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Introduction and summary.<ref>"Journal of the Meetings of the President &amp; Masters of William &amp; Mary's College." [https://n2t.net/ark:/81220/w2t727z35 Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784,] Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries.</ref>
Introduction and summary.<ref>"Journal of the Meetings of the President &amp; Masters of William &amp; Mary's College." [https://n2t.net/ark:/81220/w2t727z35 Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784,] Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries.</ref>
==Document text, 29 December 1779==
==Meeting Minutes, 29 December 1779==
===Page 280===
===Page 280===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp280.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," December 29, 1779. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 280, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-285-96 image 285]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp280.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 29, 1779. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-285-96 image 285]).]]
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==Document text, 30 December 1779==
==30 December 1779==
===Page 281===
===Page 281===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp281.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Faculty Minute Book, December 30, 1779. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-286-95 image 286]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp281.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 30, 1779. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-286-95 image 286]).]]
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==Document text, 2 February 1780==
==2 February 1780==
===Page 282===
===Page 282===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp282.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," February 2, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 282, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-287-94 image 287]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp282.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, February 2, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-287-94 image 287]).]]
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==Document text, 17 March 1780==
==17 March 1780==
===Page 283===
===Page 283===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp283.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 17, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-288-94 image 288]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp283.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," March 17, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 283, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-288-94 image 288]).]]
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==Document text, 23 May 1780==
==23 May 1780==
===Page 284===
===Page 284===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp284.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," May 23, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 284, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-289-94 image 289]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp284.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, May 23, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-289-94 image 289]).]]
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==Document text, 20 May 1780==
==20 May 1780==
===Page 285===
===Page 285===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp285.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," May 20, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 285, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-290-94 image 290]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp285.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, May 20, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-290-94 image 290]).]]
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==Document text, 27 June 1780==
==27 June 1780==
===Page 286===
===Page 286===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp286.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," June 27, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 286, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-291-92 image 291]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp286.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, June 27, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-291-92 image 291]).]]
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==Document text, 14 December 1780==
==14 December 1780==
===Page 287===
===Page 287===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp287.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," December 14, 1780. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 287, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-292-91 image 292]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp287.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 14, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-292-91 image 292]).]]
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==Document text, n.d.==
===Page 288===
===Page 288===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp288.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," n.d. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 288, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-293-89 image 293]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp288.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-293-89 image 293]).]]
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==Document text, 7 March 1781==
==7 March 1781==
===Page 289===
===Page 289===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp289.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," March 7, 1781. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 289, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-294-89 image 294]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp289.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-294-89 image 294]).]]
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==Document text, 7 March 1781==
==7 March 1781==
===Page 290 & 291===
===Page 290===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp290.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," March 7, 1781. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 290, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-295-88 image 295]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp290.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-295-88 image 295]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp291.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," March 7, 1781. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 291, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-296-87 image 296]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp291.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-296-87 image 296]).]]
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Praeses et Professores Universitatis seu Collegii Gulielmi et Mariae in Virginia omnibus ad quos praesentes literae pervenerint Salutem. Cum eo gradus academici instituti fuerint, ut viri, de Academia, de republica optime meriti, seu in nostrae matris educati gremio, seu bonarum artium disciplinis aliunde eruditi, istis insignibus ornarentur; sciatis, quod nos gradu doctoris in jure civili libenter studioseq, collato, testamur quanti facimus DOMINUM DE CHASTELLUX, e strategis regis christianissimi & sociis quadragenis Academiae gallicanae coetibus philosophicis Philadelphiae Bostoniaeq virum stirpe nobili ortum ; literis interioribus et reconditis imbutum, et quum pacis artibus tum belli rebus gestis inclytum; Libertatum nostratium vindicem, inter alios praeclaros aeque fortem ac felicem insuper operam navantem (haud inauspicato precamur ut musae has sedes sibi dicatas, aliquandiu armis infestas, nunc pacatas, celebrent, et scientiae ibi cultae liberaliter et reflorescentes quasi palladium sint, quo salvo has in regiones tyrannis, ignorantia semper grassans et maxime suffulta, nuper exacta, post hac nec ingruere nec irrepere potuerit. Idcirco in solenni convocatione primo die mensis Martis Anno Domini in Millesimo septingentesimo octogesimo secundo habita, conspirantibus omnium suffragüs eundem honorabilem et egregium virum dominum DE CHASTELLUX Doctorem in Jure civili creavimus et constituimus; eumque, virtute praesentis Diplomatis, singulis juribus, privilegiis et honoribus isti gradui qua qua pertinentibus honoris causa frui et gaudere jussimus. In cujus rei testimonium Sigillum Universitatis commune, quo hac in parte utimur, praesentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in Domo nostrae convocationis Anno Die et Mense praedictis.
Praeses et Professores Universitatis seu Collegii Gulielmi et Mariae in Virginia omnibus ad quos praesentes literae pervenerint Salutem. Cum eo gradus academici instituti fuerint, ut viri, de Academia, de republica optime meriti, seu in nostrae matris educati gremio, seu bonarum artium disciplinis aliunde eruditi, istis insignibus ornarentur; sciatis, quod nos gradu doctoris in jure civili libenter studioseq, collato, testamur quanti facimus DOMINUM DE CHASTELLUX, e strategis regis christianissimi & sociis quadragenis Academiae gallicanae coetibus philosophicis Philadelphiae Bostoniaeq virum stirpe nobili ortum ; literis interioribus et reconditis imbutum, et quum pacis artibus tum  
==Document text, 3 June 1782==
===Page 291===
belli rebus gestis inclytum; Libertatum nostratium vindicem, inter alios praeclaros aeque fortem ac felicem insuper operam navantem (haud inauspicato precamur ut musae has sedes sibi dicatas, aliquandiu armis infestas, nunc pacatas, celebrent, et scientiae ibi cultae liberaliter et reflorescentes quasi palladium sint, quo salvo has in regiones tyrannis, ignorantia semper grassans et maxime suffulta, nuper exacta, post hac nec ingruere nec irrepere potuerit. Idcirco in solenni convocatione primo die mensis Martis Anno Domini in Millesimo septingentesimo octogesimo secundo habita, conspirantibus omnium suffragüs eundem honorabilem et egregium virum dominum DE CHASTELLUX Doctorem in Jure civili creavimus et constituimus; eumque, virtute praesentis Diplomatis, singulis juribus, privilegiis et honoribus isti gradui qua qua pertinentibus honoris causa frui et gaudere jussimus. In cujus rei testimonium Sigillum Universitatis commune, quo hac in parte utimur, praesentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in Domo nostrae convocationis Anno Die et Mense praedictis.
==3 June 1782==
===Page 292===
===Page 292===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp292.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," June 3, 1782. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 292, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-297-86 image 297]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp292.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, June 3, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-297-86 image 297]).]]
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==Document text, 12 June 1782==
==12 June 1782==
===Page 293===
===Page 293===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp293.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," June 12, 1782. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 293, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-298-86 image 298]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp293.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, June 12, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-298-86 image 298]).]]
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==Document text, 1 September 1782==
==1 September 1782==
===Page 294===
===Page 294===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp294.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Minutes for "A Meeting of the President and Professors of William &amp; Mary College," September 1, 1782. Faculty Minute Book, 1729&ndash;1784, p. 294, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William &amp; Mary Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-299-85 image 299]).]]
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp294.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, September 1, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-299-85 image 299]).]]
At a Meeting of the Presid<sup>t</sup> & Professrs of the University on September the 1.<sup>st</sup> 1782. Present
At a Meeting of the Presid<sup>t</sup> & Professrs of the University on September the 1.<sup>st</sup> 1782. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison President
James Madison President
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Charles Bellini
Charles Bellini
Resolved, that actions be forthwith commenced in the general court for recovering the rents due from the tenants of the Nottoway Lands.
Resolved, that actions be forthwith commenced in the general court for recovering the rents due from the tenants of the Nottway Lands.
Resolved, that written leases be presented to such tenants as are by virtue of verbal Contracts, in possession of any tenements for the residue of the terms designed by the contracts, to be executed by them.
Resolved, that written leases be presented to such tenants as are by virtue of verbal Contracts, in possession of any tenements for the residue of the terms designed by the contracts, to be executed by them.
==1 September & 2 September 1782==
===Page 295===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp295.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, September 1, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-300-85 image 300]).]]
<div align="center">
September the 1.<sup>st</sup> 1782.
Mem. The Gentleman who prosecutes the Suit is desired to consider whether the Actions can be maintained upon verbal leases.
Resolved, that a Letter be written to M.<sup>r</sup> Attorney-General to retain him as counsel for the College, in case M.<sup>r</sup> Bracken shall commence any Suit against the Soceity for arrears of Salary or for any other cause.
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on September the 2<sup>d</sup> 1782. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, President
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved, that the Plank now in possession of the Steward be disposed of to M.<sup>r</sup> Saunders, at the rate of a Penny per
==2 September & 28 September 1782==
===Page 296===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp296.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, September 28, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-301-84 image 301]).]]
foot; The Steward to reserve as much as will be necessary for the repairs in and about the College.
Resolved, that the two Houses between the College and the Barn adjoining the Garden be disposed of by M.<sup>r</sup> Saunders.
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on Sept. 2, 1782. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, President
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved, that so many of the Negroes not employed about the College be sold to defray the Expence of repairing the Buildings.
Resolved, that each Student, on matriculating, pay 10/per annum for the privilege of the Library, one third of it Shall be for the use of the Librarian and the other two-
==28 September & n.d. October 1782==
===Page 297===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp297.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, October 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-302-84 image 302]).]]
thirds laid out in purchasing books for the Library. At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on October 1782.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison President
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
On application made by M.<sup>r</sup> Johnson, the following Resolution was entered into
We the President and Masters of William and Mary College do hereby consent to, & approve of the Sale made by the Executors of Richard Johnson of certain Leases to John Syme the younger, bear date the 1.<sup>st</sup> day of Feb. 1763, retaining however the said Johnson's Representative Still bound for the Rent, & responsable for all Breaches of the Covenants contained in the said Leases untill the said Syme shall make new Leases to us, or otherwise bind himself by accepting an assignment of the said Leases in due form.
==22 October & 8 November 1782==
===Page 298===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp298.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, October 22 & November 8, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-303-84 image 303]).]]
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on October the 22.<sup>d</sup> 1782.
<div align="center">
Present  George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved, that Jacob Rinker of the County of Shenandoah be nominated Surveyor of the said County.
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on Nov 8. 1782.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, President
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Ordered that where Surveyors have regularly settled with the College & have between their last Settlement, viz. in october 1781, & the 1.<sup>st</sup> of January 1782. received Paper money on account
===Page 299===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp299.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, November 8, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-304-84 image 304]).]]
of their Fees, the Bursar receive the proportion due to College in that money, provided it appears that the Surveyors have embraced the earliest opportunity of transmitting the said money to the Bursar.
Resolved, That M.<sup>r</sup> Tho.<sup>s</sup> Peirce be requested to lease the College Land in the County of Isle of Wight for one year, for as many Barrells of Indian Corn as he may think the said Lease or Leases to be worth. The Corn to be delivered in Smithfeild on or before the first of January, 1784.
===Page 300===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp300.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-305-84 image 305]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on
<div align="center">
Present  James Madison, Pres.<sup>dt</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved, that M.<sup>r</sup> Stith formerly Surveyor of Bedford County, be nominated Surveyor of Campbell County, & M.<sup>r</sup> Samuel Dedman, formerly Surveyor of York County, be nominated Surveyor of Meklenburg County; and that M.<sup>r</sup> W.<sup>m</sup> Callaway formerly Deputy under M.<sup>r</sup> Stith, be nominated as Surveyor of Bedford County.
2. That a New Lease of a Lot formerly held by Jesse Peebles be <sub>^</sub><sup>granted to W.<sup>m</sup> Chambers</sup> upon the same terms & for the same Lives as those mentioned in Peeble's Lease.
==31 December 1782==
===Page 301===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp301.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-306-84 image 306]).]]
At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on December 31. 1782.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe,
Robert Andrews,
Charles Bellini.
Resolved that a Degree of Doctor of Law be presented to
Thomas Jefferson, Esq.<sup>r</sup>, of which the following is a Diploma.
Resolved that the Brafferton's House be rented at the rate
of £50: per Annum.
<div align="center">
Praeses et Professores universitatis seu Collegii Guilielmi et Mariae in Virginia omnibus ad quos presentes literae pervenerint Salutem : Cum eo gradus
===Page 302===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp302.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-307-83 image 307]).]]
Academici institūti fuerint ut viri de Academia, de Republica optime meriti, istis (302) insignibus ornarentur, Sciatis, quod nos ea, sola qua po s sum u s via, gradu doctoris in jure civili libenter studioseque collato,
testamur quanti facimus Thomam Jefferson Virginiensem ingremio nostrae matris educatimi mira in has Musarum Sedes benevolentia propendentem nec minorem inde reportantem, peritisimum et privati juris et publica; eximio erga Patriam Amore, quam aliis in rebus, tam maxime in libértate americana vindicanda insignem ; adeo literis qua vulgatis qua interiorìbus et reconditis imbutum, ut artes omnes bonae in uno homine convenire yideantur quas ornat Magnitudo animi, quae nihil ad ostentationem omnia ad conscientiam refert, recteque facti
non ex populi sermone
===Page 303===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp303.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-308-83 image 308]).]]
Sed ea facto petit. Idcirco in solemni convocatone vigésimo die mensis januarii Anno Domini Milessimo Septingentésimo octogésimo tertio habita conspUantibus omnium suffragiis, eundem honorabilem et egregium Thomam Jefferson Doctorem in Jure civili creavimus et constituimus, eumque virtute presentís Diplomatis singulis juribus, privilegiis et honoribus gradui isti quaqua pertinentibus
honoris causa frui et gaudere jussimus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillimi Universitatis commune quo ac in parte utimur, presentis apponi fecimus. Datum in Domo Nostrae convocationis Anno, die, et mense praedictis.
==14 January 1783==
===Page 304===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp304.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, January 14, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-309-83 image 309]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on January 14 1783.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
James M<sup>c</sup>Clurg
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved that the Society accept of the Proposal made by M.<sup>r</sup> Norton to refer the matter in dispute between them to the arbitration of such Gentlemen as M.<sup>r</sup> Norton & M.<sup>r</sup> Edmund Randolph shall agree upon-
The arbitration to be before the 25.<sup>th</sup> of April 1783.
==17 February 1783==
===Page 305===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp305.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, February 17, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-310-81 image 310]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on February 17. 1783.
<div align="center">
Present : James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> Thomas Stith was nominated Surveyor of Brunswick & Greenville Counties.
==8 March 1783==
===Page 306===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp306.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 8, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-311-79 image 311]).]]
At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on March 8. 1783.
<div align="center">
James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
James M<sup>c</sup>Clurg
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> William Baldwin was nominated Surveyor of the County of Isle of Wight.
==14 March 1783==
===Page 307===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp307.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 14, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-312-79 image 312]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on March 14 1783.Present
<div align="center">
James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> Turner Anderson was nominated Surveyor of Louisa County.
==25 March 1783==
===Page 308===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp308.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, March 25, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-313-79 image 313]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on March 25.<sup>th</sup> 1783
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
Resolved that the account presented by M.<sup>r</sup> John Dixon against the College, be no farther attended to, than as it respects what is due to his Father as Professor of Divinity.
Resolved that the new wooden work sent to Richmond be disposed of at the Price they cost the College with an addition of 10. pr cent.
Resolved that the Month of May instead of the month of April, be the Spring Vacation in future.
==17 April & 12 July 1783==
===Page 309===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp309.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, April 17 & July 12, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-314-79 image 314]).]]
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on April 17. 1783. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> Edward Featherston was nominated Surveyor of Chesterfield.
At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on July 12. 1783,
<div align="center">
Present : James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
James McClurg
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
The Society being presented by D.<sup>r</sup> Wilson
==12 July & 5 August 1783==
===Page 310===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp310.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, July 12 & August 5, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-315-78 image 315]).]]
of Bath, in Great Britain, with the works of his father, the Late Bishop of Sador & Man, Resolved that the Society express in a Letter to D.<sup>r</sup> Wilson the Sense they have of so valuable an addition to the Library of this University.
<div align="center">
At the Same Meeting
M.<sup>r</sup> John Preston was appointed Surveyor of Montgomery.
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on August the 5<sup>th</sup> 1783.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
James M<sup>c</sup>Clurg
Rob.<sup>c</sup> Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
Resolved that the Money belonging to the College in the hands of M.<sup>r</sup> Athawes, be drawn at the rate of 33 1/3 difference of Exchange.
==16 August 1783==
===Page 311===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp311.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, August 16, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-316-78 image 316]).]]
Resolved that M.<sup>r</sup> Wythe be requested to have a conference with M.<sup>r</sup> Blair upon the subject of the Brafferton Estate.
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on Aug.<sup>st</sup> 16.<sup>th</sup> 1783
<div align="center">
Present James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellini
Resolved that M.<sup>r</sup> Ludwell Lee & M.<sup>r</sup> Paul Carrington be informed that the Society have received the greatest satisfaction pleasure from the Orations delivered by them yesterday & that they are of opinion they merit Publication.
==3 October & 10 October 1783==
===Page 312===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp312.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, October 3 & October 10, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-317-77 image 317]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 3.<sup>th</sup> 1783
<div align="center">
Present James Madison Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> William Cabel was nominated Surveyor of the County of Amherst.
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 10.<sup>th</sup> 1783.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison President
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
M.<sup>r</sup>......Campbell was nominated Surveyor of Rockingham County.
==14 October & 25 November 1783==
===Page 313===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp313.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, October 14 & November 25, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-318-77 image 318]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 14.<sup>th</sup> 1783.
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
Resolved that every Student who takes a Room in College shall repare all Damages done during his continuance in it.
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on Nov.<sup>r</sup> 25, 1783. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
The Society being presented by General
==25 November & 11 December 1783==
===Page 314===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp314.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, November 25 & December 11, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-319-76 image 319]).]]
vr. de Chastellux with an elegant edition of the work De La Felicité publique.
Resolved that the President express in a Letter to him the high sense they have of the favour conferred by so valuable a Testimony of his esteem for them.
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on December 11.<sup>th</sup> 1783
<div align="center">
Present James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> Isaac Carleton was nominated Surveyor of Middlesex Counti, & M.<sup>r</sup> William Morris was nominated Surveyor of James City & New Kent Counties.
==20 December 1783==
===Page 315===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp315.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, December 20, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-320-76 image 320]).]]
At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on December 20 1783. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, Presid.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini
M.<sup>r</sup> Richard Clough Anderson was nominated Surveyor of the Lands allotted by an Act of the Gen.<sup>l</sup> Assembly, to the Officers & Soldiers of the Virginia Continental Lines.
==28 May 1784==
===Page 316===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp316.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, May 28, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-321-75 image 321]).]]
At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on May 28. 1784. Present
<div align="center">
James Madison, Presd.<sup>t</sup>
George Wythe
J. M.<sup>c</sup>Clurg
Ch.<sup>s</sup> Bellini.
Ordered that drinking to excess and every kind of rioting or obcenity be prohibited in College under the penalty of Banishment.
2. That no Student attempt to go into the garden contrary to the Inclination of the Gardener.
==29 May 1784==
===Page 317===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp317.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, May 29, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-322-74 image 322]).]]
May 29th, 1784.
At a Meeting of y.<sup>e</sup> President & Prof, of the University present
<div align="center">
J. Madison P.<sup>r</sup>
G. Wythe P. L.
J. M.<sup>c</sup>Clurg P. M. A.,
R. Andrews Prof. Math.
Ch. Bellini P. Mod. Lang.
Resolved That every Student coming to y.<sup>e</sup> University, before he attend any of y.<sup>e</sup> lectures shall subscribe to y.<sup>e</sup> following words
I do hereby acknowledge myself bound whilst within the walls of y.<sup>e</sup> University & Its Environs, to observe all such Regulations & orders, as the President & Professors have made, & shall from Time to Time make, & particularly such as require that kind of conduct, which they shall think conducive to y.<sup>e</sup> Honour & Prosperity of y.<sup>e</sup> University.
==4 June 1784==
===Page 318===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp318.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, June 4, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-323-72 image 323]).]]
At a Meeting of y.<sup>e</sup> Presid.<sup>t</sup> & Professors June 4.<sup>th</sup> 1784- Present
<div align="center">
James Madison Pr.
G. Wythe
J. M.<sup>c</sup>Clurg
Rob.<sup>t</sup> Andrews
Ch. Bellini.
Resolved that a Bill be drawn upon the Agent in London for y.<sup>e</sup> Brafferton Estate for the Money in his Hands, arising from Rents Interest.
2. That a Bill of £2,000 lbs. st., be sold to M.<sup>r</sup> Beali at y.<sup>e</sup> Rate of 33 1/3 to bear interest from y.<sup>e</sup> Date of y.<sup>e</sup> Bill, sufficient Security being first given for y.<sup>e</sup> payment of y.<sup>e</sup> Money.
===Page 331===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp331.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-336-66 image 336]).]]
<div align="center">
Praeses et professores colegii seu universitatis Guilielmietmariae, in Virginia omnibus ad quos presentes literae pervenerint salutem. Cum eum in finem gradus academici a majoribus nostris prudenter institute fuerint ut viri optime meriti, seu in gremio nostrae matris educati, seu in gremio nostrae matris educati, sue aliunde bonarum artium disciplines eruditi, istis in insignibus a literatorum  vulgo secernerentur; sciatis quod nos, ea sola qua possumus via, gradu artum magistri libenter studioseque concesso, testamur quanti facimus Richardum Paulum Jodrell, armigerum, in has musarum sedes benevolentia propendentem, cuius lucubrationibus clarius Aeschyli et Euripidis tragodiae in lucum prodiere, et qui δια μουσας και μεταρσιος ηξε, και πλειστων αψαμενος λογων  inter doctos enitet et praestat quippe in quo nullius non artis perfecta aut certe non dubia vestigia reperiuntur. Idcirco in solemne convocatione, sexto die februarii anno domini millesimo septingentesimo octogesimo sexto habita, conspirantibus omnium suffragiis, eundem eximium virum Richardum Paulum Jodrell artium magistrum creavimus et constituimus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum universitatis commune, quo in hac parte utimur praesentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in domo nostrae convocationis anno domini die et menses praedictis.
<div align="right">
Signed By
J.M P.<sup>r</sup>
G. W.
R. A.
C. B.
===Page 335===
[[File:FacultyMinuteBookp335.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&amp;M Libraries ([https://digital.libraries.wm.edu/page-340-64 image 340]).]]
Papers belonging to the Brafferton Estate.
M.<sup>r</sup> Thomas Horrocks' Letter to the Society.
D.<sup>o</sup> Acc.<sup>h</sup> against Brafferton Estate £25..0..5.
New Rentall of the Brafferton Estate 1771. £352..15..1
George Wilkinson's Deposition.
William Watson's.. D.<sup>o</sup>
William Dickenson's.. D.<sup>o</sup>
John Hardcastle's.. D.<sup>o</sup>
Thomas Darley's... D.<sup>o</sup>
Thomas Broadley's.. D.<sup>o</sup>
3 copies of Appraisement of Wood £6482..16..8.
==See also==
==See also==

Latest revision as of 15:56, 10 October 2024

Cover of "Journal of the Meetings of the President & Masters of William & Mary's College." Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries (image 1).

Introduction and summary.[1]

Meeting Minutes, 29 December 1779

Page 280

Faculty Minute Book, December 29, 1779. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 285).

Dec.r 29.th 1779.

At a meeting of the President & Masters ^Professors of Wm Mary College, under a statute passed by the Visitors the fourth Day of December, 1779 —


James Madison, President, & Professor of Natural Philosophy, & Mathematics.

George Wythe, Professor of Law & Police.

James M'Clurg, Professor of Anatomy and Medicine.

Robert Andrews, Professor of Moral Philosophy, the Laws of Nature & of Nations, & of the fine Arts.

Charles Bellini, Professor of Modern Languages.

Resolved, That M.r Andrews act as Clerk of the Society for this day.

Resolved, that the Lectures in the different Schools shall commence for the ensuing year on the 17.th of January.

For the Encouragement of Science,

Resolved, that a Student on paying an annually one thousand pounds of Tobacco shall be entitled to attend any two of the following Professors, viz.: of Law and Police, of Natural Philosophy. & and Mathematics, & of Moral Philosophy, the Laws of Nature & Nations, and of the fine arts, & that for fifteen hundred pounds he shall be entitled to attend the said three said Professors, the fees to be paid at that Period of the year when the Courses of Lectures commence.

Resolved, that Mr James Wilson be allowed 3,000 lbs. of Tobacco pr annum, two men & a Boy, & any Benefit he can derive from the Garden after supplying the President & Professors with vegetables, as Steward & Gardener of y.e College.

Resolved, that Winkfield, Bob, Lemon, Adam, & Pompey, be retained for cleaning the College, & other necessary Purposes.

Resolved, that the President & Mr Andrews hire the Negroes not retained, for Tobacco or other Country Produce.

Resolved, that Mr Andrews be appointed to execute the office of Bursar of the College.

30 December 1779

Page 281

Faculty Minute Book, December 30, 1779. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 286).

Dec.r 30.th 1779.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of Wm & Mary College.


James Madison, President,
George Wythe,                      Robert Andrews
James M'Clurg                      Charles Bellini

Resolved, that the Ceremony of Matriculation shall be a pecuniary contribution to the Library, from every Student when he enters the College, & annually afterwards, on which his Name, together with his Contribution, shall be entered in a Book kept for that Purpose by the Bursar, & he shall be entitled to the Use of the Library.

Ordered, that the Library be arranged according to the different Branches of Literature.

Resolved, that former Students shall enjoy a preferable Claim to Rooms until the 30.th of next month.

Resolved, that Application for College Rooms be made to the Presidt, who shall determine the Right according to Priority of Application.

Resolved, that the personal Property, not necessary for the Use of the College, shall be exposed to publick sale on the 7.th of January, 1780.

J. Madison, P.

2 February 1780

Page 282

Faculty Minute Book, February 2, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 287).

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of William and Mary College, Feb.r 2.& 1780.

Present - James Madison Pr.

George Wythe
James M'Clurg
Robert Andrews.

Resolved - that James Wilson be appointed Collector of y.e Rents in y.e County of King William in y.e place of Christopher Taliaferro

Resolved - that in future all surveyors be publicly examined before y.e Society, previous to their having a Certificate of their abilities.

Resolved - that Mr Wm Cole be desired to collect y.e Money due from y.e Rents of y.e Nottoway Estate.

Resolved - that Samuel Griffin, Esqe. be permitted to have any quantity of land near to his House not exceeding 20 acres for y.e Purpose of Pasturage only.

J. Madison, P.

17 March 1780

Page 283

Faculty Minute Book, March 17, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 288).

March 17th 1780.

At a Meeting of y.e President and Professors of y.e College, Present —

J. Madison Presidt.

G. Wythe — P. L. & P.

J. M'Clurg — P. A. & M.

R. Andrews P. M. P. &e.

Ch. Bellini P. M L.

Resolved that y.e Collectors be ordered to collect all Rents for y.e last Year in Tob.o only-and that all Arrears due for any Time preceding y.e Commencement of y.e last Year be collected either in Tob.o, or in Money according to y.e Value of Tob.o at y.e Time of Payment.

J Madison P.

23 May 1780

Page 284

Faculty Minute Book, May 23, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 289).

May y.e 23.d 1780.

At a Meeting of y.e President & Professors, Present: J. Madison — George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved — that y.e Collector of King Wm do receive the rents of 1779 at 30£ pr cwt, provided they be paid on demand.

Mr Wythe did not vote in y.e above Resolve.

That he shall bring suits for all arrears, unless paid at y.e current Price of Tob.o — and that those who are not able to pay their arrears be ejected.

— J Madison

At a Meeting May 25.

Present as above-also Doctr Mc Clurg.

Mr Joseph Fox was elected Collector of King Wm. Rents in y.e stead of James Wilson who had resigned.

The following advertisement was directed to be made public: The College having suffered very considerably by accepting current Money instead of y.e Rents reserved in y.e Leases of their Lands w.ch were payable in Tobacco or sterling Money at y.e option of y.e President & Professors; Notice is hereby given to y.e Tenants & others concerned that y.e Rents of y.e Current year, & of all future years will be exacted in Tobo according to y.e reservations. Actions are directed to be commenced immediately for Breaches of y.e Covenants in any of y.e Leases, and to recover Posession of all y.e Tenements, y.e Holders of which have forfeited by non-payment of y.e Rents by waste by y.e neglect to make improvements by Sales without License, or otherwise, and to be prosecuted with y.e greatest Expedition.

J Madison

20 May 1780

Page 285

Faculty Minute Book, May 20, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 290).

At a Meeting of y.e President & Professors of y.e College May y.e 20th. 1780.

Present. J. Madison Geo. Wythe James Mc Clurg Robt Andrews Charles Bellini.

Resolved-that Mr Bellini be appointed Librarian.

2. That all Books belonging to y.e Library & lent out be forthwith returned, that none of y.e Books be hereafter delivered out of y.e Library to any but Professors & matriculated Students and to them for one month only at a Time, when they shall be returned, otherwise y.e Borrower shall not only be accountable for y.e value of y.e Book withheld, but be deprived of y.e Priviledge until y.e Society upon proper amends, at a subsequent Meeting agree to restore it.

3. That if any borrowed Book be defaced, torn, or otherwise injured, he who had y.e use of it shall replace it by another of y.e same Author, equal to what it was when put into his hands —

4. The first Monday in every Month at 9oC in y.e Morning is appointed as a Time to receive all Books lent out.

J Madison

27 June 1780

Page 286

Faculty Minute Book, June 27, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 291).

At a Meeting of y.e President & Professors of Wm & Mary College, June 27th—1780. Present — J. Madison G. Wythe J. M'Clurg R. Andrews Ch. Bellini.

Resolved, That y.e vacations in future be as follows

The first — from y.e first of April to y.e first of May.
The second — from y.e first of August to y.e 10th October.

J Madison

At a Meeting of y.e President and Professors of

Wm & Mary College November 27th. 1780.

Present J. Madison, P.

G. Wythe J. McClurg R. Andrews C. Bellini —

Resolved — That Col. Thomas Marshall be appointed surveyor of y.e County of Fayette. James Thompson of y.e County of Lincoln-and Geo. May of y.e County of Jefferson— Resolved — That James Wilson be allowed five Hhds of Tobacco ^pr annum as his Wages-and that he shall also undertake y.e Management of a Farm upon the Lands adjoining y.e College—

14 December 1780

Page 287

Faculty Minute Book, December 14, 1780. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 292).

Resolved also-That three Hhds of Tobo — be farther allowed him in Lieu of his Board.

J Madison Pr.

At a meeting of y.e Presidt & Professors of Wm & Mary Coll., December 14.th, 1780


J Madison Pr.                      Geo Wythe

J McClurg                      Robert Andrews

Ch. Bellini.

Resolved, that such of y.e Negroes as shall not be hereafter reserved, be disposed of in Exchange for Lands not exceeding the Distance of one Hundred Miles from Williamsburg —

J Madison Pr.

At a Meeting of y.e President & Professors Jan. 1. 1780

Present: J Madison, P.              Geo. Wythe,

Robert Andrews —              Charles Bellini.

Resolved — That Mr Wilson be desired to hire out the Negroes belonging to y.e College, except those necessary for y.e College, & Farm, y.e Persons hiring them to pay their Taxes & clothe them.

J Madison P.


Page 288

Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 293).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of Wm & Mary College.

Present. James Madison P. Geo. Wythe, Robert Andrews Charles Bellini

Resolved that y.e Collectors hereafter to be appointed be allowed six per Centum upon all Monies by them Collected for y.e Use if y.e College, and ten per Centum for Collections in Tobo

That when ye Rent shall not be paid in Tobo, nor sufficient Distress be found, the Collector is impowered to receive Money of the Tenant who makes Default at the Rate of y.e current Price of Tobo, at the warehouses, by the notes of wch y.e Rent is payable —

Resolved, that M.r Benja C. Spiller be appointed Collector of King William Rents in y.e Room of M.r Fox deceased —

7 March 1781

Page 289

Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 294).

At a meeting of ye Presidt and Professors of y.e College.

Present J. Madison Pr.,              March 7.th 1781 -

G. Wythe Robt Andrews Charles Bellini.

Resolved, that Suits be brought to turn those Tenants out of Possession of y.e Nottoway Lands who refuse paying y.e Rent at y.e Time y.e Agreement was made for leasing them.

Resolved, that y.e Bursar be allowed 3 pr Cent upon all Monies received by him for use of y.e College.

At a Meeting of y.e Presidt and Proffessors of y.e College, March 1.st 1782.

Resolved that a Degree of Doctor of Civil Law be conferred upon Gen.r Chastellux of which the following is a Diploma

7 March 1781

Page 290

Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 295).
Faculty Minute Book, March 7, 1781. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 296).


Praeses et Professores Universitatis seu Collegii Gulielmi et Mariae in Virginia omnibus ad quos praesentes literae pervenerint Salutem. Cum eo gradus academici instituti fuerint, ut viri, de Academia, de republica optime meriti, seu in nostrae matris educati gremio, seu bonarum artium disciplinis aliunde eruditi, istis insignibus ornarentur; sciatis, quod nos gradu doctoris in jure civili libenter studioseq, collato, testamur quanti facimus DOMINUM DE CHASTELLUX, e strategis regis christianissimi & sociis quadragenis Academiae gallicanae coetibus philosophicis Philadelphiae Bostoniaeq virum stirpe nobili ortum ; literis interioribus et reconditis imbutum, et quum pacis artibus tum

Page 291

belli rebus gestis inclytum; Libertatum nostratium vindicem, inter alios praeclaros aeque fortem ac felicem insuper operam navantem (haud inauspicato precamur ut musae has sedes sibi dicatas, aliquandiu armis infestas, nunc pacatas, celebrent, et scientiae ibi cultae liberaliter et reflorescentes quasi palladium sint, quo salvo has in regiones tyrannis, ignorantia semper grassans et maxime suffulta, nuper exacta, post hac nec ingruere nec irrepere potuerit. Idcirco in solenni convocatione primo die mensis Martis Anno Domini in Millesimo septingentesimo octogesimo secundo habita, conspirantibus omnium suffragüs eundem honorabilem et egregium virum dominum DE CHASTELLUX Doctorem in Jure civili creavimus et constituimus; eumque, virtute praesentis Diplomatis, singulis juribus, privilegiis et honoribus isti gradui qua qua pertinentibus honoris causa frui et gaudere jussimus. In cujus rei testimonium Sigillum Universitatis commune, quo hac in parte utimur, praesentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in Domo nostrae convocationis Anno Die et Mense praedictis.

3 June 1782

Page 292

Faculty Minute Book, June 3, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 297).

At a meeting of the Presidt & Professors of the University on the 3.d June 1782. present

James Madison President
George Wythe
Robert Andrews
Charles Bellin

1. Resolved, that the Bursar be authorized to negotiate the Bills of Exchange received from the French Army for the destruction of the President's House.

2. That a House be rented in Town for the use of the President, and the rent be paid out of the interest of the Money due for the above Bills.

12 June 1782

Page 293

Faculty Minute Book, June 12, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 298).

At a Meeting of y.e Presidt and Professors on y.e 12.th June 1782. Resolved, that a Degree of Doctor of Physic be conferred upon DoctTM Coste first Physician to y.e French Army-of which y.e following is a Diploma.

Omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint Praeses et Professores Universitatis Gulielmi & Mariae in VirginiaSalutem:

Quum in Charta Nostra nobis concessum & confirmatum fuit, ut eos qui se literis et suis studiis praecipue ornarunt, Gradibus Academici Decoremus, quum volumus in hujusmodi honorem talis imprimis evehi vivos, quales nobis, et juventuti Virginieusi exemplum valde egregium praebeant; Quumque Joannem Franciscum Coste, Genevensem saluberrimarum medicinae facultatum Parisiensis Alumnum, Valentiensis Doctorem, Voscomii militaris et Arcis Caletensis Medicum & regis medicinae Societatibus Londinensi, Ediburgensi, Parissiensi, regii Lotharingorum medicorum collegiis, socium Honorarium et regiis Scientiarum artium et literarum academiis Nanceiana, Lugdunensi, Divionensi et patrioticis Sueciae et Hessiae, Hamburgensis, Societatibus, ex humana Societati Philadelphiensi Christianissimi regis Exercitus in America Archiatrum nobis commendarunt summi artis suae Honores a celeberrimis universitatibus supradictis in eum collati, nec non insignia quae nobis ipse obtulit doctrinae ingeniique sui monumenta: Idcirco in Solenni convocatione die duodecimo mensis Junii Anno Dom 1782 consp irantibus omnium Suffragiis eundem Joannem Franciscum Coste Medicinae Doctorem renunciavimus et constituimus eumque singulis honoribus et Privilegiis ad istum gradum inter nos pertinentibus frui et gaudere jussimus. In cujus rei testimonium his literis Sigillum Universitatis Gulielmi et Mariae apponi curavimus.

1 September 1782

Page 294

Faculty Minute Book, September 1, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 299).

At a Meeting of the Presidt & Professrs of the University on September the 1.st 1782. Present

James Madison President

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved, that actions be forthwith commenced in the general court for recovering the rents due from the tenants of the Nottway Lands.

Resolved, that written leases be presented to such tenants as are by virtue of verbal Contracts, in possession of any tenements for the residue of the terms designed by the contracts, to be executed by them.

1 September & 2 September 1782

Page 295

Faculty Minute Book, September 1, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 300).

September the 1.st 1782.

Mem. The Gentleman who prosecutes the Suit is desired to consider whether the Actions can be maintained upon verbal leases.

Resolved, that a Letter be written to M.r Attorney-General to retain him as counsel for the College, in case M.r Bracken shall commence any Suit against the Soceity for arrears of Salary or for any other cause.

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on September the 2d 1782. Present

James Madison, President

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved, that the Plank now in possession of the Steward be disposed of to M.r Saunders, at the rate of a Penny per

2 September & 28 September 1782

Page 296

Faculty Minute Book, September 28, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 301).

foot; The Steward to reserve as much as will be necessary for the repairs in and about the College.

Resolved, that the two Houses between the College and the Barn adjoining the Garden be disposed of by M.r Saunders.

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on Sept. 2, 1782. Present

James Madison, President

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved, that so many of the Negroes not employed about the College be sold to defray the Expence of repairing the Buildings.

Resolved, that each Student, on matriculating, pay 10/per annum for the privilege of the Library, one third of it Shall be for the use of the Librarian and the other two-

28 September & n.d. October 1782

Page 297

Faculty Minute Book, October 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 302).

thirds laid out in purchasing books for the Library. At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on October 1782.

Present James Madison President

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

On application made by M.r Johnson, the following Resolution was entered into

We the President and Masters of William and Mary College do hereby consent to, & approve of the Sale made by the Executors of Richard Johnson of certain Leases to John Syme the younger, bear date the 1.st day of Feb. 1763, retaining however the said Johnson's Representative Still bound for the Rent, & responsable for all Breaches of the Covenants contained in the said Leases untill the said Syme shall make new Leases to us, or otherwise bind himself by accepting an assignment of the said Leases in due form.

22 October & 8 November 1782

Page 298

Faculty Minute Book, October 22 & November 8, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 303).

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on October the 22.d 1782.

Present George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved, that Jacob Rinker of the County of Shenandoah be nominated Surveyor of the said County.

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on Nov 8. 1782.

Present James Madison, President

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Ordered that where Surveyors have regularly settled with the College & have between their last Settlement, viz. in october 1781, & the 1.st of January 1782. received Paper money on account

Page 299

Faculty Minute Book, November 8, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 304).

of their Fees, the Bursar receive the proportion due to College in that money, provided it appears that the Surveyors have embraced the earliest opportunity of transmitting the said money to the Bursar.

Resolved, That M.r Tho.s Peirce be requested to lease the College Land in the County of Isle of Wight for one year, for as many Barrells of Indian Corn as he may think the said Lease or Leases to be worth. The Corn to be delivered in Smithfeild on or before the first of January, 1784.


Page 300

Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 305).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on

Present James Madison, Pres.dt

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved, that M.r Stith formerly Surveyor of Bedford County, be nominated Surveyor of Campbell County, & M.r Samuel Dedman, formerly Surveyor of York County, be nominated Surveyor of Meklenburg County; and that M.r W.m Callaway formerly Deputy under M.r Stith, be nominated as Surveyor of Bedford County.

2. That a New Lease of a Lot formerly held by Jesse Peebles be ^granted to W.m Chambers upon the same terms & for the same Lives as those mentioned in Peeble's Lease.

31 December 1782

Page 301

Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 306).

At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on December 31. 1782.

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe,

Robert Andrews,

Charles Bellini.

Resolved that a Degree of Doctor of Law be presented to Thomas Jefferson, Esq.r, of which the following is a Diploma.

Resolved that the Brafferton's House be rented at the rate of £50: per Annum.


Praeses et Professores universitatis seu Collegii Guilielmi et Mariae in Virginia omnibus ad quos presentes literae pervenerint Salutem : Cum eo gradus

Page 302

Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 307).

Academici institūti fuerint ut viri de Academia, de Republica optime meriti, istis (302) insignibus ornarentur, Sciatis, quod nos ea, sola qua po s sum u s via, gradu doctoris in jure civili libenter studioseque collato, testamur quanti facimus Thomam Jefferson Virginiensem ingremio nostrae matris educatimi mira in has Musarum Sedes benevolentia propendentem nec minorem inde reportantem, peritisimum et privati juris et publica; eximio erga Patriam Amore, quam aliis in rebus, tam maxime in libértate americana vindicanda insignem ; adeo literis qua vulgatis qua interiorìbus et reconditis imbutum, ut artes omnes bonae in uno homine convenire yideantur quas ornat Magnitudo animi, quae nihil ad ostentationem omnia ad conscientiam refert, recteque facti non ex populi sermone

Page 303

Faculty Minute Book, December 31, 1782. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 308).

Sed ea facto petit. Idcirco in solemni convocatone vigésimo die mensis januarii Anno Domini Milessimo Septingentésimo octogésimo tertio habita conspUantibus omnium suffragiis, eundem honorabilem et egregium Thomam Jefferson Doctorem in Jure civili creavimus et constituimus, eumque virtute presentís Diplomatis singulis juribus, privilegiis et honoribus gradui isti quaqua pertinentibus honoris causa frui et gaudere jussimus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillimi Universitatis commune quo ac in parte utimur, presentis apponi fecimus. Datum in Domo Nostrae convocationis Anno, die, et mense praedictis.

14 January 1783

Page 304

Faculty Minute Book, January 14, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 309).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on January 14 1783.

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

James McClurg

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved that the Society accept of the Proposal made by M.r Norton to refer the matter in dispute between them to the arbitration of such Gentlemen as M.r Norton & M.r Edmund Randolph shall agree upon-

The arbitration to be before the 25.th of April 1783.

17 February 1783

Page 305

Faculty Minute Book, February 17, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 310).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on February 17. 1783.

Present : James Madison Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

M.r Thomas Stith was nominated Surveyor of Brunswick & Greenville Counties.

8 March 1783

Page 306

Faculty Minute Book, March 8, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 311).

At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on March 8. 1783.


James Madison Presid.t

George Wythe

James McClurg

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

M.r William Baldwin was nominated Surveyor of the County of Isle of Wight.

14 March 1783

Page 307

Faculty Minute Book, March 14, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 312).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on March 14 1783.Present

James Madison Presid.t

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

M.r Turner Anderson was nominated Surveyor of Louisa County.

25 March 1783

Page 308

Faculty Minute Book, March 25, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 313).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on March 25.th 1783

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

Resolved that the account presented by M.r John Dixon against the College, be no farther attended to, than as it respects what is due to his Father as Professor of Divinity.

Resolved that the new wooden work sent to Richmond be disposed of at the Price they cost the College with an addition of 10. pr cent.

Resolved that the Month of May instead of the month of April, be the Spring Vacation in future.

17 April & 12 July 1783

Page 309

Faculty Minute Book, April 17 & July 12, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 314).

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on April 17. 1783. Present

James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

M.r Edward Featherston was nominated Surveyor of Chesterfield.

At a Meeting of the President Professors of the University on July 12. 1783,

Present : James Madison Presid.t

George Wythe

James McClurg

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

The Society being presented by D.r Wilson

12 July & 5 August 1783

Page 310

Faculty Minute Book, July 12 & August 5, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 315).

of Bath, in Great Britain, with the works of his father, the Late Bishop of Sador & Man, Resolved that the Society express in a Letter to D.r Wilson the Sense they have of so valuable an addition to the Library of this University.

At the Same Meeting

M.r John Preston was appointed Surveyor of Montgomery.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on August the 5th 1783.

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

James McClurg

Rob.c Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

Resolved that the Money belonging to the College in the hands of M.r Athawes, be drawn at the rate of 33 1/3 difference of Exchange.

16 August 1783

Page 311

Faculty Minute Book, August 16, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 316).

Resolved that M.r Wythe be requested to have a conference with M.r Blair upon the subject of the Brafferton Estate.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on Aug.st 16.th 1783

Present James Madison Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Charles Bellini

Resolved that M.r Ludwell Lee & M.r Paul Carrington be informed that the Society have received the greatest satisfaction pleasure from the Orations delivered by them yesterday & that they are of opinion they merit Publication.

3 October & 10 October 1783

Page 312

Faculty Minute Book, October 3 & October 10, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 317).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 3.th 1783

Present James Madison Presid.t

George Wythe

Ch.s Bellini

M.r William Cabel was nominated Surveyor of the County of Amherst.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 10.th 1783.

Present James Madison President

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

M.r......Campbell was nominated Surveyor of Rockingham County.

14 October & 25 November 1783

Page 313

Faculty Minute Book, October 14 & November 25, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 318).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on October 14.th 1783.

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

Resolved that every Student who takes a Room in College shall repare all Damages done during his continuance in it.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on Nov.r 25, 1783. Present

James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

The Society being presented by General

25 November & 11 December 1783

Page 314

Faculty Minute Book, November 25 & December 11, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 319).

vr. de Chastellux with an elegant edition of the work De La Felicité publique.

Resolved that the President express in a Letter to him the high sense they have of the favour conferred by so valuable a Testimony of his esteem for them.

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on December 11.th 1783

Present James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Ch.s Bellini

M.r Isaac Carleton was nominated Surveyor of Middlesex Counti, & M.r William Morris was nominated Surveyor of James City & New Kent Counties.

20 December 1783

Page 315

Faculty Minute Book, December 20, 1783. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 320).

At a Meeting of the President and Professors of the University on December 20 1783. Present

James Madison, Presid.t

George Wythe

Robert Andrews

Ch.s Bellini

M.r Richard Clough Anderson was nominated Surveyor of the Lands allotted by an Act of the Gen.l Assembly, to the Officers & Soldiers of the Virginia Continental Lines.

28 May 1784

Page 316

Faculty Minute Book, May 28, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 321).

At a Meeting of the President & Professors of the University on May 28. 1784. Present

James Madison, Presd.t

George Wythe

J. M.cClurg

Ch.s Bellini.

Ordered that drinking to excess and every kind of rioting or obcenity be prohibited in College under the penalty of Banishment.

2. That no Student attempt to go into the garden contrary to the Inclination of the Gardener.

29 May 1784

Page 317

Faculty Minute Book, May 29, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 322).

May 29th, 1784. At a Meeting of y.e President & Prof, of the University present

J. Madison P.r

G. Wythe P. L.

J. M.cClurg P. M. A.,

R. Andrews Prof. Math.

Ch. Bellini P. Mod. Lang.

Resolved That every Student coming to y.e University, before he attend any of y.e lectures shall subscribe to y.e following words

I do hereby acknowledge myself bound whilst within the walls of y.e University & Its Environs, to observe all such Regulations & orders, as the President & Professors have made, & shall from Time to Time make, & particularly such as require that kind of conduct, which they shall think conducive to y.e Honour & Prosperity of y.e University.

4 June 1784

Page 318

Faculty Minute Book, June 4, 1784. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 323).

At a Meeting of y.e Presid.t & Professors June 4.th 1784- Present

James Madison Pr.

G. Wythe

J. M.cClurg

Rob.t Andrews

Ch. Bellini.

Resolved that a Bill be drawn upon the Agent in London for y.e Brafferton Estate for the Money in his Hands, arising from Rents Interest.

2. That a Bill of £2,000 lbs. st., be sold to M.r Beali at y.e Rate of 33 1/3 to bear interest from y.e Date of y.e Bill, sufficient Security being first given for y.e payment of y.e Money.


Page 331

Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 336).


Praeses et professores colegii seu universitatis Guilielmietmariae, in Virginia omnibus ad quos presentes literae pervenerint salutem. Cum eum in finem gradus academici a majoribus nostris prudenter institute fuerint ut viri optime meriti, seu in gremio nostrae matris educati, seu in gremio nostrae matris educati, sue aliunde bonarum artium disciplines eruditi, istis in insignibus a literatorum  vulgo secernerentur; sciatis quod nos, ea sola qua possumus via, gradu artum magistri libenter studioseque concesso, testamur quanti facimus Richardum Paulum Jodrell, armigerum, in has musarum sedes benevolentia propendentem, cuius lucubrationibus clarius Aeschyli et Euripidis tragodiae in lucum prodiere, et qui δια μουσας και μεταρσιος ηξε, και πλειστων αψαμενος λογων  inter doctos enitet et praestat quippe in quo nullius non artis perfecta aut certe non dubia vestigia reperiuntur. Idcirco in solemne convocatione, sexto die februarii anno domini millesimo septingentesimo octogesimo sexto habita, conspirantibus omnium suffragiis, eundem eximium virum Richardum Paulum Jodrell artium magistrum creavimus et constituimus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum universitatis commune, quo in hac parte utimur praesentibus apponi fecimus. Datum in domo nostrae convocationis anno domini die et menses praedictis.

Signed By J.M P.r

G. W.

R. A.

C. B.


Page 335

Faculty Minute Book, n.d. Faculty Assembly Records, SCRC, W&M Libraries (image 340).

Papers belonging to the Brafferton Estate.

M.r Thomas Horrocks' Letter to the Society.

D.o Acc.h against Brafferton Estate £25..0..5.

New Rentall of the Brafferton Estate 1771. £352..15..1

George Wilkinson's Deposition.

William Watson's.. D.o

William Dickenson's.. D.o

John Hardcastle's.. D.o

Thomas Darley's... D.o

Thomas Broadley's.. D.o

3 copies of Appraisement of Wood £6482..16..8.

See also


  1. "Journal of the Meetings of the President & Masters of William & Mary's College." Faculty Minute Book, 1729–1784, Faculty Assembly Records, Special Collections Research Center, William & Mary Libraries.

Further reading

External links