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15:13, 29 May 2024 AnacreontisOdaria1802 Page77.jpg (file) 1.42 MB Lktesar Illustration, page 77 from ''Anacreontis Odaria ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem Emendata''. Londini: Sumptibus editoris excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Soc. et prostant apud J. White et G. Miller, 1802. Category:Illustrations Category:Text Pages 1
15:12, 29 May 2024 AnacreontisOdaria1802 Page76.jpg (file) 1.35 MB Lktesar Page 76 from ''Anacreontis Odaria ad Textus Barnesiani Fidem Emendata''. Londini: Sumptibus editoris excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Soc. et prostant apud J. White et G. Miller, 1802. Category:Text Pages 1
14:15, 29 May 2024 Spectator1769V1TitlePage.jpg (file) 1.84 MB Lktesar Title page from volume one of ''The Spectator'' edited by Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele. Glasgow: Printed by Robert Duncan for J. Robb and R. Duncan, 1769. Category: Title Pages 1
14:13, 29 May 2024 Spectator1769V1Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.74 MB Lktesar Frontispiece from volume one of ''The Spectator'' edited by Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele. Glasgow: Printed by Robert Duncan for J. Robb and R. Duncan, 1769. Category: Frontispieces 1
14:00, 29 May 2024 LysiasOperaOmnia1783FrontPastedown.jpg (file) 922 KB Lktesar Front pastedown with bookplate from Lysias's ''Opera Omnia, Graece et Latine''. Paris: Franc. Ambr. Didot L'ainé, 1783. Category:Bookplates 1
12:46, 29 May 2024 EpictetusEpictetiManualeEtSententiae1711p1Latin.jpg (file) 418 KB Lktesar First page of Latin text in ''[[Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae|Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae: Quibus Accedunt Tabula Cebetis, & Alia Affinis Argumenti, in Linguam Latinam Conversa A Marco Meibomio: Subjiciuntur Ejusdem Notae, Emendationes Claudii Salm... 1
12:45, 29 May 2024 EpictetusEpictetiManualeEtSententiae1711P1Greek.jpg (file) 400 KB Lktesar First page of Greek text in ''[[Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae|Epicteti Manuale et Sententiae: Quibus Accedunt Tabula Cebetis, & Alia Affinis Argumenti, in Linguam Latinam Conversa A Marco Meibomio: Subjiciuntur Ejusdem Notae, Emendationes Claudii Salm... 1
12:00, 29 May 2024 HomerOdyssey1752v2Bk7Title.jpg (file) 931 KB Lktesar First page, book seven, volume two from ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Headpieces Category:Text Pages 1
11:58, 29 May 2024 HomerOdyssey1752v2Bk7Illus.jpg (file) 1.21 MB Lktesar "Ulysses casts himself at the feet of King Alcinous," volume two from ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Illustrations 1
10:43, 29 May 2024 VirgilWorks1748v1Page244.jpg (file) 998 KB Lktesar Page 244 from volume one of ''The Works of Virgil, Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis''. Translated by John Dryden. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1748.... 1
10:39, 29 May 2024 VirgilWorks1748v1p244Illus.jpg (file) 1.41 MB Lktesar Illustration opposite page 2444 from volume one of ''The Works of Virgil, Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis''. Translated by John Dryden. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonso... 1
10:30, 29 May 2024 DiodoriSiculiBibliothecaeHistoricaeLibri1746v1P1.jpg (file) 2.68 MB Lktesar First page of text, volume one, from Siculus Diodorus's ''[[Diodōrou tou Sikeliōtou Bibliothēkēs Historikēs ta Sōzomena|Diodōrou tou Sikeliōtou Bibliothēkēs Historikēs ta Sōzomena = Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Supersunt... 1
10:29, 29 May 2024 DiodoriSiculiBibliothecaeHistoricaeLibri1746v1oppP1.jpg (file) 1.91 MB Lktesar End of table of contents, volume one, from Siculus Diodorus's ''[[Diodōrou tou Sikeliōtou Bibliothēkēs Historikēs ta Sōzomena|Diodōrou tou Sikeliōtou Bibliothēkēs Historikēs ta Sōzomena = Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae Libri qui Sup... 1
09:57, 29 May 2024 RabelaisWorks1737v1p127Illus.jpg (file) 1.83 MB Lktesar Illustration opposite page 127, volume 1 of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. Category:Illustrations 1
09:56, 29 May 2024 RabelaisWorks1737v1p127.jpg (file) 969 KB Lktesar Page 127,volume 1 of Francois Rabelais's ''The Works of Francis Rabelais, M.D.'' London: Printed by J. Hughs ... for J. Brindley ... and C. Corbett ..., 1737. Category:Text Pages 1
15:31, 28 May 2024 ShakespeareWorks1740v2p345Illus.jpg (file) 1.1 MB Lktesar Illustration opposite page 345, volume two from William Shakespeare's ''The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes, Collated With The Oldest Copies, And Corrected''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for H. Lintott, C. Hitch, J. and R. T... 1
15:31, 28 May 2024 ShakespeareWorks1740v2p345.jpg (file) 798 KB Lktesar Page 345, volume two from William Shakespeare's ''The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes, Collated With The Oldest Copies, And Corrected''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for H. Lintott, C. Hitch, J. and R. Tonson, C. Corbet, R. a... 1
15:12, 28 May 2024 GlasseCookery1760Page1.jpg (file) 1.46 MB Lktesar Page one from Hannah Glasse's ''The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy : Which Far Exceeds Any Thing of the Kind Yet Published''. London: Printed for A. Millar, J. and R. Tonson, W. Strahan, P. Davey and B. Law, 1760. [[Category:Te... 1
15:11, 28 May 2024 GlasseCookery1760LastOfContents.jpg (file) 1.01 MB Lktesar Last Page of the Table of Contents from Hannah Glasse's ''The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy : Which Far Exceeds Any Thing of the Kind Yet Published''. London: Printed for A. Millar, J. and R. Tonson, W. Strahan, P. Davey and B.... 1
11:00, 28 May 2024 WingateMaximesOfReason1658p1.jpg (file) 781 KB Lktesar Page one from Edmund Wingate's ''Maximes of Reason, or, The Reason of the Common Law of England.'' London: Printed by R. & W. L. for W. Lee, A. Crook, D. Pakeman, H. Twiford, G. Bedell, T. Dring, J. Place, 1658. [[Category:Headpi... 1
15:39, 24 May 2024 ShaftesburyCharacteristicks1714v2Title.jpg (file) 3.23 MB Lktesar Title page from volume two of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury's ''Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times''. London: [Printer unknown], 1714. Category:Title Pages 1
14:42, 24 May 2024 SavaryLettresSurLEgypte1785v3p255.jpg (file) 1.39 MB Lktesar Page 255 volume three of M. Claude Etienne Savary's ''[[Lettres sur l'Égypte|Lettres Sur l'Égypte, Où L'on Offre Le Parallèle Des Moeurs Anciennes & Modernes De Ses Habitans, Où L'on Décrit L'état, Le Commerce, L'agriculture, Le Gouvernement Du... 1
14:41, 24 May 2024 SavaryLettresSurLEgypte1785v3p254.jpg (file) 1,019 KB Lktesar Page 254 volume three of M. Claude Etienne Savary's ''[[Lettres sur l'Égypte|Lettres Sur l'Égypte, Où L'on Offre Le Parallèle Des Moeurs Anciennes & Modernes De Ses Habitans, Où L'on Décrit L'état, Le Commerce, L'agriculture, Le Gouvernement Du... 1
14:40, 24 May 2024 RolleAbridgmentdesPlusieurs1668v2p1.jpg (file) 2.16 MB Lktesar Page one, volume two from Henry Rolle's ''Un Abridgment des Plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley: Alphabeticalment Digest Desouth Severall Titles''. London: Printed for A. Crooke... 1
14:38, 24 May 2024 MercerExactAbridgment1759p229.jpg (file) 1.71 MB Lktesar Page 229 from John Mercer's ''An Exact Abridgement of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia in Force and Use''. Glasgow: Printed by John Bryce and David Paterson, 1759. [[Categ... 1
14:37, 24 May 2024 MercerExactAbridgment1759p228.jpg (file) 1.42 MB Lktesar Page 228 from John Mercer's ''An Exact Abridgement of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia in Force and Use''. Glasgow: Printed by John Bryce and David Paterson, 1759. [[Categ... 1
14:34, 24 May 2024 SheppardEpitomePage121.jpg (file) 1.49 MB Lktesar Page 121 from William Sheppard's ''[[Epitome of All the Common and Statute Laws of this Nation, Now in Force|An Epitome of All the Common & Statute Laws of this Nation Now in Force: Wherein More Than Fifteen Hundred of the Hardest Words or Terms of the... 1
14:33, 24 May 2024 SheppardEpitomePage120.jpg (file) 1.42 MB Lktesar Page 120 from William Sheppard's ''[[Epitome of All the Common and Statute Laws of this Nation, Now in Force|An Epitome of All the Common & Statute Laws of this Nation Now in Force: Wherein More Than Fifteen Hundred of the Hardest Words or Terms of the... 1
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