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National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.), 15 December 1806, 2.[1]
Article text, 15 December 1806
Page 2
The liegislature of Virginia has confirmed the appointment of Creed Taylor, esq. as successor to the late venerable Judge Wythe, in the high court of chancery.
Richmond, Dec. 3.
Virginia Legislature.
On motion, Resolved unanimously, as a testimonial of respect for the character of our illustrious fellow citizen, George Wythe, who to his latest moment devoted to the service of his country those pre-eminent talents and distinguished virtues, which at a most perilous crisis, were with manly firmness and incorruptible patriotism exerted to obtain for her the inestimable blessing of freedom—That the members of this house will for one month wear a badge of mourning.