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12:21, 19 March 2014 HenriciDeBracton1640FirstPageOfText.jpg (file) 3.4 MB First page of text from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti Cura Denuò Typis Vulg... 1
12:19, 19 March 2014 BractonDeLegibus1640InitialCapital.jpg (file) 279 KB Initial capital, first page of book two, from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti ... 1
12:16, 19 March 2014 BractonDeLegibus1640InitialCapitalBk4.jpg (file) 231 KB Initial capital, first page of book four, from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti... 1
11:47, 19 March 2014 FranklinInterestGreatBritainConsidered1761Headpiece.jpg (file) 159 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from Benjamin Franklin's ''[[Interest of Great Britain Considered|The Interest of Great Britain Considered: with Regard to Her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, to Which are added, Observations Conc... 1
11:02, 19 March 2014 PaineRightsOfMan1791Inscription.jpg (file) 201 KB Inscription, front pastedown, from Thomas Paine's ''Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution''. 8th ed. London: Printed for J.S. Jordan, 1791. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:34, 18 March 2014 JonesEssayOnTheLawOfBailments1796Inscription.jpg (file) 378 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper, from Sir William Jones's ''An Essay on the Law of Bailments.'' Boston: From the Press of Samuel Etheridge, for John West, 1796. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:33, 18 March 2014 JonesEssayOnTheLawOfBailments1796Bookplate.jpg (file) 584 KB Bookplate of Jeremiah Evarts, front pastedown, from Sir William Jones's ''An Essay on the Law of Bailments.'' Boston: From the Press of Samuel Etheridge, for John West, 1796. Category:Bookplates 1
15:48, 18 March 2014 MooreCasesCollectReport1688Headpiece.jpg (file) 941 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from Sir Francis Moore's ''Cases Collect & Report per Sir Fra. Moore, Chivalier''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for G. Pawlet, and are to be sold by Mat. Wotton, 1688. Category:Headpieces 1
15:46, 18 March 2014 MooreCasesCollectReport1688Frontispiece.jpg (file) 3.63 MB Frontispiece from Sir Francis Moore's ''Cases Collect & Report per Sir Fra. Moore, Chivalier''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for G. Pawlet, and are to be sold by Mat. Wotton, 1688. Category:Author Portraits Category:Frontispieces 1
14:13, 18 March 2014 StackhouseNewHistoryOfTheOldTestament1767v1Frontispiece.jpg (file) 640 KB Frontispiece from volume one of Thomas Stackhouse's ''[[New History of the Holy Bible|A New History of the Holy Bible: From the Beginning of the World to the Establishment of Christianity: with Answers to Most of the Controverted Questions, Dissertatio... 1
12:58, 18 March 2014 HolyBible1754TitlePage.jpg (file) 3.45 MB Title page from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be Read... 1
12:49, 18 March 2014 HolyBible1754InscriptionFFL.jpg (file) 1.62 MB Inscription, front fly leaf, from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Ap... 1
11:38, 18 March 2014 NelsonCompanion1720Illustration.jpg (file) 3.4 MB   1
09:46, 18 March 2014 HookerWorks1723Inscription.jpg (file) 315 KB Inscription, front free endpapter, from ''The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in Eight Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity''. London: Printed for ... 1
09:45, 18 March 2014 HookerWorks1723BookplateFPD.jpg (file) 164 KB Bookplate of Edward Thorton, front pastedown, from ''The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in Eight Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity''. London: P... 1
09:06, 18 March 2014 LowthDeSacraPoesiHebraeorum1763Psalm19.jpg (file) 740 KB Psalm 19, verses 7-10, in Hebrew and Latin, page 253, from Robert Lowth's ''De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Prælectiones Academiæ Oxonii Habitæ''. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1763. Category:Illustrations 1
09:04, 18 March 2014 LowthDeSacraPoesiHebraeorum1763Inscription.jpg (file) 81 KB Inscription, front pastedown, from Robert Lowth's ''De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Prælectiones Academiæ Oxonii Habitæ''. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1763. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:08, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784Bookplate.jpg (file) 1.22 MB Bookplate, front pastedown, from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Bookplates 1
16:08, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784Inscription.jpg (file) 2.55 MB Inscription, front free endpaper, from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:00, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784TitlePage.jpg (file) 2.19 MB Title page from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Title Pages 1
15:46, 17 March 2014 KamesEssaysOnPrinciplesOfMorality1751v1.jpg (file) 1.01 MB   1
15:33, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672V2Inscription.jpg (file) 262 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper, volume two, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud... 1
15:30, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672HalfTitle.jpg (file) 3.06 MB Half-title, volume one, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1... 1
15:27, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672V2Bookplate.jpg (file) 346 KB Bookplate, front pastedown, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elseviriu... 1
14:37, 17 March 2014 CervantesDonQuixote1792v1Illustration.jpg (file) 1.98 MB Illustration, volume one, from Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's ''The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote''. 6th ed. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, J. Johnson [and 12 ot... 2
14:32, 17 March 2014 CervantesDonQuixote1792v3Bookplate.jpg (file) 271 KB Bookplate, front pastedown, from volume three of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's ''The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote''. 6th ed. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, J. ... 1
12:00, 17 March 2014 TibulliEtPropertiiOpera1753Inscription.jpg (file) 89 KB INscription, front free endpaper, from Tibullus's ''Tibulli Et Propertii Opera: Ex Editione J. Broukhusii Fideliter Expressa''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus & Andreas Foulis, 1753. Category:Sigantures and Inscriptions 1
11:22, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745LooseNotes.jpg (file) 1.13 MB Loose page of notes from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[Category:Marg... 1
11:12, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745Inscription.jpg (file) 53 KB Inscription, front free endpaper from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[... 1
11:07, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745InitialCapital.jpg (file) 130 KB Initial capital, page 69, from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[Catego... 1
09:22, 17 March 2014 OdysseyOfHomer1752PlateBXII.jpg (file) 1.42 MB "How Ulisses escap'd the Syrens," Plate B.XII, volume three from ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Illustrations 1
09:21, 17 March 2014 OdysseyOfHomer1752Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.07 MB Frontispiece, volume one, from Homer's ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Author Portraits Category:Frontispieces 1
16:46, 13 March 2014 HammondNewTestament1653.jpg (file) 4.68 MB   1
16:35, 13 March 2014 HammondParaphrase1653HeadpiecePremonition.jpg (file) 888 KB Headpiece, "A Premonition Concerning the Interpretation of the Apocalypse," page 904, from Henry Hammond's ''[[Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament|A Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament: Br... 1
16:27, 13 March 2014 HammondParaphrase1653Marginalia.jpg (file) 1.5 MB Greek and Latin marginalia, Romans, chapter 11, verses 29-30 (page 523) from Henry Hammond's ''[[Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament|A Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament: Briefly Explaini... 1
15:37, 13 March 2014 PlatonisPhilosophi1781Bookplate1.jpg (file) 321 KB Armorial bookplate of Frances Mary RIchardson Currer, front free endpaper, from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpre... 1
15:35, 13 March 2014 PlatonisPhilosophi1781Bookplate2.jpg (file) 423 KB Armorial bookplate of Mathew Wilson, front pastedown, from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Praemittitur... 1
15:32, 13 March 2014 PlatoPlatonisPhilosophi1781v1.jpg (file) 1.45 MB   1
15:04, 13 March 2014 MontesquieuOeuvresdeMonsieurdeMontesquieu1767v2Headpiece.jpg (file) 368 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from volume two of Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu's ''Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu''. Nouv. éd. rev., cor., & considérablement augm. par l'auteur. Londres: Nourse, 1767. Category:Headpieces 1
15:00, 13 March 2014 MontesquieuOeuvresdeMonsieurdeMontesquieu1767Frontispiece.jpg (file) 3.41 MB Frontispiece from volume one of Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu's ''Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu''. Nouv. éd. rev., cor., & considérablement augm. par l'auteur. Londres: Nourse, 1767. Category:Frontispieces 1
14:38, 13 March 2014 DionysiouLonginouPeriHupsous1694InscriptionFFEP.jpg (file) 319 KB Inscription, front free endpaper, from Longinus's ''[[Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena|Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena = Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Commentarius, Ceteraque, Quae Reperiri Potuere : In ... 1
14:35, 13 March 2014 DionysiouLonginouPeriHupsous1694HalfTitle.jpg (file) 4.48 MB Half-title from Longinus's ''[[Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena|Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena = Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Commentarius, Ceteraque, Quae Reperiri Potuere : In Usum Serenissimi Princi... 1
14:33, 13 March 2014 DionysiouLonginouPeriHupsous1694BookplateTPV.jpg (file) 909 KB Bookplate of Ambrose Isted, Esq<sup>r</sup>., title page verso, from Longinus's ''[[Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena|Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena = Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Commentarius, Ceteraqu... 1
14:32, 13 March 2014 DionysiouLonginouPeriHupsous1694BookplateFPD.jpg (file) 635 KB Bookplate of John Bakeless, front pastedown, from Longinus's ''[[Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena|Dionysiou Longinou Peri Hupsous, Kai Talla Heuriskomena = Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate Commentarius, Ceteraque, Quae Reperiri Po... 1
14:26, 13 March 2014 LockeWorksOfJohnLocke1714v2Bookplate.jpg (file) 1.58 MB Bookplate and inscription, front pastedown, from volume two of ''The Works of John Locke Esq., in Three Volumes''. London: Printed for John Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, and Sam. Manship at the Ship in Cornhi... 1
14:11, 13 March 2014 LockeWorksOfJohnLocke1714v3Inscription.jpg (file) 375 KB Inscription, front pastedown, from volume three of ''The Works of John Locke Esq., in Three Volumes''. London: Printed for John Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, and Sam. Manship at the Ship in Cornhil., 1714. [[... 1
11:52, 13 March 2014 PVirgiliiMaronisOpera1746Bookplate.jpg (file) 331 KB Bookplate of R. W<sup>mes.</sup> Vaughan, front pastedown, from Virgil's ''P. Virgilii Maronis Opera''. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem, a. 1722. Londini: Impensis W. Innys, 1746. Category:Bookplates 1
11:52, 13 March 2014 PVirgiliiMaronisOpera1746Illustration.jpg (file) 2.12 MB Illustration from Virgil's ''P. Virgilii Maronis Opera''. Juxta editionem novissimam Parisiensem, a. 1722. Londini: Impensis W. Innys, 1746. Category:Illustrations 1
11:38, 13 March 2014 WorksOfVirgil1748v2HeadpieceAeneis.jpg (file) 487 KB Headpiece, first page of text of the Aeneid, from volume two of ''The Works of Virgil, Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis''. Translated by John Dryden. London: Printed for J.... 1
11:37, 13 March 2014 WorksOfVirgil1748v3Bookplate.jpg (file) 616 KB Armorial bookplate, front pastedown, from volume three of ''The Works of Virgil, Containing His Pastorals, Georgics and Æneis''. Translated by John Dryden. London: Printed for J. and R... 1
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