Wythe to Thomas Jefferson and Edmund Randolph, 17 August 1793
George Wythe informs Thomas Jefferson and Edmund Randolph that the people of Richmond would like at least one of them, if not both of them, to present the enclosed address to President George Washington.

"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson & Edmund Randolph, 17 August 1793, pg 1." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Letter text
Page 1
To Thomas Jefferson and Edmund Randolph.
the citizens of Richmond wish you, or one of you, if the other be absent, to present to the president their address, which is inclosed with this. i am your friend G. Wythe. Richmond 17th of august, 1793.
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"Wythe to Thomas Jefferson & Edmund Randolph, 17 August 1793, pg 2." Image from the Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers.
Thomas Jefferson secretary of state
Edmund Randolph, attorney general.