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15:47, 10 April 2023 SandysTravels1673Page63.jpg (file) 6.64 MB Page 63 from ''Sandys Travels'' by George Sandys, London: Printed for J. Williams junior, 1673. Category:Text Pages 1
09:23, 18 April 2023 FaberThesaurusEruditionisScholasticae1710 Title.jpg (file) 7.35 MB Title page of Basil Faber's ''Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae''. Lipsiae: Apud Thomam Fritsch, 1710. Category: Title Pages 1
09:24, 18 April 2023 FaberThesaurusEruditionisScholasticae1710 Spine.jpg (file) 2.79 MB Spine of Basil Faber's ''Basilii Fabri Sorani Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae''. Lipsiae: Apud Thomam Fritsch, 1710. Category: Book Spines 1
09:28, 18 April 2023 FaberThesaurusEruditionisScholasticae1710 Page1Capital.jpg (file) 222 KB Capital from page one of Basil Faber's ''Basilii Fabri Sorani Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae''. Lipsiae: Apud Thomam Fritsch, 1710. Category: Illustrations 1
11:21, 3 May 2023 CluverIntrodvctionis in Universam Geographiam1651 Title.jpg (file) 1,000 KB Title page from Philipp Clüver's ''Philippi Cluverii Introdvctionis in Universam Geographiam tam Veterem Quam Novam Libri VI'' (Amstelodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651 Category: Title Pages 1
11:25, 3 May 2023 CluverIntrodvctionis in Universam Geographiam1651 Compass Diagrams.jpg (file) 2.03 MB   1
11:26, 3 May 2023 CluverIntrodvctionis in Universam Geographiam1651 Diagrams.jpg (file) 1.87 MB Globe diagrams from Philipp Clüver's ''Philippi Cluverii Introdvctionis in Universam Geographiam tam Veterem Quam Novam Libri VI'' (Amstelodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651 Category: Illustrations 1
09:57, 16 May 2023 JeffersonBlackwellvWilkinson1768p73.jpg (file) 1.27 MB First page of the opinion ''Blackwell v. Wilkinson'', in [ ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772''],... 1
13:00, 25 May 2023 JeffersonBradfordvBradford1769p86.jpg (file) 1.29 MB First page of the opinion ''Bradford v. Bradford'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from... 1
13:01, 25 May 2023 JeffersonBrentvPorter1768p72.jpg (file) 1.39 MB First page of the opinion ''Brent v. Porter'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768... 1
13:01, 25 May 2023 JeffersonCartervWebb1772p123.jpg (file) 1.39 MB First page of the opinion ''Carter v. Webb'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768... 1
13:02, 25 May 2023 JeffersonGodwinvLunan1771p96.jpg (file) 1.38 MB First page of the opinion ''Carter v. Lunan'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768... 1
13:02, 25 May 2023 JeffersonHerndonvCarr1772p132.jpg (file) 1.31 MB First page of the opinion ''Herndon v. Carr'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768... 1
13:03, 25 May 2023 JeffersonHowellv.Netherland1770p90.jpg (file) 1.37 MB First page of the opinion ''Howell v. Netherland'', in [ Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from... 1
13:08, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829BradfordvBradford.pdf (file) 97 KB ''Bradford v. Bradford'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:08, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829BrentvPorter.pdf (file) 94 KB ''Brent v. Porter'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:09, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829CartervWebb.pdf (file) 500 KB ''Carter v. Webb'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:11, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829GodwinvLunan.pdf (file) 702 KB ''Godwin v. Lunan'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:12, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829HowellvNetherland.pdf (file) 367 KB ''Howell v. Netherland'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:13, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829HerndonvCarr.pdf (file) 261 KB ''Herndon v. Carr'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
13:18, 25 May 2023 JeffersonReports1829BlackwellvWilkinson.pdf (file) 753 KB ''Blackwell v. Wilkinson'', in Thomas Jefferson's ''Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740 and from 1768 to 1772'', ed. Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville: F Carr and Co., 1829. Category: Cases 1
12:36, 31 May 2023 DarwinZoonomia1801v1Title.jpg (file) 2.52 MB Title page, volume one of Erasmus Darwin's ''Zoonomia or The Laws of Organic Life'' 3d ed. cor. (London: J. Johnson, 1801.) Category: Title Pages 1
12:37, 31 May 2023 DarwinZoonomia1801v1Bookplate.jpg (file) 680 KB Bookplate, front pastedown, from volume one of Erasmus Darwin's ''Zoonomia or The Laws of Organic Life'' 3d ed. cor. (London: J. Johnson, 1801.) Category: Bookplates 1
12:42, 31 May 2023 DarwinZoonomia1801v3IllustrationOppP141Detail.jpg (file) 1.04 MB Illustration from page 141 of volume three of Erasmus Darwin's ''Zoonomia or The Laws of Organic Life'' 3d ed. cor. (London: J. Johnson, 1801.) Category: Illustrations 1
14:22, 2 June 2023 CluverIntroductionisInUniversamGeographiam1651Spine.jpg (file) 303 KB   1
09:51, 5 June 2023 DarwinZoonomia1801Spines.jpg (file) 3.31 MB Spines of Erasmus Darwin's ''Zoonomia or The Laws of Organic Life'' 3d ed. cor. (London: J. Johnson, 1801.) Category: Book Spines 1
09:23, 31 October 2023 QCurtiiRufiHistoriaAlexandriMagni1658TitlePage.jpg (file) 6.73 MB   2
12:12, 31 October 2023 Theophrastus CharakteresEthikoi1758 Title.jpg (file) 1.41 MB Title page for ''[Theophrastou Charaktēres Εthikoi]''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1758. Category:Title Pages 1
12:13, 31 October 2023 Theophrastus CharakteresEthikoi1758 Bookplate1.jpg (file) 803 KB Bookplate, front pastedown of ''[Theophrastou Charaktēres Εthikoi]''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1758. Category:Bookplates 1
12:15, 31 October 2023 Theophrastus CharakteresEthikoi1758 Bookplate2.jpg (file) 877 KB Bookplate of Charles Barclay, front free endpaper of ''Theophrastou Charaktēres Εthikoi''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1758. Category:Bookplates 1
15:51, 31 October 2023 Theophrastus CharakteresEthikoi1758 Spine.jpg (file) 513 KB Spine from ''Theophrastou Charaktēres Εthikoi''. Glasguae: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1758. Category:Book Spines 1
13:05, 28 November 2023 RaymondisTraiteElementairedeMoraleetduBonheur1784 FrontPastedown.jpg (file) 1.4 MB Front pastedown from from Jean-Zacharie Paradis de Raymondis's ''Traité élémentaire de morale et du Bonheur'' (Lyon: Chez J. M. Barret, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1784). Category: Book Pages 1
13:33, 28 November 2023 RaymondisTraiteElementairedeMoraleetduBonheur1784 FrontFreeEndpaper.jpg (file) 1.32 MB Front free endpaper from from Jean-Zacharie Paradis de Raymondis's ''Traité élémentaire de morale et du Bonheur'' (Lyon: Chez J. M. Barret, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1784). [[Category: Pastedowns and Endp... 1
14:54, 28 November 2023 DemosthenesDemosthenousLogoiEklektoi1755 PageI.jpg (file) 1.87 MB Page I from Demosthenes's ''Dēmosthenous Logoi Eklektoi = Demosthenis Selectæ Orationes''. Etonæ: apud Joseph. & Thomam Pote, 1755. Category:Text Pages 1
15:58, 28 November 2023 LightfootWorks1684v2Page20.jpg (file) 949 KB Page 20 from volume 2 of ''The Works of the Reverend and Learned John Lightfoot'' (London: Printed by W. R. for Robert Scot, Thomas Basset, Richard Chiswell, 1684). Category: Text Pages 1
16:20, 28 November 2023 DarwinZoonomia1801v1FrontPastedown.jpg (file) 2.35 MB Front pastedown, from volume one of Erasmus Darwin's ''Zoonomia or The Laws of Organic Life'' 3d ed. cor. (London: J. Johnson, 1801.) Category: Pastedowns and Endpapers 1
09:49, 30 November 2023 Spectator1769V5TitlePage.jpg (file) 1.75 MB Title page from volume five of ''The Spectator'' edited by Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele. Glasgow: Printed by Robert Duncan for J. Robb and R. Duncan, 1769. Category: Title Pages 1
09:49, 30 November 2023 Spectator1769V8TitlePage.jpg (file) 1.79 MB Title page from volume eight of ''The Spectator'' edited by Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele. Glasgow: Printed by Robert Duncan for J. Robb and R. Duncan, 1769. Category: Title Pages 1
09:51, 30 November 2023 Spectator1769V8Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.64 MB Frontispiece from volume eight of ''The Spectator'' edited by Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele. Glasgow: Printed by Robert Duncan for J. Robb and R. Duncan, 1769. Category: Frontispieces 1
10:07, 30 November 2023 EncyclopaediaDictionary1798v7Cover.jpg (file) 5.28 MB Cover of volume seven of the ''Encyclopaedia, or, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature''. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798. Category:Book Covers 1
12:18, 30 November 2023 RuddimanRudimentsOfTheLatinTongue1769 TitlePage.jpg (file) 1.38 MB Title page of Thomas Ruddiman's ''[[Rudiments of the Latin Tongue|The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue or, a Plain and Easy Introduction to Latin Grammar; ... with Useful Notes and Observations, Explaining the Terms of Grammar, and Further Improving Its R... 1
12:19, 30 November 2023 RuddimanRudimentsOfTheLatinTongue1769 Spine.jpg (file) 253 KB Spine of Thomas Ruddiman's ''[[Rudiments of the Latin Tongue|The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue or, a Plain and Easy Introduction to Latin Grammar; ... with Useful Notes and Observations, Explaining the Terms of Grammar, and Further Improving Its Rules]... 1
13:46, 30 November 2023 RuddimanRudimentsOfTheLatinTongue1769 PrefaceHeadpiece.jpg (file) 216 KB Headpiece from the preface of Thomas Ruddiman's ''[[Rudiments of the Latin Tongue|The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue or, a Plain and Easy Introduction to Latin Grammar; ... with Useful Notes and Observations, Explaining the Terms of Grammar, and Further... 1
13:48, 30 November 2023 RuddimanRudimentsOfTheLatinTongue1769 PrefaceInitialCapital.jpg (file) 55 KB Initial capital from Thomas Ruddiman's ''[[Rudiments of the Latin Tongue|The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue or, a Plain and Easy Introduction to Latin Grammar; ... with Useful Notes and Observations, Explaining the Terms of Grammar, and Further Improvin... 1
14:18, 30 November 2023 BlackwellSacredClassics1737v2Pagexxxii.jpg (file) 3.6 MB Page xxxii from volume two of Anthony Blackwall's ''[[Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated|The Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated, or, An Essay Humbly Offer'd Towards Proving the Purity, Propriety, and True Eloquence of the Writers of the New... 1
14:19, 30 November 2023 BlackwellSacredClassics1737v2Page1.jpg (file) 3.89 MB Page 1 from volume two of Anthony Blackwall's ''[[Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated|The Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated, or, An Essay Humbly Offer'd Towards Proving the Purity, Propriety, and True Eloquence of the Writers of the New Tes... 1
13:49, 19 December 2023 ShaftesburyCharacteristicks1714v1SetTitle.jpg (file) 1.46 MB Title page from volume one of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury's ''Characteristicks, of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times &c.''. London: [Printer unknown], 1714. [[Category:Title Pa... 1
13:50, 19 December 2023 ShaftesburyCharacteristicks1714v1Frontispiece.jpg (file) 1.55 MB Frontispiece from volume one of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury's ''Characteristicks, of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times &c.''. London: [Printer unknown], 1714. [[Category:Fronti... 1
13:54, 19 December 2023 ShaftesburyCharacteristicks1714v3Page1Header.jpg (file) 1.03 MB Headpiece from the first page of text, volume three of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury's ''Characteristicks, of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times &c.''. London: [Printer unknown], 1... 1
13:55, 19 December 2023 ShaftesburyCharacteristicks1714Spines.jpg (file) 2.1 MB Spines from Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury's ''Characteristicks, of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times &c.''. London: [Printer unknown], 1714. Category:Book Spines 1
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