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| style="background: #ddcef2; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #afa3bf; text-align: left; color: #000; padding: 3px;" | Featured Picture
| style="background: #ddcef2; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #afa3bf; text-align: left; color: #000; padding: 3px;" | Featured Picture
| style="color: #000; padding: 5px 2px;" | [[File:FergusonTablesAndTracts1767 PlateI.jpg|border|right|150px]]<p>'''[[:File:FergusonTablesAndTracts1767 PlateI.jpg|Illustration of an armillary sphere]]''', engraved by James Mynde (1701-1771), from James Ferguson's ''[[Tables and Tracts Relative to Several Arts and Sciences]]'' (London: Printed for A. Millar and T. Cadell, 1767).</p>
| style="color: #000; padding: 5px 2px;" | [[File:HomerIliasAndOdyssea1711V1Frontispiece.jpg|border|right|150px]]<p>'''[[:File:HomerIliasAndOdyssea1711V1Frontispiece.jpg|Frontispiece]]''', engraved by Balthasar Bernaerts (fl. 1711-1737), from Joshua Barnes' ''[[Homerou Ilias kai Odysseia|Homerou Ilias kai Odysseia]]'' [''The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer''] (Cambridge: Cornelius Crownfield, 1711).</p>

Revision as of 16:42, 10 March 2020

Welcome to the George Wythe Encyclopedia, a project of The Wolf Law Library at the College of William & Mary's Marshall-Wythe School of Law in Williamsburg, Virginia. The encyclopedia provides historical and bibliographic information for the George Wythe Collection, The Wolf Law Library's ongoing re-creation of Wythe's Library, and is a compilation of material relating to the life of George Wythe, signer of the Declaration of Independence, chancellor for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and first professor of law in America.

The George Wythe Room

Title page from Henry Ballow's A Treatise of Equity, In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1737.

Explore the George Wythe Room, the Wolf Law Library's re-creation of George Wythe's library. Pages for each title in the collection include information about the work and its author, evidence for why the library believes George Wythe owned each title, and descriptions and photos of the copy held at The Wolf Law Library.

You can also find entries for the various people who received Wythe books after Thomas Jefferson inherited them and learn more about the copies of Wythe books that survive to this day.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

Shelf from the re-creation of George Wythe's library.

The George Wythe Encyclopedia
Portrait of George Wythe in the Wolf Law Library's Wythe Room.
George Wythe is preeminent in the list of Virginia's revolutionary founding fathers, and his life and careers as a teacher and judge gave him the opportunity to have a profound impact on the history of the Commonwealth and the United States.
Featured Case

Hudgins v. Wrights, 11 Va. (1 Hen. & Mun.) 134 (1806), was a case involving several slaves petitioning for their freedom and discussed who had the burden of proving whether they should be free or not. It provides an illustrative example of the attitudes towards race that the members of Virginia society, even its highly-educated members, held during that time. It also shows an instance in which a progressive decision by George Wythe was quickly diluted by Virginia's legal system.

Featured Article
George Wythe and Slavery: Wythe was a slave owner who believed slavery was based on prejudice and freed the last of his slaves before his death.
Featured Picture

Frontispiece, engraved by Balthasar Bernaerts (fl. 1711-1737), from Joshua Barnes' Homerou Ilias kai Odysseia [The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer] (Cambridge: Cornelius Crownfield, 1711).

About The Wolf Law Library

The law library at the College of William & Mary's Marshall-Wythe School of Law was rededicated in 2006 as The Wolf Law Library. The current facility was built in 1980, but the library was expanded and completely renovated in 2005-2007 to include space for over 400,000 volumes, seating for more than 500, 12 group study rooms, and the Nicholas J. St. George Rare Book Room, where some of the library's materials relating to John Marshall and George Wythe are on display. The library's mission includes providing access to law and law-related resources, as well as a wide range of services that support the law school curriculum and programs, promoting the advancement of legal scholarship, and fulfilling the information needs of students, faculty, and the local legal community.

For a detailed history of the library, see "America's First Law School Library: A History of the College of William and Mary's Marshall-Wythe Law Library, 1779-1995" by James S. Heller, in Law Librarianship: Historical Perspectives, ed. Laura N. Gasaway & Michael G. Chiorazzi (Littleton, CO: Rothman, 1996), 43-76.