Wythe to Samuel Adams, 1 August 1778

Letter text
Friend Adams, how d'y'? Are you disposed to devote a few minutes to conversation with an old acquaintance? Has governor Johnstone sent you no letters—offered you no guineas? Whilst you are answering these questions, if they be worth answering, tell me what more you would say if we were eating a saturday's dinner at mrs Yard's,[3] smoaking a pipe in the political club at the Indian queen[4]—holding a tete' a tete' at my apartment opposite to Israels garden[5]—or rambling toward Kensington. In a word, any thing, news, or what you please will be gratefully received. Where is Ellery? I have not had a couplet from him since I left Philadelphia. You may shew him the inclosed; but must not let any one know who so employs that time which he should spend better.
- G. W.
- Williamsburg
- 1 Aug. 1778.
My compliments to mr Hancock, mr Gerry, mr Dana, and such of your colleagues as I know.
See also
- ↑ Letter from George Wythe to Samuel Adams, dated August 1, 1778. From The Samuel Adams Papers, 1635-1826.
- ↑ Edwin Hemphill, in his 1952 article "George Wythe Courts the Muses," suggests the enclosure may have been an epigram of Martial.
- ↑ Mrs. Sarah Yard, proprietor of a popular lodging house, opposite the City Tavern.
- ↑ The Indian Queen Tavern, Fourth and Chestnut/Market Streets, Philadelphia, where many of the Congressional delegates roomed or dined.
- ↑ Clarke Hall, formerly owned by Israel Pendleton. Imogene E. Brown, American Aristides, Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1981), 111 and 123n22.