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12:15, 22 September 2014 DalrympleEssayFeudalProperty1757Spine.jpg (file) 611 KB Wjconlin Spine from John Dalrymple's ''Essay Towards a General History of Feudal Property in Great Britain'', London: Printed for A. Millar, 1757. Category:Spines 1
12:13, 22 September 2014 RutherforthInstitutesNaturalLaw1754Spines.jpg (file) 948 KB Wjconlin Spines for Thomas Rutherforth's ''Institutes of Natural Law: Being the Substance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis.'' Cambridge: Printed by J. Bentham, printer to the University, for W. Thurlbourn, ... 1
12:05, 22 September 2014 GrotiusRightsOfWarAndPeace1738Spine.jpg (file) 1.36 MB Wjconlin Spine for Hugo Grotius's ''The Rights of War and Peace, In Three Books: Wherein are Explained, the Law of Nature and Nations, and the Principal Points Relating to Government.'' Translated. London: Printed for W. Innys and R.... 1
12:03, 22 September 2014 BallowTreatiseOfEquity1737Spine.jpg (file) 577 KB Wjconlin Spine from Henry Ballow's ''A Treatise of Equity'', In the Savoy: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, 1737. Category:Spines 1
12:01, 22 September 2014 HookerWorks1723Spine.jpg (file) 1.8 MB Wjconlin Spine for ''The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker: in Eight Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity''. London: Printed for John Walthoe, George Conyers, ... 1
11:59, 22 September 2014 BurnsEcclesiasticalLaw1781Spines.jpg (file) 2.35 MB Wjconlin Spines for Richard Burn's ''Ecclesiastical Law.'' London: Printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall, Law-Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1781. Category:Spines 1
11:57, 22 September 2014 HawkinTreatiseOfPleasOfCrown1716-26Spines.jpg (file) 1.58 MB Wjconlin Spines for William Hawkin's ''A Treatise Of The Pleas Of The Crown, Or, A System Of The Principal Matters Relating To That Subject: Digested Under Their Proper Heads.'' London, In the Savoy: Printed by Eliz. Nutt,... 1
11:56, 22 September 2014 HaleHistoryOfPleasOfCrownSpine1736.jpg (file) 2.86 MB Wjconlin Spine for Sir Matthew Hale's ''Historia Placitorum Coronæ. The History Of The Pleas Of The Crown.'' London, In the Savoy, Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling for F. Gyles ..., 1736. Category:Spines 1
11:40, 22 September 2014 FitzherbertNewNaturaBrevium1755Spine.jpg (file) 1.4 MB Wjconlin Spine from Anthony Fitzherbert's ''The New Natura Brevium'', In the Savoy: Printed for Henry Lintot and sold by J. Shuckburgh, 1755. Category:Spines 2
14:13, 15 September 2014 LambardeEirenarcha1599Spine.jpg (file) 387 KB Wjconlin Spine for William Lambarde's ''Eirenarcha, or, Of the Office of the Iustices of Peace: in Foure Bookes.'' F. At London Printed by Thomas Wight, and Bonham Norton, 1599. Category:Spines 1
14:07, 15 September 2014 PothierTreatiseOnObligations1802Spine.jpg (file) 1.06 MB Wjconlin Spine for Robert Joseph Pothier's ''A Treatise on Obligations: Considered in a Moral and Legal View.'' Translated. Newburn, N.C.: Martin & Ogden, 1802. Category:Spines 1
14:04, 15 September 2014 SheppardTouch-Stone1648Spine.jpg (file) 484 KB Wjconlin Spine for William Sheppard's ''The Touch-Stone of Common Assurances, or, A Plain and Familiar Treatise, Opening the Learning of the Common Assurances or Conveyances of the Kingdome.'' London: Printed by M.F. for W. ... 1
14:03, 15 September 2014 PigottNewPrecedentsInConveyancing1742Spine.jpg (file) 1.22 MB Wjconlin Spine from Nathaniel Pigott's ''[[New Precedents in Conveyancing|New Precedents in Conveyancing: Containing Great Variety of Curious Draughts, Many of Them on Special Occations, Drawn or Settled By Mr. Piggot, Northey, Webb, and Other Eminent Hands; an... 1
14:02, 15 September 2014 WinchLeBeauPledeur1680Spine.jpg (file) 1.7 MB Wjconlin Spine from ''[[Beau-Pledeur|A Book of Entries, Containing Declarations, Informations, and Other Select and Approved Pleadings, with Special Verdicts and Demurrers, in Most Actions, Feal, Personal, and Mixt, Which have been Argued and Adjudged in the Co... 1
13:48, 15 September 2014 DaltonOfficiumVicecomitum1623Spine.jpg (file) 504 KB Wjconlin Spine for Michael Dalton's ''[[Officium Vicecomitum|Officium Vicecomitum: The Office and Avthoritie of Sherifs. Written for the Better Incouragement of the Gentrie (Upon Whom the Burthen of This Office Lyeth) to Keepe Their Continuall Care of the busin... 1
13:43, 15 September 2014 StylePracticalRegister1707Spine.jpg (file) 777 KB Wjconlin Spine for William Style's ''Style's Practical Register''. 4th ed. London: Printed for C. Harper, D. Brown, J. Walthoe and D. Midwinter, 1707. Category:Spines 1
13:41, 15 September 2014 SpelmanEnglishWorks1723Spine.jpg (file) 1.82 MB Wjconlin Spine for ''[[English Works of Sir Henry Spelman|The English Works of Sir Henry Spelman, Kt. Publish'd in His Life-Time; Together with His Posthumous Works, Relating to the Laws And Antiquities of England; First Publish'd by the Present Lord Bishop of ... 1
13:39, 15 September 2014 NoyTreatisePrincipalGroundsMaximesLawes1651Spine.jpg (file) 140 KB Wjconlin Spine from William Noy's ''A Treatise of the Principal Grounds and Maximes of the Lawes'', London: by T.N. for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, R. Best, and G. Bedell, 1651. Category:Spines 1
13:34, 15 September 2014 HaleHistoryOfCommonLaw1739Spine.jpg (file) 483 KB Wjconlin Spine for Matthew Hale's ''The History of the Common Law of England Divided into Twelve Chapters''. 3rd ed., corrected. London, In the Savoy: printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling, (assigns of Edw. Sayer, Es... 1
13:28, 15 September 2014 BlackstoneLawTractsSpines.jpg (file) 867 KB Wjconlin Spines from William Blackstone's ''Law Tracts'', volume one, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1762. Category:Spines 1
13:27, 15 September 2014 BlackstoneCommentariesSpines.jpg (file) 4.37 MB Wjconlin Spines from William Blackstone's ''Commentaries on the Laws of England'', volume three, Oxford: Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1766. Category:Spines 1
13:22, 15 September 2014 QuintilianM.FabiiQuinctiliani1714Spine.jpg (file) 856 KB Wjconlin Spine for Quintilian's ''[[M. Fabii Quinctiliani de Institutione Oratoria|M. Fabii Quinctiliani de Institutione Oratoria Libri Duodecim: Juxta Editionem, Quae, ad Fidem Trium Codicum Mss. & Octo Impressorum, Prodiit è Theatro Sheldoniano, Oxonii, An. ... 1
13:21, 15 September 2014 PlinyEpistolePanegyricus1653Spine.jpg (file) 359 KB Wjconlin Spine for Pliny the Younger's ''C. Plinii Cæcilii Secvndi Epistolæ et Panegyricus''. Editio nova. Lvgd. Batav.: Apud Joan. & Danielem Elsevier, 1653. Category:Spines 1
13:16, 15 September 2014 LucianLoukianouSamosateos1743Spines.jpg (file) 1.86 MB Wjconlin Spines for Lucian of Samosata's ''Loukianou Samosateōs Hapanta = Luciani Samosatensis Opera''. Amstelodami: Sumptibus J. Wetstenii, 1743. Category:Spines 1
13:15, 15 September 2014 KusterLudKusterus1750Spine.jpg (file) 306 KB Wjconlin Spine for Ludolf Kuster's ''[[Lud. Kusterus de Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia a Verbis Activis & Passivis|Lud. Kusterus de Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum Eorumque Differentia a Verbis Activis & Passivis.: Item Veteres Poetæ Citati Ad P. L... 1
13:10, 15 September 2014 HarrisPhilologicalInquiries1781Spine.jpg (file) 827 KB Wjconlin Spine for James Harris's ''Philological Inquiries in Three Parts''. London: Printed for C. Nourse, 1781. Category:Spines 1
13:09, 15 September 2014 CamdenGrammarOfGreek1800Spine.jpg (file) 415 KB Wjconlin Spine for ''[[Grammar of the Greek Language|A Grammar of the Greek Language: Originally Composed for the College-School, at Gloucester, in Which it has been the Editor's Design to Reject What, in the Most Improved Edition of Cambden, is Redundant, to S... 1
13:06, 15 September 2014 DiscoursDeLycurgue1783Spine.jpg (file) 1.01 MB Wjconlin Spine for ''Discours de Lycurgue, d'Andocide, d'Isée, de Dinarque, avec un Fragment Sous le Nom de Démade''. Translated into French by M. l'abbé Auger. A Paris: Chez De Bure, fils aîné ...... 1
13:05, 15 September 2014 DionysiusDionysiouHalikarnasseos1728Spine.jpg (file) 536 KB Wjconlin Spine for Dionysius of Halicarnassus's ''Dionysiou Halikarnasseōs Peri Syntheseōs Onomatōn = Dionysii Halicarnassei De Structura Orationis Liber''. Londini: Impensis R. Knaplock, in Cœmeterio... 1
13:02, 15 September 2014 DemosthenesOevresComplettes1777Spines.jpg (file) 1.93 MB Wjconlin Spines for Demosthenes's ''[[Œuvres Complettes de Démosthene et d'Eschine|Œuvres Complettes de Démosthene et d'Eschine, Traduites en François, avec des Remarques sur les Harangues & Plaidoyers de Ces Deux Orateurs, & des Notes Critiques & Grammati... 1
13:00, 15 September 2014 DemetriusPhalereideElocutione1743Spine.jpg (file) 409 KB Wjconlin Spine for Demetrius's ''[[Demetriou Phalēreōs Peri Hermēneias|Demetriou Phalēreōs Peri Hermēneias = Demetrii Phalerei De Elocutione, Sive Dictione Rhetoriae, in cac Editione, Contextus Graecus ex Optimis Exemplaribus Emendatur, Versio Latina Pass... 1
12:52, 15 September 2014 BlairLecturesOnRhetoric1784Spine.jpg (file) 1.03 MB Wjconlin Spine from Hugh Blair's ''Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres''. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Aitken, 1784. Category:Spines 1
12:50, 15 September 2014 MachiavelliHistoryOfFlorence1761Spines.jpg (file) 716 KB Wjconlin Spines for Niccolo Machiavelli's ''The History of Florence: in Eight Books''. Glasgow: Printed for Robert Urie, 1761. Category:Spines 1
12:49, 15 September 2014 TempleWorks1720Spines.jpg (file) 1.92 MB Wjconlin Spines for Sir William Temple's ''The Works of Sir William Temple, Bart.: To Which is Prefix'd Some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author''. London: Printed for A. Churchill, T. Goodwin, J. Knapton, R. Smith, B.... 1
12:47, 15 September 2014 MiltonHistoricalPoliticalWorks1738Spines.jpg (file) 3.5 MB Wjconlin Spines for ''[[Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton|A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton: Correctly Printed from the Original Editions: With An Hi... 1
12:44, 15 September 2014 HistoryHouseOfLords1742v5-8.jpg (file) 2.08 MB Wjconlin Spines for Great Britain's ''[[History and Proceedings of the House of Lords|The History and Proceedings of The House of Lords, From the Restoration in 1660, to the Present Time, Containing the Most Remarkable Motions, Speeches, Debates, Orders and Res... 1
12:41, 15 September 2014 HistoryHouseOfLords1742v1-4.jpg (file) 2.27 MB Wjconlin Spines for Great Britain's ''[[History and Proceedings of the House of Lords|The History and Proceedings of The House of Lords, From the Restoration in 1660, to the Present Time, Containing the Most Remarkable Motions, Speeches, Debates, Orders and Res... 1
12:36, 15 September 2014 ClarendonHistoryOfTheRebellion1701Spines.jpg (file) 3.66 MB Wjconlin Spines from Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon's ''The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England''. Oxford: Printed at the Theater, An. Dom. 1707. Category:Spines 1
12:22, 15 September 2014 CaldwellDebatesRelative1766Spines.jpg (file) 1.51 MB Wjconlin Spines for Sir James Caldwell's ''[[Debates Relative to the Affairs of Ireland in the Years 1763 and 1764|Debates Relative to the Affairs of Ireland in the Years 1763 and 1764 Taken by a Military Officer to Which are Added, an Inquiry How Far the Restr... 1
12:19, 15 September 2014 BuchananRerumScoticarumSpine1643.jpg (file) 576 KB Wjconlin Spine for George Buchanan's ''Rerum Scoticarum Historia''. Amsterodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1643. Category:Spines 1
12:13, 15 September 2014 XenophonXenophontosHellenika1762Spines.jpg (file) 1.97 MB Wjconlin Spines for Xenophon's ''Ta tou Xenophontos Hellenika: kai ho Agesilaos = Xenophontis Graecorum res Gestae: et Agesilaus''. Glasguae: R. et A. Foulis, 1762. Category:Spines 1
12:08, 15 September 2014 TyrataeusSpartanLessonsSpine1759.jpg (file) 239 KB Wjconlin Spine for Tyrataeus's ''Spartan Lessons; Or, The Praise Of Valour: In The Verses Of Tyrtaeus, An Ancient Athenian Poet, Adopted By The Republic Of Lacedaemon, And Employed To Inspire Their Youth With Warlike Sentiments''. Glasgow: R... 1
12:05, 15 September 2014 ThucydidesHistoryOfThePeloponnesianSpine1753.jpg (file) 1.24 MB Wjconlin Spine for Thucydides's ''History of the Peloponnesian War''. Translated by William Smith. London: Printed by John Watts, 1753. Category:Spines 1
12:03, 15 September 2014 TacitusC.CorneliiTacitiOpera1672Spines.jpg (file) 1.9 MB Wjconlin Spines for Cornelius Tacitus's ''C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Quae Exstant: J. Lipsii, Rhennani, Ursini ... & Selectis Aliorum Commentariis Illustrata''. Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1672-1673. [[Categ... 1
12:02, 15 September 2014 SuetoniusC.SuetoniiTranquilliSpine1718.jpg (file) 1.29 MB Wjconlin Spine for Suetonius's ''C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera Omnia Quae Extant''. Londini: E typographaeo Mariae Matthews : Impensis R. Knaplock, J. & B. Sprint, B. Tooke, H. Clements, F. Gyles, R. Robinson, W. Churchil, & W. Meares, 1718. [[Category:Spi... 1
11:59, 15 September 2014 PotterArchaeologiaGraeca1728Spines.jpg (file) 1.08 MB Wjconlin Spines from John Potter's ''Archæologia Græca'', Printed for J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, ..., 1728. Category: Spines 1
11:56, 15 September 2014 PlutarchLivesSpines1727.jpg (file) 4.74 MB Wjconlin Spines for Plutarch's ''Plutarch's Lives''. Translated with notes historical and critical from M. Dacier. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1727. Category:Spines 1
11:54, 15 September 2014 NeposCorneliiNepotisExcellentiumSpine1749.jpg (file) 380 KB Wjconlin Spine for Cornelius Nepos's ''Cornelii Nepotis Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae et Editione Oxoniensi Fideliter Expressae''. Glasguae: In Aedibus Academicis excudebant Rob. et And. Foulis, 1749. Category:Spines 1
11:53, 15 September 2014 LivyTitiLiviiHistoriarum1678Spine.jpg (file) 407 KB Wjconlin Spine for Livy's ''Titi Livii Historiarum Quod Extat''. Amstelodami: Apud D. Elzevirium, 1678. Category:Spines 1
11:50, 15 September 2014 JosephusWorksSpine1702.jpg (file) 2 MB Wjconlin Spine for Josephus Flavius's ''Works of Flavius Josephus''. Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange. London: Printed for Richard Sare ..., 1702. Category:Spines 1
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