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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Complaint regarding the estate of Frances Wythe}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Complaint regarding the estate of Frances Wythe''}}
Around 1760, Thomas Wythe bequeathed to his wife Frances Wythe one half of his slaves and the use of the other half during her lifetime. Upon her death, the latter half of the slaves were to be bequeathed to his niece. After the death of Frances Wythe, a dispute arose over the ownership of the niece's interest in the slaves as George Wythe and Thomas Wythe's brother stated they had purchased the niece's interest in the slaves. This complaint, filed by George Wythe, subsequently followed.<ref>[http://library.uncg.edu/slavery/petitions/details.aspx?pid=14402 "Petition 21679103 Details,"] University of North Carolina at Greensboro.</ref>
[[File:WytheVTarrant1789ComplaintP1.jpg|thumb|right|450px|First page of Wythe's Complaint|Page one from a complaint regarding the estate of Frances Wythe, widow of Thomas Wythe (c. 1789).]]
This complaint filed for [[George Wythe]] in late 1789, anticipating a dispute regarding slaves given to his deceased niece, Euphan Sweeney Claiborne.<ref>''Race, Slavery, and Free Blacks Microfilm,'' Series II, ''Petitions to Southern County Courts, 1775–1867,'' Part C: ''Virginia (1775–1867) and Kentucky (1790–1864),'' Reel 1, frame 0372-0375. Original at the Library of Virginia, Richmond.</ref> [https://dlas.uncg.edu/petitions/petition/21679103/ Twelve individuals are named] in the document, who would have been enslaved at the family's plantation [[Chesterville]], in Elizabeth City County, Virginia.<ref>[http://library.uncg.edu/slavery/petitions/details.aspx?pid=14402 "Petition 21679103 Details,"] ''Race &amp; Slavery Petitions Project,'' University of North Carolina at Greensboro.</ref>
[[File:FrancesWytheEstateP1.jpg|thumb|right|450px|First page of Wythe's Complaint.]]
The slaves originally belonged to Wythe's older brother, Thomas Wythe. In his will, Thomas Wythe bequeathed one half of his slaves to his wife Frances, and the other half for her use during her lifetime and thereafter to his niece, Uphan (or Euphan) Sweeney, daughter of the Wythe sister, Anne Wythe Sweeney. Uphan later married Thomas Claiborne, after which Wythe delivered to them one half of Thomas Wythe's slaves (but before the death of Frances, who remarried and was still living). Upon delivery of the slaves, George Wythe was issued a receipt, which was later mislaid. The complaint seeks to avoid any disputes regarding the slaves by asking the High Court of Chancery to seek testimony of witnesses, and to declare that he lawfully met the requirements of his brother's will.
==Document Text, Circa 1790==
The court docket dates the complaint as December 10th, 1789. Thomas Wythe (the Fourth), is stated to have died about 33 years prior, in 1755 or 1756. The document reveals Thomas had been married and his widow, Frances, had by 1789 remarried into the Mosby family. Also implied is that Wythe's mother, Margaret Walker Wythe, was alive at the time of Thomas' death, as Wythe was acting "by desire of his Mother," and that she wished to retain two of the slaves in question. So Margaret Wythe did not die in or around 1746, but was still alive until 1755 or 1756, when George was 29 or 30 years old.<ref>Hemphill approximates Thomas Wythe's death to sometime between 1753 and 1755, and believed Margaret Wythe had died as early as 1746. [[Colonial Briton#Page 75|''Colonial Briton,'' 39, 75]].</ref>
==Document text, circa 1789==
===Page 1===
===Page 1===
To the worshipful the Justices of Norfolk County siting in Chancery humbly complaining sheweth unto your worships your Orator George Wythe that his Brother Thomas Wythe who died about thirty three years past, by his Testament, among other things bequeathed to his wife Frances the property of one half his Slaves with the use of the other half during her Life; &amp; to his Neice, Uphan Sweny the s'd other half of his Slaves after the death of his Wife &mdash; that Your Orator purchased of his Brothers widow all her rights to the said slaves &mdash; that Thomas Claiborne afterwards married the said Uphan Sweny,<ref>Thomas Claiborne married Uphan Sweny ("dau. of Charles. Sweny") April 13, 1759. William Armstrong Crozier, ed., [https://archive.org/stream/virginiacountyre61croz#page/164/mode/2up "Norfolk County Marriage Bonds,"] ''Virginia County Records'' 6, Part 1 (March 1909), 165. See also Edward Wilson James, ed., [https://books.google.com/books?id=BSgSAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA10 "Abstracts from Norfolk County Marriage Bonds,"] ''Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary'' (Baltimore: Friedenwald Co., 1902), 4:10.</ref> &amp; not long afterwards Your Orator by desire of his Mother, without receiving any consideration, delivered up to the s'd T. Claiborne so many of the s'd Slaves with their increase as are agreed to be equal in value to one half of the whole [text obscured]; excepting two named Hannibal &amp; Corinna who your orator's Mother wished to be retained &amp; of whom the former is now dead &amp; the other is living too old to be of any value &mdash; that the s'd Thos. Claiborne gave Your Orator a Receipt for the Slaves as delivered to Him, who as Your Orator believes (for at this distance of time he cannot recollect with certainty) were ten named Cate, Tally, Esther, Hannah, Aggy, Franky, Will, George, Ross, &amp; Owen; which receipt was not recorded &amp; having been mislaid cannot be found. Now for as much disputes may arise after the death of the s'd Thomas Wythes widow now Mrs Mosby between the representatives of the s'd Thomas Claiborne &amp; Euphan his Wife, who are both dead &amp; your Orator or his Representatives
To the worshipful the Justices of Norfolk County siting in Chancery humbly complaining excellency sheweth unto by your worships your Orator George Wythe that his Brother Thomas Wythe who died about thirty three years past, by his Testament, among other things bequeathed to his wife Frances the property of one half his Slaves with the use of the other half during her Life; &amp; to his Neice, Uphan Sweny the s'd other half of his Slaves after the death of his Wife &mdash; that Thomas Claiborne afterwards married the said Uphan Sweny, &amp; not long afterwards Your Orator by desire of his Mother, without receiving any consideration, delivered up to the s'd T. Claiborne so many of the s'd Slaves with their increase as are agreed to be equal in value to one half of [text obscured] excepting two named Hannibal &amp; Corinna who your orator's Mother wished to be retained &amp; of whom the former is now dead &amp; the other is living too old to be of any value &mdash; that the s'd Thos. Claiborne gave Your Orator a Receipt for the Slaves as delivered to Him, who as Your Orator believes (for at this distance of time he cannot recollect with certainty) were ten named Cate, Tally, Esther, Hannah, Aggy, Franky, Will, George, Ross, &amp; Owen; which receipt was not recorded &amp; having been mislaid cannot be found. Now for as much disputes may arise after the death of the s'd Thomas Wythes widow now Mrs Mosby between the representatives of the s'd Thomas Claiborne Euphan his Wife, who are both dead &amp; your Orator or his Representatives
===Page 2===
===Page 2===
[[File:WytheVTarrant1789ComplaintP2.jpg |thumb|right|400px|Page two of the complaint, docketed ''Wythe vs. Claiborne''.]]
to prevent such disputes, or for the adjustment of them, if they should happen &mdash; that the representatives of the Widow of Thomas Claiborne are Francis Tarrant &amp; Anne his Wife &amp; Daughter &amp; Thomas Claiborne Wm. Claiborne &amp; George Claiborne who survive of the s'd Thos. Claiborne's Children &mdash; &amp; Wm. Happer of Jno. Wilson the only surviving acting Exr. of the s'd T. Claiborne dec'd all of whom being interested in the Question Your Orator pray, may he made parties &amp; Defendants &amp; may such if them as are of them are of full age upon oath &amp; those who are Infants by guardian to be assigned by this worshipful Court upon oath or without oath, answer the allegations before stated; &amp; that commissions may be awarded to take the examinations of such witnesses concerning the subject matter of this Bill &amp; that their testimony may be perpetually preserved &mdash; May it please Yr. Worships to grant to your Orator the Commths writ or writs of Subpoena to be directed to the s'd Defts. before named commanding them to appear &amp; answer the premises &amp; to abide the order of the Court therein
to prevent such disputes, or for the adjustment of them, if they should happen &mdash; that the representatives of the Widow of Thomas Claiborne are Francis Tarrant &amp; Anne his Wife &amp; Daughter &amp; Thomas Claiborne Wm. Claiborne &amp; George Claiborne who survive of the s'd Thos. Claiborne's Children &mdash; &amp; Wm. Happer of Jno. Nierson the only surviving acting Exr. of the s'd T. Claiborne dec'd all of whom being interested in the Question Your Orator pray, may he made parties &amp; Defendants &amp; may such if them as are of them are of full age upon oath &amp; those who are Infants by guardian to be assigned by this worshipful Court upon oath or without oath, answer the allegations before stated; &amp; that commissions may be awarded to take the examinations of such witnesses concerning the subject matter of this Bill &amp; that their testimony may be perpetually preserved &mdash; May it please Yr. Worships to grant to your Orator the Commths writ or writs of Subpoena to be directed to the s'd Defts. before named commanding them to appear &amp; answer the premises &amp; to abide the order of the Court therein
Jno. Neirson for
<div align="right">
Jno. Nierson for<br />
===Page 3===
===Page 3 (docket)===
[[File:WytheVTarrant1789ComplaintP3.jpg |thumb|right|400px|Page three of the complaint.]]
{| width="50%"
{| width="60%"
| width="25%" |Nov 1793[?] &mdash; Cont
| width="20%" |Nov 1793 &mdash; Cont
| width="25%" |&nbsp;
| width="25%" |&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Dec. 10. 89.
| width="25%" |Mar &mdash; 1796 Cont
| width="25%" |Mar &mdash; 1796 Cont
| width="25%" |May 1798 &mdash; Cont
| width="30%" |May 1798 &mdash; Cont
|Dec 1793 &mdash; Cont
|Dec 1793 &mdash; Cont
|Apl &mdash; Cont
|Apl &mdash; Cont
|June &mdash; Cont
|June &mdash; Cont
|Jan 1794 &mdash; Cont
|Jan 1794 &mdash; Cont
|v&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; in
|May &mdash; Cont
|May &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|Feb 1794 &mdash; Cont
|Feb 1794 &mdash; Cont
|Tarrant &amp; others &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;chan
|July &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|August &mdash; Cont
|August &mdash; Cont
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Aug &mdash; Cont
|Aug &mdash; Cont
|Sep &mdash; Cont
|Sep &mdash; Cont
Line 105: Line 103:
|July &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Dismissed by pfts: discretion
|July &mdash; dismissed
|Feb [?] &mdash; Cont
|Feb [?] &mdash; Cont
|Febry 1791 bill filed &amp;
|Sept &mdash; Cont
|Sept &mdash; Cont
|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;by prts: direction
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Oct &mdash; Cont
|Oct &mdash; Cont
|Apl &mdash; Cont
|Apl &mdash; Cont
|Mar 1791 cont
|Nov &mdash; Cont
|Nov &mdash; Cont
|May &mdash; Cont
|May &mdash; Cont
|April 1791 attach<sup>t</sup>
|Dec - Cont
|Dec - Cont
|June &mdash; Cont
|June &mdash; Cont
|Aug 1791 cont
|Jany 1798 &mdash; Cont
|Jany 1798 &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|July &mdash; Cont
|Janry [?] 1792 &mash;
|Feby &mdash; Cont
|Feby &mdash; Cont
|Aug &mdash; Cont
|Aug &mdash; Cont
|ditto: with pred{?]
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Mar &mdash; Cont
|Sep &mdash; Cont
|Sep &mdash; Cont
|Spe<sup>r</sup> 1792 cont.
|April &mdash; Cont
|April &mdash; Cont
|Oct &mdash; Cont
|Oct &mdash; Cont
|Oct<sup>r</sup> 1792 cont
|Jany 1798 &mdash; Cont
|Jany 1798 &mdash; Cont
|Nov &mdash; Cont
|Nov &mdash; Cont
|Jan. 1793 cont.
|Febry &mdash; Cont
|Febry &mdash; Cont
|Jany 1796 &mdash; Cont
|Jan: 1796 &mdash; Cont
|Feb: " cont
|March &mdash; Cont
|March &mdash; Cont
|Feb &mdash; Cont
|Feb &mdash; Cont
|Mar: " cont
|April &mdash; Cont
|May " cont
|June " cont
|July " cont
|[Aug] " cont
|[Sept] " cont
|[Oct] " cont
|April &mdash; Cont
==See also==
*[[George Wythe and Slavery]]
*[[Wills and Administrations of Elizabeth City County]]
==External links==
==External links==
*[https://library.uncg.edu/slavery/petitions/details.aspx?pid=14402 Race &amp; Slavery Petitions Project.]
*[https://dlas.uncg.edu/petitions/petition/21679103/ ''Race &amp; Slavery Petitions Project,''] University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
*[https://www.lva.virginia.gov/chancery/case_detail.asp?CFN=902-1799-006 Chancery Records Index,] Library of Virginia.
[[Category: Biographies (Articles)]]
[[Category: Court Documents]]
[[Category: Slavery]]

Latest revision as of 15:35, 17 December 2024

Page one from a complaint regarding the estate of Frances Wythe, widow of Thomas Wythe (c. 1789).

This complaint filed for George Wythe in late 1789, anticipating a dispute regarding slaves given to his deceased niece, Euphan Sweeney Claiborne.[1] Twelve individuals are named in the document, who would have been enslaved at the family's plantation Chesterville, in Elizabeth City County, Virginia.[2]

The slaves originally belonged to Wythe's older brother, Thomas Wythe. In his will, Thomas Wythe bequeathed one half of his slaves to his wife Frances, and the other half for her use during her lifetime and thereafter to his niece, Uphan (or Euphan) Sweeney, daughter of the Wythe sister, Anne Wythe Sweeney. Uphan later married Thomas Claiborne, after which Wythe delivered to them one half of Thomas Wythe's slaves (but before the death of Frances, who remarried and was still living). Upon delivery of the slaves, George Wythe was issued a receipt, which was later mislaid. The complaint seeks to avoid any disputes regarding the slaves by asking the High Court of Chancery to seek testimony of witnesses, and to declare that he lawfully met the requirements of his brother's will.

The court docket dates the complaint as December 10th, 1789. Thomas Wythe (the Fourth), is stated to have died about 33 years prior, in 1755 or 1756. The document reveals Thomas had been married and his widow, Frances, had by 1789 remarried into the Mosby family. Also implied is that Wythe's mother, Margaret Walker Wythe, was alive at the time of Thomas' death, as Wythe was acting "by desire of his Mother," and that she wished to retain two of the slaves in question. So Margaret Wythe did not die in or around 1746, but was still alive until 1755 or 1756, when George was 29 or 30 years old.[3]

Document text, circa 1789

Page 1

To the worshipful the Justices of Norfolk County siting in Chancery humbly complaining sheweth unto your worships your Orator George Wythe that his Brother Thomas Wythe who died about thirty three years past, by his Testament, among other things bequeathed to his wife Frances the property of one half his Slaves with the use of the other half during her Life; & to his Neice, Uphan Sweny the s'd other half of his Slaves after the death of his Wife — that Your Orator purchased of his Brothers widow all her rights to the said slaves — that Thomas Claiborne afterwards married the said Uphan Sweny,[4] & not long afterwards Your Orator by desire of his Mother, without receiving any consideration, delivered up to the s'd T. Claiborne so many of the s'd Slaves with their increase as are agreed to be equal in value to one half of the whole [text obscured]; excepting two named Hannibal & Corinna who your orator's Mother wished to be retained & of whom the former is now dead & the other is living too old to be of any value — that the s'd Thos. Claiborne gave Your Orator a Receipt for the Slaves as delivered to Him, who as Your Orator believes (for at this distance of time he cannot recollect with certainty) were ten named Cate, Tally, Esther, Hannah, Aggy, Franky, Will, George, Ross, & Owen; which receipt was not recorded & having been mislaid cannot be found. Now for as much disputes may arise after the death of the s'd Thomas Wythes widow now Mrs Mosby between the representatives of the s'd Thomas Claiborne & Euphan his Wife, who are both dead & your Orator or his Representatives

Page 2

Page two of the complaint, docketed Wythe vs. Claiborne.

to prevent such disputes, or for the adjustment of them, if they should happen — that the representatives of the Widow of Thomas Claiborne are Francis Tarrant & Anne his Wife & Daughter & Thomas Claiborne Wm. Claiborne & George Claiborne who survive of the s'd Thos. Claiborne's Children — & Wm. Happer of Jno. Nierson the only surviving acting Exr. of the s'd T. Claiborne dec'd all of whom being interested in the Question Your Orator pray, may he made parties & Defendants & may such if them as are of them are of full age upon oath & those who are Infants by guardian to be assigned by this worshipful Court upon oath or without oath, answer the allegations before stated; & that commissions may be awarded to take the examinations of such witnesses concerning the subject matter of this Bill & that their testimony may be perpetually preserved — May it please Yr. Worships to grant to your Orator the Commths writ or writs of Subpoena to be directed to the s'd Defts. before named commanding them to appear & answer the premises & to abide the order of the Court therein

Jno. Nierson for

Page 3 (docket)

Page three of the complaint.
Nov 1793 — Cont      Dec. 10. 89. Mar — 1796 Cont May 1798 — Cont
Dec 1793 — Cont Wythe                    Bill Apl — Cont June — Cont
Jan 1794 — Cont v                     }      in May — Cont July — Cont
Feb 1794 — Cont Tarrant & others    chan July — Cont August — Cont
Mar — Cont   Aug — Cont Sep — Cont
Apl — Cont   Sept — Cont Oct — Cont
May — Cont   Oct — Cont Nov — Cont
June — Cont   Dec — Cont Dec — Cont
July — Cont   Jany 97 — Cont Jan 1799. — Cont
Aug Cont   Feby — Cont Feb — Cont
Sep — Cont   Mar — Cont March — do.
Oct — Cont   Apl — Cont Apl — do.
Nov — Cont   May — Con May — do.
Dec — Cont   June — Cont June — do.
Jan 1795 [?] — Cont   July — Cont July — dismissed
Feb [?] — Cont Febry 1791 bill filed & Sept — Cont     by prts: direction
Mar — Cont [?] Oct — Cont  
Apl — Cont Mar 1791 cont Nov — Cont  
May — Cont April 1791 attacht Dec - Cont  
June — Cont Aug 1791 cont Jany 1798 — Cont  
July — Cont Janry [?] 1792 &mash; Feby — Cont  
Aug — Cont ditto: with pred{?] Mar — Cont  
Sep — Cont Sper 1792 cont. April — Cont  
Oct — Cont Octr 1792 cont Jany 1798 — Cont  
Nov — Cont Jan. 1793 cont. Febry — Cont  
Jan: 1796 — Cont Feb: " cont March — Cont  
Feb — Cont Mar: " cont April — Cont  
  May " cont    
  June " cont    
  July " cont    
  [Aug] " cont    
  [Sept] " cont    
  [Oct] " cont    

See also


  1. Race, Slavery, and Free Blacks Microfilm, Series II, Petitions to Southern County Courts, 1775–1867, Part C: Virginia (1775–1867) and Kentucky (1790–1864), Reel 1, frame 0372-0375. Original at the Library of Virginia, Richmond.
  2. "Petition 21679103 Details," Race & Slavery Petitions Project, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
  3. Hemphill approximates Thomas Wythe's death to sometime between 1753 and 1755, and believed Margaret Wythe had died as early as 1746. Colonial Briton, 39, 75.
  4. Thomas Claiborne married Uphan Sweny ("dau. of Charles. Sweny") April 13, 1759. William Armstrong Crozier, ed., "Norfolk County Marriage Bonds," Virginia County Records 6, Part 1 (March 1909), 165. See also Edward Wilson James, ed., "Abstracts from Norfolk County Marriage Bonds," Lower Norfolk County Virginia Antiquary (Baltimore: Friedenwald Co., 1902), 4:10.

External links