Wythe to John Norton, 3 August 1769

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Mr. John Norton
    Merchant in London
Dear Sir
    I beg the favour of you to send me the articles undermentioned. Capt. Robertson will deliver you nine hogsheads of tobacco, which are all that I made. Pray give mrs. Wythe’s and my best respects to mrs. Norton, and all your good family, and believe me to be
              Your sincere friend
                   G. Wythe
                        3d of Aug. 1769
2 pieces of sheeting linen not exceeding 2s per yard.
2 pieces of irish linen for shirts 2s per yard.
1 piece of ditto ditto 1/3 per yard.
1 piece of dark coloured Russia drab.
Debates of the parliament of Ireland.
Journals of the house of commons since 1766.
Some best razors and pen knives.
A genteel Mans Saddle, bridle & blue housing to be made by Pennymen ord. in J. H. Ns. Letter of 4th Augst.