Joseph Blewer & Daniel Robinson to Wythe, John Adams, & Silas Deane, 2 February 1776

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George Wythe, John Adams, and Silas Deane were members of a Continental Congress committee that dealt with collecting the accounts of the hostilities of troops or naval forces on the colonies.[1] Accordingly, Joseph Blewer and David Robinson write to them on the behalf of Daniel and Issac Bourdeaux, owners of the Brigantine Sea Nymph which was seized by the Royal Navy Commander Alexander Graeme. Blewer and Robinson explain that the ship was questionably seized and the owners were not given an explanation beyond the claim that the ship needed to be taken and used for the king. They further explain that the ship's loss was major because of the expense it took to build it. Along with describing the planned voyage and where the seizure occurred, the letter also includes a list of the cargo and passengers with the price of each good.

"Joseph Blewer to Wythe et al, 2 February 1776, pg 1." Image from The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789.

Letter Text

Page 1

To Mess. Deane, Adams, & Wythe,


    Agreeable to the Resolve of the Honorable the Continental Congress of the 18th. October 1775. We in behalf of Mess. Daniel & Issac Bourdeaux of Charlestown in South Carolina. Merchants And ourselves. As owner of the Brigantine Sea Nymph Joseph Bradford Mart. Do herewith diliver in the Protest of the Said Master, William Pyles, Mate, & John Farr one of the Sailors, Against Allexander Gragham [sic] Commander of his Majesties Ship Mercury, for having Seized the Said Brig when Prosecuting her Intended Voyage from this Place to Jamaica, and Carryed her into the Port of Boston, As also the Said Joseph Bradfords Protest against Vice Admiral Graves, For dispossessing of the and taking from him the Command of Said Brig, against his the Said Masters Consent, Giving no reasons other than she being for his Majesties Use, Neither did the Said Admiral or any other Person, offer any Satisfaction in the Master for Said Brig, Gentlemen.

    Before we state any Account for the Value of this Vessel we would beg leave to Premiss, That in the Building & fitting her Ant, no Expence was Spared by her Owner, to have the Materials of which she was Built & Fitted out the first Quality they having Particularly intended her for a Passenger Vessel and for the Gentlest People, in a Trade between this & South Carolina fitted her with Extraordinary Accommodations & at a great Expence for the Purpose, And in which Situation she was taken the Possession off by the Mercury, And at which time we would Not have today less than what we now Charge her in our Account, herewith Delivered, & to which we beg leave to Refer you.

    If you should want any Further Information, than what these Papers herewith delivered will furnish you with, Capn. Bradford and the Saylor John Farr are both now in this City, & if Necessary will at any time write to you, —

Joseph Blewer

Daniel Robinson

Philadelphia 2d. February 1776.

Page 2

"Joseph Blewer to Wythe et al, 2 February 1776, pg 2." Image from The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789.

Blewer & Robinson. Acct. of Seanymph taken from them by the British

Page 3

"Joseph Blewer to Wythe et al, 2 February 1776, pg 3." Image from The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789.

Account, of the Brig Sea Nymph Seized on her
Passage from Philadelphia to Jamaica on the 20th. September 1775
by the ship Mercury Allexander Grayham Commander & Carried
into Boston, Altho she Produced a Legal Clarence for both
Vessel & Cargo, Vessel Value’d by us in behalf her owners
& under which we would not have sold her....£3100. ----

Freight from Philad. to Jamaica, the Balance after
deducting £146.8.9, being the Freight of Such goods
as was Sold in Boston for which the owners Receiv'd }........322.19.8
payment,/ & paid by Mess Harper & Whitte....

Freight from Jamaica to Philadelphia which was
Ingaged in by Harper & Whitte and we took their
freight to Jamaica or let the Brig too them, &
without which we would not have let her out }......345.
And which Harper & Whitte have advise from
their Correspondents was Waiting her arrival
agreeable to their Order


Philadelphia 2d. February 1776

Joseph Blewer

Daniel Robinson

Page 4

"Joseph Blewer to Wythe et al, 2 February 1776, pg 4." Image from The Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789.

    Brig Sea Nymph Freight Lists from Philad. to
Jamaica, as Bills Lading..................................... Vert.

Harper & Whitte goods in Jamaica Court..... £232.8..1/2.
Jacob Spices...£.................................£...............23..15...
Samuel Howell..£.............................................132..8...
Anthony Waine.£.................................................3..5..
Levi Hollingsworth.£..............................................8..12.9
Thomas Camby..................................................1..18...


Vanloose a Cabin Passenger................................10..........
1.Storage Passenge name unknown........................5.......

£ 417..6..10..

Exchange 12 1/2. P.Ct. Advance.....................52..1..7
    Amt. Philadelphia Currency                      £469..8..5

Philad. 10th. Sept. 1775.

See Also

Wythe, John Adams & Silas Deane to Nathaniel Woodhull, 19 October 1775


  1. The Papers of the Continental Congress 1774-1789, ed. John P. Butler (Smithsonian Inst Pr, 1978), M247, r71, i58, p437.