Les Reports de Henry Rolle

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by Henry Rolle

Les Reports covers the years 1614-1625. Rolle belonged to the intellectual circle of Selden. His work "shows not only stupendous industry, but a fine head for analysis and distinction, was partly the work of this season of his life." [1]

Bibliographic Information

Author: Henry Rolle

Title: Les Reports de Henry Rolle, Serjeant del' Ley, de Divers Cases en le Court del' Banke le Roy en le Temps del' Reign de Roy Jacques

Publication Info: London: Printed for A. Roper, F. Titon, J. Starkey, T. Basset, 1675-1676.


Evidence for Inclusion in Wythe's Library

Description of the Wolf Law Library's copy

Bound in contemporary calf with blind fillets to boards and rebacked in period style with raised bands, lettering piece and gilt ornaments to spine and renewed endpapers. Purchased from The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.


  1. Jump up Wallace, The Reporters 249. Sweet & Maxwell, A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth 1:308.