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12:44, 20 March 2014 TheophilousTheophiliAntecessorisParaphrasisGraeca1751Illustration.jpg (file) 4.56 MB Illustration opposite page 571 from ''Theophilou Antikēnsōros ta Heuriskomena: Theophili Antecessoris Paraphrasis Graeca Institutionum Caesarearum''. Hagae Comitis: apud fratres Ottonem et Petrum Thollios... 1
12:32, 20 March 2014 TheophilousTheophiliAntecessorisParaphrasisGraeca1751Dedication.jpg (file) 1.44 MB Headpiece, dedication, from ''Theophilou Antikēnsōros ta Heuriskomena: Theophili Antecessoris Paraphrasis Graeca Institutionum Caesarearum''. Hagae Comitis: apud fratres Ottonem et Petrum Thollios, 1751. ... 1
11:14, 20 March 2014 ModernCasesArguedAndAdjudged1733TitlePage.jpg (file) 4.5 MB Title page from ''Modern Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster: in the Reign of Her Late Majesty Q. Anne, in the Time when Sir John Holt sat Chief-Justice There''. 2nd ed. London, In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt,... 1
08:56, 20 March 2014 CollectionPublicActs1785RFEP.jpg (file) 4.25 MB Marginalia, rear free endpaper, from Virginia's ''Collection of All Such Public Acts of the General Assembly, and Ordinances of the Conventions of Virginia''. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Nicolson and William Prentis, 1785. Category:Marginalia 1
08:54, 20 March 2014 CollectionPublicActs1785FFEP.jpg (file) 3.55 MB Marginalia, front free endpaper, from Virginia's ''Collection of All Such Public Acts of the General Assembly, and Ordinances of the Conventions of Virginia''. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Nicolson and William Prentis, 1785. Category:Marginalia 1
20:43, 19 March 2014 ErasmusAdagiorum1663InitialCapital.jpg (file) 93 KB Initial capital, first page of text, from Desiderius Erasmus's ''Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami Epitome''. Amstelodami: Ex officina Elzeviriana, Sumptibus Societatis, 1663. Category:Illustrations 1
15:52, 19 March 2014 ErasmusAdagiorum1663Inscriptions2.jpg (file) 864 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper verso, from Desiderius Erasmus's ''Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami Epitome''. Amstelodami: Ex officina Elzeviriana, Sumptibus Societatis, 1663. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
15:51, 19 March 2014 ErasmusAdagiorum1663Inscriptions.jpg (file) 644 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper, from Desiderius Erasmus's ''Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami Epitome''. Amstelodami: Ex officina Elzeviriana, Sumptibus Societatis, 1663. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
15:47, 19 March 2014 ErasmusAdagiorum1663.jpg (file) 752 KB   1
12:48, 19 March 2014 BractonDeLegibus1640Marginalia.jpg (file) 1.22 MB Marginalia and underlining, page 227, from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti Cur... 1
12:21, 19 March 2014 HenriciDeBracton1640FirstPageOfText.jpg (file) 3.4 MB First page of text from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti Cura Denuò Typis Vulg... 1
12:19, 19 March 2014 BractonDeLegibus1640InitialCapital.jpg (file) 279 KB Initial capital, first page of book two, from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti ... 1
12:16, 19 March 2014 BractonDeLegibus1640InitialCapitalBk4.jpg (file) 231 KB Initial capital, first page of book four, from ''[[De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae|Henrici de Bracton De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri Quinque: in Varios Tractatus Distincti, ad Diversorum & Vetustissimorum Codicum Collationem, Ingenti... 1
11:47, 19 March 2014 FranklinInterestGreatBritainConsidered1761Headpiece.jpg (file) 159 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from Benjamin Franklin's ''[[Interest of Great Britain Considered|The Interest of Great Britain Considered: with Regard to Her Colonies, and the Acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe, to Which are added, Observations Conc... 1
11:02, 19 March 2014 PaineRightsOfMan1791Inscription.jpg (file) 201 KB Inscription, front pastedown, from Thomas Paine's ''Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution''. 8th ed. London: Printed for J.S. Jordan, 1791. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:34, 18 March 2014 JonesEssayOnTheLawOfBailments1796Inscription.jpg (file) 378 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper, from Sir William Jones's ''An Essay on the Law of Bailments.'' Boston: From the Press of Samuel Etheridge, for John West, 1796. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:33, 18 March 2014 JonesEssayOnTheLawOfBailments1796Bookplate.jpg (file) 584 KB Bookplate of Jeremiah Evarts, front pastedown, from Sir William Jones's ''An Essay on the Law of Bailments.'' Boston: From the Press of Samuel Etheridge, for John West, 1796. Category:Bookplates 1
15:48, 18 March 2014 MooreCasesCollectReport1688Headpiece.jpg (file) 941 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from Sir Francis Moore's ''Cases Collect & Report per Sir Fra. Moore, Chivalier''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for G. Pawlet, and are to be sold by Mat. Wotton, 1688. Category:Headpieces 1
15:46, 18 March 2014 MooreCasesCollectReport1688Frontispiece.jpg (file) 3.63 MB Frontispiece from Sir Francis Moore's ''Cases Collect & Report per Sir Fra. Moore, Chivalier''. 2nd ed. London: Printed for G. Pawlet, and are to be sold by Mat. Wotton, 1688. Category:Author Portraits Category:Frontispieces 1
14:13, 18 March 2014 StackhouseNewHistoryOfTheOldTestament1767v1Frontispiece.jpg (file) 640 KB Frontispiece from volume one of Thomas Stackhouse's ''[[New History of the Holy Bible|A New History of the Holy Bible: From the Beginning of the World to the Establishment of Christianity: with Answers to Most of the Controverted Questions, Dissertatio... 1
12:58, 18 March 2014 HolyBible1754TitlePage.jpg (file) 3.45 MB Title page from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be Read... 1
12:49, 18 March 2014 HolyBible1754InscriptionFFL.jpg (file) 1.62 MB Inscription, front fly leaf, from ''[[Holy Bible|The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues: and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Ap... 1
11:38, 18 March 2014 NelsonCompanion1720Illustration.jpg (file) 3.4 MB   1
09:46, 18 March 2014 HookerWorks1723Inscription.jpg (file) 315 KB Inscription, front free endpapter, from ''The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in Eight Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity''. London: Printed for ... 1
09:45, 18 March 2014 HookerWorks1723BookplateFPD.jpg (file) 164 KB Bookplate of Edward Thorton, front pastedown, from ''The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in Eight Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity''. London: P... 1
09:06, 18 March 2014 LowthDeSacraPoesiHebraeorum1763Psalm19.jpg (file) 740 KB Psalm 19, verses 7-10, in Hebrew and Latin, page 253, from Robert Lowth's ''De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Prælectiones Academiæ Oxonii Habitæ''. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1763. Category:Illustrations 1
09:04, 18 March 2014 LowthDeSacraPoesiHebraeorum1763Inscription.jpg (file) 81 KB Inscription, front pastedown, from Robert Lowth's ''De Sacra Poesi Hebræorum. Prælectiones Academiæ Oxonii Habitæ''. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano, 1763. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:08, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784Bookplate.jpg (file) 1.22 MB Bookplate, front pastedown, from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Bookplates 1
16:08, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784Inscription.jpg (file) 2.55 MB Inscription, front free endpaper, from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Signatures and Inscriptions 1
16:00, 17 March 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784TitlePage.jpg (file) 2.19 MB Title page from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Title Pages 1
15:46, 17 March 2014 KamesEssaysOnPrinciplesOfMorality1751v1.jpg (file) 1.01 MB   1
15:33, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672V2Inscription.jpg (file) 262 KB Inscriptions, front free endpaper, volume two, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud... 1
15:30, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672HalfTitle.jpg (file) 3.06 MB Half-title, volume one, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1... 1
15:27, 17 March 2014 TacitusCCorneliiTacitiOpera1672V2Bookplate.jpg (file) 346 KB Bookplate, front pastedown, from Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elseviriu... 1
14:37, 17 March 2014 CervantesDonQuixote1792v1Illustration.jpg (file) 1.98 MB Illustration, volume one, from Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's ''The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote''. 6th ed. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, J. Johnson [and 12 ot... 2
14:32, 17 March 2014 CervantesDonQuixote1792v3Bookplate.jpg (file) 271 KB Bookplate, front pastedown, from volume three of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's ''The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote''. 6th ed. London: Printed for F. and C. Rivington, T. Longman, B. Law, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, J. ... 1
12:00, 17 March 2014 TibulliEtPropertiiOpera1753Inscription.jpg (file) 89 KB INscription, front free endpaper, from Tibullus's ''Tibulli Et Propertii Opera: Ex Editione J. Broukhusii Fideliter Expressa''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus & Andreas Foulis, 1753. Category:Sigantures and Inscriptions 1
11:22, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745LooseNotes.jpg (file) 1.13 MB Loose page of notes from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[Category:Marg... 1
11:12, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745Inscription.jpg (file) 53 KB Inscription, front free endpaper from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[... 1
11:07, 17 March 2014 IncertiScriptorisGraeciFabulae1745InitialCapital.jpg (file) 130 KB Initial capital, page 69, from ''Incerti Scriptoris Graeci Fabulae Aliquot Homericae de Ulixis Erroribus, Ethice Explicatae''. Lugduni Batavorum: Apud P. Bonk, 1745. [[Catego... 1
09:22, 17 March 2014 OdysseyOfHomer1752PlateBXII.jpg (file) 1.42 MB "How Ulisses escap'd the Syrens," Plate B.XII, volume three from ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Illustrations 1
09:21, 17 March 2014 OdysseyOfHomer1752Frontispiece.jpg (file) 2.07 MB Frontispiece, volume one, from Homer's ''The Odyssey of Homer''. Translated. London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1752. Category:Author Portraits Category:Frontispieces 1
16:46, 13 March 2014 HammondNewTestament1653.jpg (file) 4.68 MB   1
16:35, 13 March 2014 HammondParaphrase1653HeadpiecePremonition.jpg (file) 888 KB Headpiece, "A Premonition Concerning the Interpretation of the Apocalypse," page 904, from Henry Hammond's ''[[Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament|A Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament: Br... 1
16:27, 13 March 2014 HammondParaphrase1653Marginalia.jpg (file) 1.5 MB Greek and Latin marginalia, Romans, chapter 11, verses 29-30 (page 523) from Henry Hammond's ''[[Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament|A Paraphrase, and Annotations upon All the Books of the New Testament: Briefly Explaini... 1
15:37, 13 March 2014 PlatonisPhilosophi1781Bookplate1.jpg (file) 321 KB Armorial bookplate of Frances Mary RIchardson Currer, front free endpaper, from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpre... 1
15:35, 13 March 2014 PlatonisPhilosophi1781Bookplate2.jpg (file) 423 KB Armorial bookplate of Mathew Wilson, front pastedown, from volume one of ''[[Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece|Platonis Philosophi Quae Extant Graece ad Editionem Henrici Stephani Accurate Expressa cum Marsilii Ficini Interpretatione; Praemittitur... 1
15:32, 13 March 2014 PlatoPlatonisPhilosophi1781v1.jpg (file) 1.45 MB   1
15:04, 13 March 2014 MontesquieuOeuvresdeMonsieurdeMontesquieu1767v2Headpiece.jpg (file) 368 KB Headpiece, first page of text, from volume two of Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu's ''Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu''. Nouv. éd. rev., cor., & considérablement augm. par l'auteur. Londres: Nourse, 1767. Category:Headpieces 1
15:00, 13 March 2014 MontesquieuOeuvresdeMonsieurdeMontesquieu1767Frontispiece.jpg (file) 3.41 MB Frontispiece from volume one of Baron de Charles de Secondat Montesquieu's ''Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu''. Nouv. éd. rev., cor., & considérablement augm. par l'auteur. Londres: Nourse, 1767. Category:Frontispieces 1
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