } | 81 |
Account on motion to dissolve directed | 25 | Bond upon an Injunction to restrain the deft from proceeding on a writ of forcible entry and detainer | 82 |
Appeal dismissed for want of Jurisdiction | 42 | Bond upon an appeal on a Writ of Supersedeas to a decree of the County Court | 82 |
Appeal dismissed the record being produced by the appellee } | 43 | Bond upon an appeal on a Writ of Supersedeas to a decree of the County Court | 82 |
Accounts referred to Arbitrators | 46 | Bond upon an appeal from a decree of the high Court of Chancery to the Court of Appeals | 83 |
Attachment for not performing decree | 47 | Bond upon an Injunction to stay Waste | 83 |
Attachment against a witness for failing to appear before Commissioner } | 54 | Bond to discharge Attached effects | 84 |
Attachment for performing an order of Court } | 55 | Bond upon a Writ of No Exeat | 84 |
Affidavit of securities to bonds | 86 | Bond to perform the future decree of the court in cases of absentees | 85 |
Affidavit of Witness to bonds | 86 | Bond upon a bill of review | 85 |
Bill taken for confessed against and Subpoena to revive being executed } | 30 | Certiorari awarded on Security being given | 29 |
Bill taken for confessed against absentees and account directed } | 38 | Commissioners appointed to allot dower | 31 |
Bill of Interpleader filed and receiver appointed } | 38 | Certiorari awarded | 46 |
Certificate of dismission at the rules for want of the Bill | 51 |
Index Page 2
Page | Page | ||
Certificate of dismission at the rules for at the rules for want of Security for Costs | 51 | Decree Set aside, report recommitted the deft ordered to deliver the books and papers and the suit not to abate by the death of either of the parties | 30 |
Certificate that the bond required on obtaining an Injunction is given | 51 | Decree suspended and report recommitted | 35 |
Certiorari Writ of | 60 | Decree reviewed, and affirmed and bill dismissed with Costs | |
Certiorari on an Appeal | 61 | Decree against absent deft and division of land ordered | 36 |
Certiorari | 61 | Demurrer overruled, the deft ordered to answer and the cause Sent to the rules | 40 |
Commission of partition | 63 | Decree on a forthcoming bond | 41 |
Certificate of the Judge of the high Court of Chancery on the discharge of a prisoner bought before him by virtue of a writ of Habeas Corpus | 68 | Dismission of the rules set aside | 42 |
Certificate of the Judge remanding the prisoner to Jail | 68 | Decree on foreign Attachment against absentees | 48 |
Decree to foreclose a Mortgage | 49 | |
Decree of the County Court reversed; cause retained, Supplemental bill and answer and Gene Repe Commission | 29 | ||
Demurrer overruled and account ordered | 11 | ||
Decree reversed cause remitted to the county court to be there further proceeded in | 16 | ||
Decree of the County Court reversed and bill dismissed with Costs | 17 | |
Decree making injunction perpetual in part and dismissing bill as to the residue | 19 | ||
Decree dissolving injunction as to part and perpetuating the same as to the residue | 19 | Exceptions overruled and report confirmed | 40 |
Decree affirming with costs the decree of the County Court | 20 | Elegit Writ of | 75 |
Demurrer overruled and deft ordered to answer | 29 |
Index Page 3
Page | |
Page |
Fieri facias on a decree reviewed by Scire facias | 71 | Injunction to part of a judgment obtained by assignees | 1 |
Fieri facias on a decree of the high Court of Chancery and for costs in the County Court | 71 | Injunction to a judgment against Sheriff and securities | 2 |
Fieri facias for Costs in different Courts | 72 | Injunction to a Judgment on a forthcoming bond | 2 |
Fieri facias for costs in the County Court, high Court of Chancery, and Court of Appeals | 72 | Injunction to a Judgment on a forthcoming bond against the plt and securities for the delivery of property at the day of sale | 2 |
Fieri facias facing for Costs in the County Court | 73 | Injunction to a judgment in a forthcoming bond as to 8 years Interest | 2 |
Fieri facias for Costs of appeal to the high Court of Chancery | 74 | Injunction to a Judgment in a forthcoming bond, which Judgment was affirmed on an appeal to the district Court | 2 |
Injunction to executions now in the Sheriffs hands | 3 | |
Injunction to a Judgment and to a bond given in virtue of our execution sued out on the said Judgment | 3 | ||
Injunction to inhibit the Sergeant from proceeding to distrain for surveyors fees | 4 | ||
Injunction prohibiting trustee from proceeding to sell trust property | 5 | ||
Injunction to part of a Judgment obtained by assignees | 5 | ||
Injunction to continue to the end of a certain period then to cease unless cause be shown to the contrary after giving notice to the deft as is required | 5 | ||
Injunction to a Judgment and to two others to be confessed in the actions now depending in Court | 6 | ||
Habera Facias possession Writ of | 66 | ||
Habeas Corpus Writ of | 67 |
Index Page 4
Page | |||
Injunction to two Judgments specifying the sums injoined | 6 | Issue directed before another Court | 33 |
Injunction inhibiting commissioners from proceeding to sell land | 7 | Injunction awarded after part of the money had been received | 39 |
Injunctions to Judgments obtained agt the plt in different characters and in different Courts | 7 | Injunction abated as to one deft, heard as to the other, made perpetual in part and bill dismissed as to the residue | 41 |
Injunction upon plts confessing Judgment | 8 | Injunction dissolved | 44 |
Injunction to Judgment as a forthcoming bond | 8 | Issue directed | 46 |
Injunction to Judgments obtained in different Courts | 9 | Injunction to a Judgment awarded | 49 |
Injunction to two Judgments the sums recovered by the said Judgments being specified | 9 | Injunction to stay Waste | 66 |
Issue directed to be made up to try certain facts and the cause remitted to the County Court | 13 | |
Issue directed upon motion to dissolve the injunction, leave given the deft to plead to the declaration on which the Judgment was rendered and the Verdict to be Certified | 14 | ||
Issue directed [&.c] | 18 | ||
Injunction awarded on Attachment | 20 | ||
Injunction made perpetual as to £ , and deft A. ordered to pay £10 18 8 ¾ to deft T | 21 | |
Issue directed | 24 | ||
Issue directed respecting a will | 28 | Lunacy Writ of | 64 |
Issue directed on motion to dissolve and leave given the deft to give in evidence discounts | 32 |
Index Page 5
Order suspending the execution of a decree discharged | Page | |
34 | |||
Mandamus writ of | 64 | Order discharging suspension of the execution of a decree upon certain conditions | 35 |
Order taking bill for confessed set aside | ||
43 | |||
Order reviewing decree the Subpoena Scire facias being executed | 47 | ||
Order reviewing suit by consent | 48 | ||
Order allowing petition of appeal, and awarding Supersedes and a Writ of Certiorari | 22 | Plea to stand as an answer and leave given the deft to put in a further answer | 12 |
Order reviving suit in scire facias | 22 | Petition and allotment directed and report to be made | 12 |
Order directing proceedings in the nature of a writ of enquiry to be had if the defendant refuse to join the issue directed by a former order | 24 | Plea to stand for an answer | 17 |
Order taking bill for confessed in case of absentees and decree for conveyance | 26 | Partition directed and leave to make other parties | 38 |
Order requiring defts to show cause why the plt should not have the benefit of his injunction without giving security | 26 | Property restored | 25 |
Order directing absentees land to be allotted and assigned by comrs | 27 | Partition directed if the deft shall fail to perform certain stipulations | 27 |
Order directing another trial of the issue and leave given to amend the plea to the declaration | 31 | Publication | 43 |
Partition directed and report to be made | 44 | ||
Index Page 6
Page | Page | ||
Review | 4 | Subpoena in Chancery | 1 |
Report recommitted with exceptions | 14 | Scire facias executed suit revived | 22 |
Report recommitted | 15 | Subpoena executed order to revive | 22 |
Report confirmed. Injunction dissolved in part and made perpetual in part | 18 | Scire facias executed decree out of date revived | 32 |
Report confirmed and a sum of money decreed to be paid | 45 | Supersedeas in cases where the bonds are executed in the Office | 53 |
Rule of Court respecting commissions | 77 | Supersedeas awarded to a decree of the high Court of Chancery and appeal allowed on petition | 53 |
Rule of Court respecting the return of Subpoenas | 77 | Supersedeas to a decree of the high court of Chancery | 54 |
Rule of Court respecting Securities to injunctions | 77 | Scire facias to review a decree of the County Court in the name of the appellants representatives | 55 |
Rule of Court respecting exceptions to commissioners reports | 77 | Scire facias to revive in the names of the executors of the plt and against the executors of the deft | 56
Rule of Court respecting the dismission of suits | 78 | Scire facias to revive an appeal the appellant being dead, his exors refuse to qualify and admor committed to E.F. | 57
Rule of Court respecting orders directing Issues | 78 | Scire facias to revive the plt dies intestate | 57
Rule of Court directing papers read here to be read on trial of the issue | 78 | Scire facias to revive a decree that is out of date | 58
Rule of Court respecting motions to dissolve Injunctions | 78 | Scire facias to revive | 59
Rule of Court respecting the examination of accounts | 79 | Sequestration Writ of | 62 |
Subpoena to Summon Witness to appear before a magistrate to be examined | 69 | ||
Index Page 7
| |||
| |||
Venue changed | 15 |
| |
Venue changed a transcript of the record of the former Court directed to be transmitted to the latter Court | 33 |
| |
| |||
Witness attendance | 21 | ||
Witness allowance for attending before a Commissioner | 22 | ||
Writ of Sequestration | 62 | ||
Writ of Lunacy | 62 | ||
Writ of Mandamus | 64 | ||
Writ of possession and Fi: Fa | 65 | ||
Writ of possession | 65 | ||
Writ of Habeas Facias possession | 66 | ||
Writ of Waste | 66 | ||
Writ of Habeas Corpus | 67 | ||
See also
- ↑ "Legal form book of Peter Tinsley, clerk of the High Court of Chancery," George Wythe Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
- ↑ Maya Jasanoff, "What Happened To British Loyalists After The Revolutionary War?" interviewed by Rachel Martin, NPR, July 3, 2015.
- ↑ "Fieri Facias," Cornell Law School LII Wex, accessed October 27, 2017,
- ↑ "Scire Facias," Collins English Dictionary, accessed October 27, 2017,
- ↑ Richard G. Suhan and Sean P. Costello, The Appeal Bond—What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Needs to Be Factored Into Your Litigation Strategy (Jones Day, accessed October 27, 2017)
- ↑ 104 pounds, 10 shillings.
External links
- Read this book in the Digital Archive, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.